The New Cycle
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The end of the Cosmic Cycle for the Earth to emit enough Light to be sustained as a Planet in this solar system was to be in 1926. Since the Earth, known as the Dark Star was not emitting Light, therefore would have been destroyed by the dark forces engulfing it. However, Cosmic Beings secured a dispensation which enabled Them to withhold the dark forces sufficiently to give the Ascended Master Saint Germain an opportunity to try out his new presentation and application of the Law. This began in 1932 through Mr. and Mrs. Guy W. Ballard, to give it to the world within an allotted 20 year period. Since Saint Germain was Ascended and would therefore not embody again as Jesus did, he used Mr. Ballard for that purpose.
The “I AM” activity was the beginning of the Teaching for the New Age as the old or occult law was set aside.
Tremendous service was rendered through it for mankind, the Earth and all who were able to accept and apply the Law as given in the Teaching. There never was such an action on Earth and there will never again will be.
From 1936 to 1939 more was accomplished for the Earth and mankind through the knowledge of the “I AM” Presence and the application of the Law, than had been achieved since the fall of man.
At the end of the year of 1939, Mr. Ballard left this plane and consciously made the Ascension, for which he had asked in October previously. He had already earned and qualified for his Ascension in August 1936, but of his own free will stayed to present this Teaching and help Saint Germain with this work.
Mr. Ballard asked for his Ascension because of the viciousness released against the activity through two women on the staff who were dismissed. The Ascended Master Saint Germain had drawn them there to give them opportunity through their talents in music to balance some terrifically bad karma of the past. Also this way He could hold a guard to prevent communistic forces from Russia with which they had a connection of the past, from entering our country and destroying this work before it was strong enough to survive. Mr. Ballard took on that viciousness generated, to dissolve it, to save our country. A man who was responsible for the sinking of the Temple of Atlantis where Los Angeles is now, tried to force his way to become a member of the staff, and when he could not he turned against the work. A woman who was responsible for the destruction of the Temples on Atlantis where San Francisco is now, also turned against the work. These individuals had been given embodiment and were drawn into the work to give them opportunity to make things right, but through free will they chose otherwise. The two on the staff affiliated themselves with them and some others turned against this Light Saint Germain was bringing forth. These two women had had such blessings and it was unbelievable that they could turn against the Light which had blessed them so tremendously. The reason was, because they did not make application (decrees), which the Teaching stresses, hence the destructive karma, within their inner bodies manifested.
Since much that was required had not yet been done, in the early 1950s, the Master Morya and Saint Germain were able to secure a dispensation to extend the time for another 20 year period. Ed.
The Divine Order and system of the creation and sustenance of the universe and its Intelligences form the basis for all spiritual organisms that are destined to have a permanent, constructive influence on the progress and the unfoldment of the Divine Plan through the willing and loving cooperation of those who desire to serve. Master Saint Germain, October 16, 1952.
When Lord Maitreya began to design the world religion with the Ascended Master Saint Germain for his Seventh Ray cycle, They had to take into consideration, first, the amount of eternal Light the planet Earth and its people were required to give forth by Cosmic Law or be dissolved, and second, the capacity of the ten billion souls to receive and understand the deeper instruction given. This was no easy task because the climax of the 14,000 year cycle should have been reached and every lifestream already developed to the status of a Christ under the Sixth Ray, the mastery as expressed through the Master Jesus.
Then as the Seventh Ray comes in and the ceremonial activity is developed, the entire evolution should have been ready to participate in the glorious cooperation between the visible Angelic Host, the Divine Men and Women and the shining Elemental kingdom,. Master Kuthumi, July 1954.
When a Being desires to bring forth a New Movement, that Being presents it to Vesta Who vests Him with the power to bring that Movement forth, or that Cause. Then in cooperation with certain Ascended Master Sponsors He goes through the Seven Spheres, and looking at the glory of the Causal Bodies abiding therein, He asks for the assistance of certain ones who are prepared to help Him.
