Executive Committee Meeting

September 17, 2012


1.  Approval of September 4, 2012 Meeting Minutes

2.  Enrollment Charts

·  Headcount Enrollment of Majors (handout)

·  Freshmen Enrollment by Major – S. Kronstadt (handouts)

3.  Advisors for Student Athletes (handout)

4.  Intern Certifications (handout)

5.  Tentative Winter Session Dates and Rules (handout)

6.  Academic Chairperson’s Conference

·  Bear Creek Mountain Resort – January 14-15, 2013

7.  Retention and Progress Toward Graduation

8.  Instructional Funds – Taskstream Student Accounts

9.  Feedback from CAEP Conference

10.  As May Arise


Cc: J. Cevallos

C. Vargas

University Senate

University Curriculum



September 17, 2012

Minutes of Meeting

Attendance: J. Burnett, D. Garber, C. Kirn, E. Long, D. Lynch, J. McCarthy, T. Stahler. Absent: D. Barlieb

Guest: S. Kronstadt, COE Graduate Assistant

1.  Approval of the Meeting Minutes

·  Motion by D. Lynch, as seconded by J. Burnett, to approve the minutes from the September 4, 2012 meeting was approved unanimously.

2. Enrollment Charts

·  A handout was distributed to all showing enrollment trends for the period Fall 2007 to Fall 2011. The charts were reviewed and discussed. It was noted that fall 2012 data would be interesting to see after enrollment numbers are finalized for the semester.

·  S. Kronstadt reviewed freshmen enrollment charts she prepared by major and explained interesting factors noticing decreased COE enrollment and how that decrease was picked up in the College of Business numbers. Samantha will email each chair their respective enrollment charts after freeze file date to show fall 2012 numbers.

3. Advisors for Student Athletes

·  A handout of Edinboro’s Student-Athlete Advisor Program was distributed to all for review. D. Garber highlighted NCAA rules for student athletes. Discussion followed. It was noted that for the COE, this would only affect pre-candidates since once they make candidacy students require a 3.0. The group confirmed their previous decision to defer to the department chair for any student athlete advising issues.

4. Intern Certifications

·  D. Garber referred to an email he received from PDE requesting that we confirm the list of internships we are offering. Copies of the PDE Framework for a Teacher Intern Certification Program were distributed to all. Discussion followed as to how our programs could meet these new guidelines. D. Garber will look into Chapter 49.2 guidelines to see if an expedited review can be done for the MPH/VI, PreK4 and 4-8 programs to be approved for the intern certification.

·  Committee members agreed that the internship is more practical for the program when used as a substitution for student teaching, as we are currently doing. The group discussed if the program could continue in this format or if it would need to be revised to conform to the new guidelines.

·  D. Garber will respond that all listed intern programs are current with the exception of Special Education N-12 which terminates at the end of 2012, and the Music intern program.

5. Tentative Winter Session Dates and Rules

·  A handout was distributed noting the tentative dates and rules for offering courses in Winter Session 2013. Chairs were asked to start thinking about their winter schedules.

6. Academic Chairpersons Conference

·  Chairs were encouraged to attend the Academic Chairperson’s Conference scheduled at Bear Creek Mountain Resort on January 14-15, 2013.

7. Instructional Funds – Taskstream Student Accounts

·  Feedback was requested as to whether Taskstream accounts should be purchased for COE students with Instructional Support funds. The group responded unfavorably to this idea. The Deans Office will transfer to each COE academic department an equal allocation of funds to be used for Instructional Support purposes.

8. Feedback from CAEP Conference

·  J. McCarthy provided feedback from the recent CAEP (NCATE) Conference held in Washington, D.C. Data was the most pronounced theme at the conference, noting that the individualized sessions stressed data consistency.

·  The BOE will be focusing on weaknesses.

·  New terminology: EPP (Education Preparation Providers). As the merger of NCATE and CAEP gets closer, terminology may be changing to ensure they are using common terms.

9. As May Arise

·  J. McCarthy reported that all SPA’s were submitted by the September 15 deadline.

·  The community college articulation agreement was discussed. Some courses have changed dramatically and may no longer transfer. This needs to be communicated to the community colleges. D. Garber suggested hosting a breakfast meeting with the community colleges to update them on course requirements and testing changes. D. Garber will check with Emily Wagner for a recommendation of contact people at the community colleges.

·  E. Long questioned the timeline for the K-12 program to incorporate the 190 hours. D. Garber will check on when this needs to be completed.

·  Departments were reminded that as certain funds, for example, program initiatives, may not be renewed, faculty requests for travel will need to be handled through the departments.

·  Chairs were reminded that the deadline is approaching for the 2012 – 2013 Instructional Technology Fee requests.

On a motion by E. Long seconded by T. Stahler, to adjourn the meeting was passed unanimously.