Public Works

Summary Minutes

Work Session was held between the CountyCommissioners and Public Works on Wednesday, May 20, 2009, at 9:00 a.m., in the IslandCountyAnnexBuilding, Commissioners’ Hearing Room, B-102, Coupeville, WA. Present were:

CountyCommissioners: John Dean, ChairStaff: Pam Dill

Helen Price Johnson, Member

Angie Homola, Member

Staff Present: Bill Oakes, Bryant Mercil, Randy Brackett, Steve Marx

Others Present: Elaine Marlow, Chris Luerkens, Matt Kukuk

Public Works

Subject: PWP 08-06: Jail Control Project

Attachment: Cover Sheet: WO 417, Public Works Project No. 08-06

Proposed Action: Resolution C-68-09/R28-09 – In the Matter of Approving Plans and

Specifications & Authorizing Call for Bids for Island County Jail Controls Replacement project;

PWP 08-06, Work Order 417

Follow Up: Okay with Board.

Subject: Swanlake Preservation Discussion


Proposed Action: moved to Chairman’s agenda

Follow Up:


Subject: PO for Solar Panel and Well Installation at MargueriteBronsPark - FETCH

Attachment: PO, Invoices & memo

Proposed Action: Purchase Order No. 05092 – FETCH for solar panel and well installation at

Marguerite Brons; Memorial Park; Amount: $7,000.00

Follow Up: Okay with Board.

Subject: Initiation of Parks South Whidbey District


Discussion: Steve noted that he has started initial conversations with Terri Arnold, Executive Director of SouthWhidbeyParks and Recreation (SWPRD), about sharing parks responsibilities on the south end of the island to help preserve and maintain the park system.

The County splits ownership of three properties on the south end with the Port of South Whidbey; Freeland Park, Mutiny Bay boat launch and Dave Mackie Park. SWPRD has expressed an interest in those properties.

The County has three 25-year contracts with the Department of Fish and Wildlife for maintenance of DeerLake, GossLake and LoneLake, two of which expire this summer and the third, early in 2010. SWPRD has expressed an interest in assuming those leases with Fish and Wildlife. SWPRD has also expressed interest in taking over the management of Marguerite Brons off leash DogPark, Double Bluff Beach and Dan Porter Park.

Island County Parks Division is down to one full time employee and a .6 FTE and is basically just maintaining those properties.

It was Steve’s opinion that it would be in the County’s best interest to let SWPRD take over any of those properties in whatever fashion the Board decides on. It would allow the County to focus on RhododendronPark and LibbeyBeach. The County has already taken measures to begin eliminating trash cans at Ala Spit, Moran’s Beach and Ethel Taylor. Staff spends an entire Monday and Friday just making garbage runs. They plan on putting up “Pack in/Pack out” signs in the fall after the close of fishing season. He is also looking into an Adopt-A-park program and new fees for CornetBay.

Commissioner Homola remarked that she was concerned about the liability of doing some kind of partnership with another entity and also about the people who are already paying taxes for parks on South Whidbey.

Bill pointed out that there is no set way for SWPRD to take over parks. They could lease the property from the County, buy the property from the County, operate it on a long term management contract with the County maintaining ownership, or a mix of all of those going from property to property.

Steve noted that he will be attending a SWPRD Board meeting tonight where they will be discussing the issue and will report any decisions made back to the BICC.

The BICC agreed that if SWPRD did not want to take over the lease on the lakes that the County should renew their contracts with the state.


Subject: Ault Field Road – Bid Opening

Attachment: none

Proposed Action: Bill noted that Public Works will be going out for bids on the Ault Field Road

Widening project. He will tabulate the bids and review the recommendations of the lowest bidder

and then distribute his recommendation to the Board via email.

Follow up: Okay with Board.

