August 1-2, 20022 August 2002

Washington, D.C.Original: Spanish


Place: Padilha Vidal Room (GSB)Date: 2 August 2002

Time: 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Officers of the CIM for the period 2000-2002:

Hon. Indranie Chandarpal, President (Guyana)

Nora Uribe, Vice President (Venezuela)

Florence Ievers, Principal Delegate (Canada)

Mariela Peña Pinto, Alternate Delegate (El Salvador)

Soledad de Ramírez, Principal Delegate (Honduras)

Yadira Henríquez de Sánchez, Principal Delegate (Dominican Republic)

Laura Dupuy, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Uruguay

The following were also in attendance:

Anne-Marie Layne Campbell, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Antigua and Barbuda

Silvia Merega, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Argentina

Martín Gómez Bustillo, Counselor, Permanent Mission of Argentina

Marcia M. C. Adorno Ramos, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Brazil

David L. Keithlin, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Canada

Anne Tamara Lorre, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Canada

Kimberly Rebenchuk, Foreign Affairs Assistant, Status of Women Canada

María de los Angeles Barraza, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Colombia

Esmeralda Britton, Principal Delegate (Costa Rica)

Roxana Terán Victory, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Costa Rica

Verónica Peña-Montero, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Ecuador

Patricia Clarke, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Grenada

Rita Di Martino, Principal Delegate (United States)

Daniel Cento, Alternate Delegate (United States)

Lily Caravantes Tobías, Principal Delegate, Guatemala

Elsa Samayoa, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Guatemala

Carla Aguilar, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Guatemala

Donnette Critchlow, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Guyana

Guadalupe A. Vega, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Honduras

Marcelina Y. Cruz, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Mexico

Ivana Toruño de Martínez, Principal Delegate (Nicaragua)

Zaida Sánchez Zaleva, Assistant to the Executive Director of the Nicaraguan Women’s Institute (INIM)

Rosabel Vergara, Vice Minister of Youth, Women, Children and Family (Panama)

Elia de Tulipano, Alternate Delegate (Panama)

Nisla Lorena Aparicio, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Panama

Patricia Frutas, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Paraguay

Ambassador Ramón Quiñones, Permanent Representative of the Dominican Republic to the OAS

Dr. Nora Nivar, Under Secretary of State for Women, Alternate Delegate (Dominican Republic)

Sergia Galván, Alternate Delegate (Dominican Republic)

Mayerlyn Cordero, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of the Dominican Republic

Zunilda Barrett, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of the Dominican Republic

Yasmin Solitahe Odlum, Alternate Delegate (Saint Lucia)

Jasmine E. Huggins, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Saint Kitts and Nevis

Diana Williams, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Saint Kitts and Nevis

Henry L. McDonald, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Suriname

Margo Illes, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Suriname

Mercedes Mazzei, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Venezuela

Other participants

Susan E. Wills, Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See

Norma Cantú, Legal Expert, Professor of Law and Education, University of Texas

Permanent Secretariat of CIM:

Carmen Lomellin, Executive Secretary

Mercedes L. Kremenetzky, Principal Specialist

Agreement No. 1To approve the Final Report of the Fourth Regular Meeting of the Executive Committee (CIM/CD/doc.45/01).

Agreement No. 2To approve execution of the budget as of July 30, 2002 (CIM/CD/doc.50/02).

Agreement No. 3To approve the following draft agenda for the XXXI Assembly of Delegates of the CIM, which is to be forwarded to the governments of the member States and to the Permanent Council of the Organization:


Punta Cana, Dominican Republic

29-31 October 2002


Dialogue of Heads of Delegation

I.Implementation of the Inter-American Program on the Promotion of Women’s Human Rights and Gender Equity and Equality, approved by the OAS General Assembly at its thirtieth regular session. Measures for action

  1. Summit of the Americas – Follow-up

Women, free trade and economic integration processes

  1. Second Meeting of Ministers or high-ranking authorities responsible for the advancement of women in the member states

a)General proposals

b)Venue and date of the meeting and items for the agenda

  1. Women and human rights

a)Follow-up on the Convention ofBelém do Pará. Results of the subregional meetings of experts. Strategies to pursue

b) Creation of a mechanism for monitoring the Convention of

Belém do Pará

c)Traffic in women and children – Findings of the research conducted and measures to be taken

  1. Approval of the Agenda
  1. Consideration of reports

a)Report of the President and of the Executive Committee

b)Report of the Executive Secretary

c)National reports and reports of the specialized agencies of the inter-American system and of the United Nations

d)Report of the Committee on Credentials

  1. Election of CIM officers

a)Election of the President

b)Election of the Vice President

c)Election of the five member States that will serve on the Executive Committee for the 2002-2004 period

  1. CIM biennial work program 2002-2004
  1. Relations with other international organizations and nongovernmental organizations and projects to be conducted during the forthcoming biennium
  1. Amendment of the procedures to be followed when preparing the delegates’ national reports to the CIM Assembly of Delegates
  1. Meetings of the Executive Committee for the 2002-2004 period
  1. Venue and date of the Thirty-second Assembly of Delegates
  1. Other matters

Agreement No.4To request the President to forward the recommendations adopted at SEPIA II to the Ministers of Justice or Ministers or Attorneys General of the Americas with jurisdiction over the subject matter, to the Permanent Missions to the OAS, to the Principal Delegates to the CIM, and to all the meeting’s participants, with a note urging swift implementation of those recommendations.

Also, to forward a copy of that document to the OAS Secretary General, with a note requesting that he arrange for CIM to participate, as technical advisory agency on gender, in the activities that the Technical Secretariat for Legal Cooperation Mechanisms conducts in the follow-up of the Meeting of Ministers of Justice of the Americas.

Agreement No.5To urge the Principal Delegates in charge of the Secretariats Pro tempore for Follow-up of the Subregional Meetings of Experts on Violence (Ecuador, Panama, and Uruguay) to send to the CIM Permanent Secretariat, as soon as possible, the report that the Executive Committee requested of them at its Fourth Regular Meeting. Those reports are to discuss the activities conducted in their respective regions on this topic and, if possible, cover contributions made by civil society.

Agreement No.6To request the President to send a note to Ambassador Miguel Ruiz Cabañas, Chairman of the Permanent Council’s Committee on Hemispheric Security and Permanent Representative of Mexico to the OAS, asking that CIM be invited to that Committee’s follow-up meetings, as advisor on mainstreaming the gender perspective into the issues where gender is relevant.

It will also urge CIM’s Principal Delegates to send their contributions on this topic to CIM’s Permanent Secretariat so that they can be conveyed to the Committee on Hemispheric Security.

Agreement No.7To request the Executive Secretary that, prior to the Assembly of Delegates of the CIM, she forward an executive summary to the Principal Delegates, reporting the findings of the Project on the trafficking of women and children for sexual exploitation in the Americas, with suggestions on actions that could be taken. This will give the delegates an opportunity to prepare their comments and observations in time for the Assembly.

Agreement No.8To request the Executive Secretary that, with the help of the Permanent Executive Committee of the Inter-American Travel Congress, she prepare a draft resolution on sexual tourism in the Hemisphere, including the gender perspective. That draft resolution would be presented to the Inter-American Travel Congress for discussion and possible adoption at its meeting in the Dominican Republic, September 23 through 26, 2002.