Exercise 1 for Histology (Epithelial tissue)
- Choice: Select the single most appropriate answer.
- The embedding medium for microscopy is
- paraffin
- ethyl alcohol
- plastic material
- xylol
- celloidin
- The lining qpithelium of the serous body cavities (pericardial, pleural and peritoneal) is
- endothelium
- mesothelium
- simple cuboidal epithelium
- stratified squamous epithelium
- transitional epithelium
- an endocrine gland passes its secretion directly into the
- blood or lymph
- duct
- body surface
- digestive tract
- lumen of acinus
- the nucleus is flattened against the basal plasma memberane of the cells, the cytoplasm is filled with large mucigen droplets, it is the
- serous cell
- mucous cell
- serous demilune
- goblet cell
- myoepithelial cell
- Fill in the blanks:
- In H.E. stain sections, the cytoplasm is stained pink by ______, the nucleus is stained purple-blue by______.
- ______can be demonstrated by the PAS positive reaction.
- The procedure of preparation of histologic slides includes mainly______,______,______,______and mounting.
- Scanning electron microscopy allows the biologist to record accurately in ______of the surface features of cells and tissues.
- In gap jnnution, within the gap are seen a hexagonal array of particles, which appear to be composed of ______arranged around a central channel.
- The 4 basic types of tissue are ______,______,______and ______.
- Epithelia are mainly classified into 2 groups: ______and______.
- The intercellular junctions of epithelial cells are (1) ______,(2) ______,(3) ______,and (4)______.When 2 or more kinds of them are present together, we called it ______.
- Specialized structures on basal surface of epithelial cells are ______,______and ______.
- Pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium consists of 3 kinds of cells with different shape and height, but all set on the basal membrane: ______,______and ______.
- Stratified squamous epithelium consists of 3 kinds of cells from surface to base: ______, ______and ______.
- ______is an example of unicellular gland which secretes mucous.
- Questions:
- Describe the characteristics of epithelial tissue.
- Describe the structural characteristics and functions(location) of each covering epithelial type.
- Compare the structure of microvilli with cilia.
- Compare the structure of intermediate junction with desmosome.
Exercise 2 for Histology (Connective tissue)
- Choice: Select the single most appropriate answer.
- Macrophages can participates in phagocytosis, immunological reactions and secrete several important substances, such as
- AKP and lysozyme
- Heparin and interferon
- Complement and histamine
- Antibody and heparin
- Lysozyme and interferon
- The microfibrils show a characteristic crossbanding with a major periodicity of 64 nm. They are located in
- smooth muscle fiber and reticular fiber
- collagenous fiber and reticular fiber
- striated muscle fiber and collagenous fiber
- collagenous fiber and elastic fiber
- elastic fiber and reticular fiber
- the macromolecule of each tropocollagen is long
- 64nm
- 70nm
- 140nm
- 280nm
- 2800nm
- The irregularly arranged dense connective tissue is usually distributed in
- tendon
- yellow elastic ligament
- dermis of skin
- epiglottis
- epidermis of skin
- Fill in the blanks:
- In any type of connective tissue there are three elements: ______, ______and ______.
- According to their properties of ground substance, there are 3 types of connective tissue: ______,______and ______.
- There are 5 classes of connective tissue proper: ______,______, ______, ______and ______.
- Tissue fluid leaves the capillary through its ______and repenetrates the blood at the ______.
- The main glycosaminoglycans (GAG) are composed of a core protein associated with ______,______,______and ______.
- Hyaluronidases are produced by ______,______,______to hydrolyse hyaluronic acid and to reduce the viscosity of matrix barrier and spead in tissues.
- The cell types in loose connective tissue are ______,______, ______, ______,______,______and ______.
- There are 3 main types of connective tissue fibers: ______,______and ______.
- The cytoplasm of young fibroblasts and plasma cells are rich in ______, ______and ______are well developed.
- The procedure of collagen fibers synthesis is: amino acids--- synthesizes ______(RER) ----- ______(Golgiapparatus) -----______(extracellular space) ---- collagenous fibrils.
- There are numerous ______, ______,______, ______and ______etc. in cytoplasm of macrophages.
- The granules of mast cell consist of chemical mediators such as ______, ______,______,______,______and ______.
- Reticular tissues are composed of ______,______and ______.
- Questions:
- Describe the characteristics of connective tissue.
- Compare the structure of collagen fibers with elastic fibers.
- Compare the fine structure and function of fibroblast with macrophage under the light microscope.
- Compare the structure of plasma cell with mast cell.
Exercise 3 for Histology (Cartilage and bone)
- Choice: Select the single most appropriate answer.