Subject: CRP/Reservation RoadPolnell Road Guardrail

Attachment: CRP 09-07; WO 459

Proposed Action: Resolution C-66-09/R-26-09 In the Matter of Initiating a County Road Project

designated as CRP 09-07, Work Order 459; Reservation Road/Polnell Road Guardrail; Total

Appropriation $240,000.00,


Follow up: Okay with Board.

Subject: CRP/Hastie Lake RoadZylstra Road Intersection

Attachment: CRP 09-06; WO 457

Proposed Action: Resolution C-65-09/R-25-09 – In the Matter of Initiating a County Road

Projectdesignated as CRP 09-06, Work Order 458; Hastie Lake Road & Zylstra Road

Intersection Improvements; Total Appropriation $238,000.00, (federal)

Follow up: Okay with Board.

Subject: CRP/Hunt RoadTaylor Road Curve Warning Improvements

Attachment: CRP 09-05; WO 457

Proposed Action: Resolution C-64-09/R-24-09 – In the Matter of Initiating a County Road

Project designated as CRP 09-05, Work Order 457; Hunt Road and Taylor Road Curve Warning


$22,000.00, (federal)

Follow Up: Okay with Board.

Subject: CRP/Run-off Road Safety Improvement Projects

Attachment: CRP 09-08; WO 465

Proposed Action: Resolution C-67-09/R-27-09 – In the Matter of Initiating a County Road

Project designated as CRP 09-08, Work Order 465; Island County Low cost Run-off Road Safety


$350,000.00, (federal)

Follow Up: Okay with Board.

Subject: Discuss Purchase of Concrete Supplies for all four Road Shops

Attachment: PO & Estimates

Proposed Action: Jack Taylor recommended award for concrete supplies to the lowest

Responsible bidder, Hanson’s Building Supply, Total Amount incl WWST $34,243.13

Follow Up: Okay with Board.

Subject: Discuss bid Award – 2009 Culvert Supplies

Attachment: Recommendation, Bid Comparison & PO

Proposed Action: Bill recommended award forCulvert Supplies for 2009 with delivery to Oak

Harbor, Coupeville, and Bayview shops to the lowest responsible bidder, Pacific Corrugated Pipe,

Inc, Total Amount

incl WSST $8,177.70.

Follow Up: Okay with Board.

Subject: Discuss Bid Award – 2009 Dump truck

Attachment: Recommendation, Bid comparison & PO

Proposed Action: Bill recommended award to the lowest responsible bidder, Motor Trucks,

Inc. for one new 2009 International 7600 Dump Truck at a total cost of $91,909.77 (incl

mandatory trade-in and WSST)

Follow Up: Okay with Board.

Subject: Shoreline Drive Right-of-Way Dedication QuitClaim Deed – Beardsley

Attachment: Letter from Evergreen Surveying, QuitClaim Deed & Final Order of Vacation

Proposed Action: Quitclaim Deed – Wayne L & Lynn I. Beardsley; Lot 28, Division No. 2, Plat of TyeeBeach; Sec.11, Twp 30N, R 3E, Condition of Final Order of Vacation – Portion of Shoreline Drive, Resolution C-157-07/R-47-07.

Follow up: Okay with Board.

Subject: Interlocal with Town of Coupeville


Proposed Action: Interlocal Cooperative Agreement between IslandCounty and the Town of Coupeville for road striping for the Town of Coupeville. The contractor that the Town typically uses has gone out of business. Bill recommended the Board approve the agreement as a reimbursable item to the Town of Coupeville.

Follow up: Okay with Board.

Subject: Camano Hill Road opening/Rally

Attachment: no

Information: Randy Brackett noted that on Saturday, May 30th, at 10 a.m., Public Works will be hosting a ribbon cutting ceremony recognizing the completion of the largest road project in the county’s history. Camano Hill Road improvements were made to meet the needs of all ground transportation modes and is intended to serve needs well into the futures. A rally of vintage cars, electric vehicles, motorcycles and bicycles will gather at the west intersection of Chase Way and Camano Hill Road for a few quick words, then travel the recently completed Camano Hill Road.

