Exec Committe Meeting Minutes

May 03, 2012

Meeting held at Galson at 17:30PM EST

Attended by:

Mary O’Reilly (Cell 315-263-6130)Ed Stuber (Cell 877-549-0546)

Gale Peterson (Cell 315-727-6173)Arpad Kolozsvary (Cell 315-663-1904)

Dave Wilson (Guest)

The following items were addressed:

  1. Mary reviewed meeting protocol
  2. Reviewed and all approved meeting notes from 04/03/12 EC meeting.

Action item: Gale will contact Thursa to post all meeting notes on CNY AIHA website

  1. Discussion on motion from last meeting made by Arpad and seconded by Ed.

Motion: CNY AIHA will provide two scholarships. One to a High School senior with a declared major related to HSE and one to a college Freshman, Sophomore, or Junior with a declared major related to HSE.

Discussion resulted in a revised motion by Arpad.

Revised Motion: CNY AIHA will provide two scholarships. One to a High School senior with a declared major related to HSE and one to a college student with a declared major related to HSE.

Revised motion was seconded by Ed.

Mary called for vote. Motion passed.

  1. Arpad presented on CNY AIHA Scholarship Program as per attached document A. Arpad requested that all EC members respond in the Discussion/Vote/Action section for each suggestion and return the completed form to Arpad. EC members agreed. Arpad would like this completed by 05/11/12.

Action item: Arpad will provide Gale with electronic version of document A to be submitted with meeting notes.

Action item: All EC Members to respond to Arpad’s presentation as requested above.

  1. Motion made by Mary to separate the discussion of the High School Scholarship from the College Scholarship. Motion seconded by Ed. Motion passed.
  2. Mary presented on Myrna Sproul memorial Scholarship AIHA Central New York Section as per attached document B.

Action item: Mary will provide Gale with electronic version of document A to be submitted with meeting notes.

  1. Some discussion occurred regarding Dave Wilson’s thoughts. Mary made motion, to form two separate scholarship committees. Motion was not seconded. EC agreed that one committee will be formed for both scholarships. Mary appointed Dave Wilson as CINY AIHA Scholarship Committee Chairman for both the High School and the College scholarships.

Action item: Dave will report back to EC at 5:30 06/14/12 on Scholarship Committee Progress.

Action Item: Mary will email all CNY AIHA members to announce Dave’s appointment and ask for volunteers for the Scholarship Committee.

Dave Wilson then left the meeting.

  1. Mary reported on discussion she had with LSRR, Dr. David Duford. He agreed that our 2012 goal for the scholarships is a good one. There was some discussion about getting all of his local sections together at some point. No firm date or forum was given. Mary will report later if she is contacted by him again.
  2. Mary asked for any new business to be addressed. Arpad expressed interest in addressing old business first. Some discussion was made regarding no events being currently scheduled for the fall. Mary reported that she has not yet confirmed date for Alan Hedge to present at CNYAIHA meeting this year.

Action item: Mary will contact Alan.

Action item: Ed will determine if there is an event or presentation he can put together for the fall.

  1. Mary made motion to adjourn meeting. Seconded by Ed. Motion passed, meeting adjourned.

Next Meeting: 06/14/12 5:00PM at Galson