- The elastic cartilage is found in the
- respiratory tract
- symphysis pubis
- intervertebral disc
- articular surface
- auricle and epiglottis
- Periosteum is a fibrous sheath which one is incorrect in following contents
- enveloping the whole bone
- consisting of two layers
- osteoprogenitor cells in the inner layer
- sharpey’s fibers enter the bone
- protection, nutrition, repair and regeneration
- When hemoglobin of erythrocyte escapes into the plasma, the outward passage of hemoglobin is called
- anemia
- microcyte
- macrocyte
- hemolysis
- agglutination
- During development the platelets are derived from the azurophilic granules of
- macrophage
- megakaryocyte
- lymphoblast
- monoblast
- erythroblast
- Fill in the blanks:
- Cartilage tissues are composed of ______,______and ______.
- Cartilage are composed of ______and ______.
- Cartilage can be classified into 3 types: ______, ______and ______.
- There are 2 growth fashions of hyaline cartilage ______and ______.
- The collagenous fibers in hyaline cartilage are not apparent in fresh material since they have approximately the same ______as that of the surrounding ground substance, the collagen is in the form of ______.
- Bone is the biggest ______reservoir, and it is in the form of osseous salt called ______with the composition Ca10(Po4)6(OH)2.
- Osseous tissue is composed of ______, ______and ______.
- There are 4 types of bone cells: ______,______,______and ______.
- The structure of long bones includes ______, ______, ______,______,______and ______and so on.
- The structures of compact bone are composed of ______,______, ______,______and ______, surrounding them there is often a deposit of amorphous material called the ______-.
- The blood components are formed by ______and ______. The former includes______and ______, the later includes ______, ______and ______.
- The cytoplasm of erythrocyte contains rich ______which combined with oxygen or CO2. The immature erythrocyte is ______.
- The normal average number of erythrocyte is ______. The normal number of platelet is ______.
- Each erythrocyte is shaped like a ______, and has lost its______.
- If the number of leukocytes is increased above 12,000, the condition is referred to as ______, if decreased below 5000, it is called ______.
- The ultrastructure of blood platelets may demonstrate two regions: ______and ______.
- The structure of red bone marrow is composed of ______,______and ______.
- Between epiphysis and diaphysis there is the ______which keep proliferating to enable the bone growing up. When it stops growth the ______substitutes cartilage.
- Questions:
- Describe the structural characteristic of chondrocyte.
- Describe the structural of bone matrix ( or bone lamellae).
- Compare the morphologic features of osteoblast with osteocyte and osteoclast.
- Describe the classification, percentage, size, structure and function of leukocytes.
Exercise 4 for histology (Muscular tissue)
I. Choice: Select the single most appropriate answer.
1. The main components of the thick filaments of myofibril are
A. actin B. myosin
C. tropomyosin D. troponin
E. myofilament
2. The location of T tubules of cardiac muscle differ from those of skeletal muscle, the former lie at the
A. A-I junctions B.I bands
C. A bands D.M lines
E. Z lines
3. Sarco-plasmic reticulum of muscle fiber is composed of
A. lysosome B. mitochondria
C. microsome D. RER
4.The cell junction which transmit rapidly an electrical impulse between adjacent smooth muscle cells is
A. tight junction B. intermediate junction
C. gap junction D. desmosome
E. semidesmosome
II. Fill in the blanks:
- Three types of muscle may be distinguished: , , and .
2. The sarcomere is a distance of myofibrils between two adjacent lines. It consists of band + band + band.
3. Triad of striated skeletal muscle includes +
+ components.
4. The I band of myofibril consists only of the portions of the , the A band is composed of both and , the H band consists only of the .
5. A thin filament is composed of , , and .
6. Individual skeletal muscle fibers are covered by ; each bundle is surrounded by ;each termed muscle of gross anatomy is enveloped by .
7. The present of dark staining transverse line or a steplike line at the interface between adjacent cardiac muscle cells is called . The junctional complex are , and .
8. Diad of striated cardiac muscle includes and ,
9. In smooth muscle cells there are some on the sarcolemma, and some in the sarcoplasm, they constitute a .
10.In smooth muscle cells, there are 3 kinds of filament: , , and .
- Describe the characteristics of muscle tissue.
- Compare the similar with the difference for three kinds of muscle cells according to their fine structure and ultrastructure.
- Describe the molecular structure of myofilaments in detail.
- Explain briefly the contraction mechanism of the striated skeletal muscle.