The project involved $4.7 million of County road funds and $1 million of County Road Administration Board Rural Arterial Preservation funds and reconstructed the 3.5 mile road including a signalized intersection with East Camano Drive and resurfaced the Camano Transfer Station.

WSU / Extension Services

Summary Minutes

Work Session was held between the CountyCommissioners and WSU/Extension on Wednesday, May 20, 2009, at 10:30 a.m., in the IslandCountyAnnexBuilding, Commissioners’ Hearing Room, B-102, Coupeville, WA. Present were:

CountyCommissioners: John Dean, ChairStaff: Pam Dill

Helen Price Johnson, Member

Angie Homola, Member

Staff Present: Judy Feldman, Sarah Martin

Others Present: Elaine Marlow

Subject: Proposed schedule for WSU

Attachment: yes

Proposed Action: Judy noted that given the need to adjust staffing levels, it was felt that it would be appropriate to completely close the office on Fridays. There are two fundamental reasons for this action. To attempt 5 day-a-week coverage with the staffing levels that will take effect on June 1st would spread remaining staff so thin that there would be an even greater decrease of service. The second reason is that they are genuinely creating a new way of doing business and their volunteers and the public need to come to grips with the loss of the old way. WSU Extension will provide a press release, signage on their door and information on their voice mail message.

Follow up: The Board approved allowing WSU Extension to be closed on Fridays.

Subject: Beach Watchers

Attachment: no

Discussion: Sarah Martin, Beach Watchers Coordinator, noted that the workBeach Watchers volunteers do fits very nicely into the Puget Sound Partnership’s action agenda. Beach Watchers continues to do that work to the best of their ability with limited funding and part of that is supporting projects such as the CornetBay restoration, intertidal monitoring, seining, stewardship efforts in conjunction with Shore Stewards and various other citizen science projects.

In May Beach Watchers hosted PSP’s ECO Net Coordination Days. Coordination Days is an effort to link all of the people offering environmental education and outreach in the community together and develop an ongoing ECO network. Information gathered was turned over to Nancy Wadell, Whidbey Watershed Stewards, as the ECO Net Coordinator. WSU Extension’s role is more in the education arena.

Commissioner Price Johnson noted that the Board sent a letter to PSP advocating for Beach Watchers to be funded through federal and state dollars. During a conference call with the Coastal Caucus the Coordinator of the Ecosystem Coordination Board indicated that funding for Beach Watchers was in the budget. She agreed that Beach Watchers was a good fit with the PSP’s action agenda.

Sarah said the biggest challenge will be clarifying the relationship between PSP and Beach Watchers and how the work will be done. Beach Watchers volunteers want to be involved in the developmental stage otherwise they do not have a vested interest.

Judy noted that she will be attending a regional Beach Watchers meeting this afternoon and one of the things she wants to talk about is how to move forward with accomplishing the regional goals but also make them aware to each counties differences.

Commissioner Price Johnson noted that there is a huge percentage of the population around Puget Sound that still does not recognize that there is a crisis with regard to current environmental impacts to Puget Sound and estuary water quality . If Beach Watchers could just focus their educational outreach on that one issue it would be an enormous accomplishment.

Planning & Community Development

Summary Minutes

Work Session was held between the CountyCommissioners and the Planning Department on Wednesday, May 20, 2009, at 11:00 a.m., in the IslandCountyAnnexBuilding, Commissioners’ Hearing Room, B-102, Coupeville, WA. Present were:

CountyCommissioners: John Dean, Chair Staff: Pam Dill

Helen Price Johnson, Member

Angie Homola, Member

Staff Present: Keith Higman, Paula Bradshaw

Others Present: Elaine Marlow, Jeff Tate (teleconference)

Subject: 2009 Fee Schedule

Attachments: proposed fee schedule

Discussion: Keith noted that at the last work sessionCommissioner Dean suggested he ask Jeff Tate to attend (by teleconference) the next work session to walk though the process that was used to evaluate the fee increases.

The Board would like the Resolution to reflect that the land use permit fees were increased in order to cover the actual costs of providing the service and to be more in line with surrounding counties.

Commissioner Homola asked if the fees include the public notification cost being incumbent upon the applicant.

Keith said they do as they currently exist. The Board may want to revisit the fee schedule should they decide in the future to require increased public notification.

Jeff Tate explained that he looked at fee schedules from other jurisdictions and asked staff to go through those permit applications that he felt they were not recovering the cost of and estimate the staff (administrative and planning) time spent to review and process each one as well as the cost for legal notices and the yellow notice sign.

Commissioner Dean asked about the reasoning behind increasing appeals to the Hearing Examiner by others from $60.00 to $300.00 and not increasing the cost of an appeal to the Hearing Examiner by the applicant.

Jeff noted appeals are very expensive and he has struggled with how to make that equitable and not have other applications subsidizing the appeal process. His reasoning for not increasing appeals by the applicant was because they have already paid an application fee for the permit they are appealing as well as the fact that planning staff has already reviewed the permit so less staff time would be needed for the appeal process.

Commissioner Price Johnson asked if other jurisdictions separated out appeals by the applicant and appeals by other parties. Jeff replied that he did not find any other counties doing that.

Keith remarked that there was some discussion about refunding the appeal fee should the appellant prevail. Jeff said that he did not address that however in checking with other jurisdictions that is a common practice.

Commissioner Price Johnson remarked that the cost of the Hearing Examiner is the same whether the appeal is initiated by the applicant or another party.

Commissioner Homola said just because the applicant paid into the process of reviewing the permit application doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t have to pay now because they choose to appeal it.

The Board agreed to increase the appeal fee for both the applicant and other parties to $400.00 in order to try and recover some of the costs of processing an appeal and consider revisiting the fee schedule on an annual basis.

Elaine Marlow asked if the $50.00 addressing fee factors in any work done by the Assessor’s Office. Jeff indicated that he only allotted for Planning’s front counter staff time. Keith noted that he would have a conversation with the Assessor about what his level of effort and expense is for addressing or any other land use permits.

The last remaining issue is the cost of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA). Jeff’s suggested cost is $800.00. He estimated a CPA cost upwards to $10,000.00. The County receives approximately one CPA every two years. Jeff pointed out that the applicant can get an amendment sponsored by Planning staff, the Planning Commission or the Board at no charge.

Commissioner Dean suggested increasing the cost of a CPA to $1000.00. Commissioner Price Johnson and Commissioner Homola concurred.

Follow up: Okay with Board to bring the resolution to the June 1, 2009 Board meeting to set for public hearing. Keith will revise the resolution to reflect the Board’s comments. Health Department

Summary Minutes

Work Session was held between the CountyCommissioners and the Health Department on Wednesday, May 20, 2009, at 1:00 p.m., in the IslandCountyAnnexBuilding, Commissioners’ Hearing Room, B-102, Coupeville, WA. Present were:

CountyCommissioners: John Dean, Chair Staff: Pam Dill

Helen Price Johnson, Member

Angie Homola, Member

Staff Present: Keith Higman, Kerry Graves, Linda Telles, Carrie McLaughlin, Suzanne Turner, Dr. Roger Case,

Others Present: Elaine Marlow


Subject: Point of Distribution (POD) agreements

Attachment: none

Information: The Board approvedPoint of Dispensing Agreements with Island

Drug and Phibbs Camano Pharmacy, P.C., dba Mark’s Camano Pharmacy for the

purpose of establishing a point of dispensing (POD) for antibiotics,

antiviral medications or vaccine to the general public at the direction of the local health

officer during times of health and medical disasters. The State Risk Pool is raising

some liability concerns in association with those agreements. Keith and Dr. Case are

of the same opinion that there are conditions under public health emergencies that are

different in terms of liability then other events.

Subject: SouthWhidbeyFamilyResourceCenter (SWFRC) update