Exercise 5 for histology (Nervous tissue)
I. Choice: Select the single most appropriate answer.
1. The neuroglial cells with phygocytosis in nervous tissue are
A. astrocytes B. oligodendrocytes
C. microglial cells D. ependymal cells
E. Schwann cells
2. Cerebrospinal fluid fill in the
A. epidural space B. subdural space
C. perivascular space D.subarachnoid space
E. subpial space
3. In myelinated fibers of the PNS, myelin sheath is a series of concentric layers of cell plasma membrane of
A. Schwann cell B. oligodendrocyte
C. axon of neuron D. satellite cell
E. astrocyte
4. The function of neuroglia is responsible for
A. transmiting impulse B. metabolic exchange
C. contraction D. secretion
E. absorption
II. Fill in the blanks
1. The 2 special structures in cytoplasm of neuron are and .
2. Each neuron has 2 kinds of processes: and .
3. According to number of the processes, neurons can be classified into ,
and .
4. According to their function, neurons can be classified into ,
and .
5. There are 2 kinds of nerve fibers: and .
6. Mylinated nerve fibers are composed of , and
7. The spaces between adjacent Schwann cells which has no myelin sheath are called .
8. Myelin sheaths are formed by in the peripheral nervous system, and they are formed by processes in the central nervous system.
9. Free sensory nerve ending are receptors to and ; Meissner’s corpuscles are the receptors for ; muscle spindles are responsible for the . Lamellated corpuscles are receptors to or or .
10. The ultrastructure of the chemical synapses include: (1) ,(2)
(3) ;(4) .
11. The electrical synapses are composed of between presynaptic membrane and post-synaptic membrane.
12. The neuroglia cell in central nervous system are , ,
and . The neuroglial cells in peripheral nervous system are and .
13. The meninges include three membranes: , and
III. Questions:
- Describe the characteristics of nerve tissue.
- Point out the different features of the structure both dendrite and axon.
- Describe the structure and function of motor end-plate.
- Describe the structure of blood-brain barrier in detail.
- Describe the ultrastructure of Nissl body and neurofibril.
Exercise 6 for histology (Cardiovascular system)
I. Choice: Select the single most appropriate answer.
1. Fenestrated capillaries are found in the
A. muscle tissue B. lung
C. brain D. kidney and intestinal mucosa
E. connective tissue
2. The tunica media of large artery is characterized by
A. 20 to 40 layers of elastic fibers
B. 40 to 70 layers of smooth muscles
C. 40 to 70 layers of collagenous fibers
D. 40 to 70 layers of elastic fibers
E. 40 to 70 layers of elastic laminae
3. The venous valves are composed of
A. endothelium B. mesothelium
C. elastic connective tissue
D. elastic connective tissue and lined on both sides by endothelium
E. elastic connective tissue and lined on both sides by mesothelium
4. The Purkinje fibers in heart lie mainly in the
A. subendothelial layer
B. subendocardial layer
C. myocardium D. epicardium
E. atrioventricular node
II. fill in the blanks:
1. The cardiovascular system is composed of the following structures: (1) , (2) , (3) , and (4) .
2. The lymphatic vascular system contains (1). , (2) and
(3) .
3. The general structure of capillary includes , and a few .
Around them the undifferentiated cells called can regulate the diameter of the capillaries and form fibroblasts: smooth muscle cells.
4. The capillaries can be grouped into 3 types depending on the ultra-structure of the endothelial cell walls: , and .
- The general structure of the medium-sized arteries or veins can be divided into 3 layers:
(1) , (2) ; and (3) .
6. The tunica intima of blood vessels consists of , and .
7. In the tunica media of blood vessels there are not fibroblasts, the fibers and proteoglycans are producted by cells.
8. The arteries of medium diameter are called , the arteries of large diameter are called .
9. The cardiac walls consist of 3 tunicas: (1) , (2) and (3) .
The thickest layer is .
10. The impulse conducting system of the heart contains many cells called .
11. The large molecule can pass through the capillaries via special structures of endothelial cell:
, and .
III. Questions:
- Describe the ultrastructure and distribution of the 3 types of capillaries.
- Compared the different structure between the artery and vein.
- Compared the structure of medium-sized artery with that of small-sized and large artery.
- Compared the structure between endocardium and epicardium.
Exercise 7 for Histology (Immune system)
I. Choice: Select the single most appropriate answer.
- The source of T lymphocytes in peripheral lymphoid organ is derived from
A. thymus B. tonsils
C. lymph nodes D. bone marrow
E. spleen
2. The afferent lymphatic vessels enter the parenchyma of lymph node from
A. hilum B. sinus
C. capsule D. cortex
E. medulla
3. The capsule of spleen is covered by
A. periosteum B. pericardium
C. perimysium D. perineurium
E. peritoneum
4. The place where the macrophages contact first with antigen in spleen is
A. splenic cord B. splenic sinusoid
C. splenic nodule D. marginal zone
E. periarterial lymphatic sheath
II. Fill in the blanks:
1. The central lymphoid organs include and . The peripheral lymphoid organs include , and .
2. The main component of lymphoid organs are . They are composed of
, numerous and macrophages.
3. Each lobule of thymus has a peripheral zone of and a central zone of .
4. In the thymus, lymphocytes are also called , the epithelial reticular cells can mainly secrete and to induce the division and differentiation of stem cells.
5. A characteristic feature of the thymus medulla is the prescence of which consist of concentric layers of cells.
6. The blood-thymus barrier is formed by the following layers: of the blood capillary wall, their basement membrane, a perivascular space containing some , the basal lamina of the , and the processes of .
7. The cortical region of lymph node is composed of , and .
8. The T lymphocytes are mainly found in the of lymph node and the of spleen. The B lymphocytes are mainly found in the , of lymph node and
of spleen. The T and B lymphocytes are found in .
9. The post-capillary venules of lymph node may be found in and lined by cells.
10. The structure of tonsil consists of epithelium, a numerous and in lamina propria, and formed by dense connective tissue.
III. Questions:
1. Describe the characteristics of thymic cortex.
2. Compare the structures of medullary region of lymph node with that of red pulp of spleen.
- Describe the recirculation of lymphocytes.
- Describe the blood circulation in spleen.
Exercies 8 for Histology (Skin)
I. Choice: Select the single most appropriate answer.
1. Which function of skin is incorrect in following contents
A. protect the human body
B. prevent the invasion from bacteria etc.
C. sensory organ
D. store and supply energy
E. excrete water and some waste products
2. Nonkeratinocytes include
A. monocytes, Langerhans cells and Merkel cells
B. melanocytes, islets of langerhans and Merkel cells
C. basal cells, spinous cells and granular cells
D. spinous cells, granular cells and horney cells
E. melanocytes, Langerhans cells and Merkel cells
3. Racial differences in skin color are due to differences in the number and size of
A. melanosome B. melanocyte
C. melanophore D. Langerhans cell
E. melanin granule
4. Sweat glands are most numerous in the
A. palms and soles B. palm and axilla
C. axilla and areola of the nipple
D. sole and labia majora E. epidermis and dermis
II. Fill in the blanks:
1. The skin consists of 2 layers: a superficial layer of epithelium called and a deep layer of connective tissue called .
2. The epidermis is composed of epithelium; The dermis is mainly composed of
connective tissue.
3. The melanocytes are lack of bundles of in the cytoplasm, but have numerous ovoid and with melanin.
4. The Langerhans cells have an nucleus and present more and characteristic racket-shape granules in their cytoplasm.
5. The dermis consists of layer and layer. The subcutaneous tissue is composed of , and contains more .
6. The skin appendages include , , , and mammary gland.
7. Each hair root is surrounded by , it is expanded into a . The base of it is invaginated by connective tissue which called . is attached at one end to the connective tissue sheath of the follicle and at the other to the papillary layer of the dermis.
8. The cells of the sebaceous acini are small, in outer layer and large in center. They contain abundant in their cytoplasm. The products of secretion are .
III. Questions:
1. Describe simply the strata and histologic features of the epidermis of palms or soles.
2. Please explain the formed factors of cutaneous pigmentation.
3. Compare the structures and distribution of sweat gland with that of large sweat gland.
Exercise 9 for Histology (Endocrine system)
I. Choice: Select the single most appropriate answer.
1. Neural stalk in hypophysis is composed of
A. pars distalis and pars tuberalis
B. pars nervosa and pars intermedia
C. pars tuberalis and pars intermedia
D. pars nervosa and median eminence
E. infundibular stem and median eminence
2. Which results is not followed by hypophysectomy in following:
A. cessation of bone growth
B. atrophy of thyroid
C. atrophy of sex organs
D. atrophy of suprarenal cortex
E. increasing in the percentage of basophils
3. In pars nervosa of hypophysis, Herring bodies are composed of
A. groups of neurosecretory granules
B. neuroglial cell
C. dendrite of neuron
D. dendrite of neuron
E. axon of neuron
4. On electron microscopy, the most characteristic feature of component cells of the zona fasciculat is
A. numerous SER and RER
B. well-developed RER and numerous mitochondria
C. well-developed SER and numerous mitochondria
D. well-developed SER and numerous mitochondria with tubular cristae and lipid droplets
E. well-developed RER and numerous mitochondria with tubular cristae and lipid droplets
II. Fill in the blanks:
1. Hypophysis is derived from two different tissues: The adenohypophysis is derived from ; The neurohypophysis is derived from the floor of .
2. There are three types of cells in the pars distalis of pituitary gland: , and .