I Am the God-Mother of Messengers, all of the Messengers that carry the Word, the Word of Truth. Because no matter how limited its expression may be, it carries part of My Life through it. When Beloved Vesta invests the energy of a lifestream into a Cause pertaining to the carrying of Truth to mankind or any evolutionary scheme, then such a one must come to Me.
When people like Lord Gautama Buddha and the Master Jesus carry the Word of God forth, They, through Their own endeavors and efforts, had pierced into the highest Realms of Light and into the heart of Heaven. They carried back firsthand the results of Their experience in Their own consciousness. But when people of Earth signify a desire to know Truth as you (a particular group) have done, magnetize the ethers until the veil of the Silence had to be parted, the lifestreams who, of themselves, are not able to rise into the heart of the Source and yet are invested with the great responsibility of carrying the Word of Truth to the people, must be particularly blessed because they must drop down Truth into their own beings, and while evolving their own consciousness, they give forth the Word to others. Pallas Athena, May 23, 1953.
Every Intelligence who applies to the universal First Cause for the use of Life and who is granted a flow of that stream of Life energy begins to create a personal heritage right at the time it is placed within the keeping of the free will of the individual. That spiritual heritage of the various Divine qualities is built through the ages, and becomes the Causal Body. For many also at the same time is built the personal heritage of bad karma which must be expiated until the debt is paid. The expiation is possible of achievement quickly through a knowledge of the use of the Sacred Fire in Its purifying activity as well as by merit gained through service to the Cause of Good.
From time to time individual lifestreams are chosen by the guardians of the race because of the accumulation in the Causal Body, and given opportunity of becoming part of a Cause which forwards the Divine Plan for the Planet and its evolutions. By accepting the opportunity to serve when it is offered by the Karmic Board, the Lord of the World or His representatives, they greatly hasten their own evolution.
In choosing individuals, the Masters are aware that the accumulated good in the Causal Body, upon which They depend, will often be counterbalanced by the bad karma, the misqualified energy which has not been expiated either through suffering or through grace, and this condition often proves to be the deciding factor in his usefulness to the Cause. If he is willing to serve and at the same time expiate the karma according to his spiritual strength, this makes his victory a possibility but not a preordained fact, owing to free will. Thus he can successfully pass through the initiation of self-denial. This depends wholly upon the determination and tenacity of the ego to rise above the human tendency to give allegiance to form rather than essence, which often causes the individual to relinquish the plan, no matter how carefully and perfectly it is designed at inner levels.
When an individual or group comes to a certain point of development and at the same time a Cosmic moment is struck in the history and evolution of a planet or system, the governing Board of the Spiritual Hierarchy presents to possible servers the plan, the vision and the part which each one, individually or collectively as part of that group, may play in the world scene.
As the wise director carefully casts the members of his play, so does the Director of the Cosmic Scene carefully designate those who might effectively further the Divine Plan through the world of form. Then voluntarily, the individual soul or ego may accept or reject the opportunity to serve, although he is fully aware that through the service he may achieve his own eternal Freedom.
There were a number of lifestreams who could have rendered great service to the Master Jesus and a number who could have rendered a similar service to the Lord Gautama Buddha, but did not. Under the Law of the Brotherhood, no one can be forced to become part of an impersonal Cause. Often the individual who volunteers will have barely a minimum of the momentum required against many individuals with a maximum capacity who refuse the opportunity.
It is a solemn and serious meeting when the Masters present a Plan which They would like to externalize, to a group of individuals at inner levels. They throw their developed Plan on the Cosmic Screen showing the accomplishment by which the entire race will receive perhaps the use of the electric light, the airplane, the removal of certain so-called incurable diseases or some other racial benefit.
All those disembodied have been selected by the Silent Watchers as being capable of comprehending this vision and carrying it out through the veil of birth to fruition are present. All those who qualify through work well done through the ages, enjoy the spectacle and are filled with the enthusiasm of the Sponsor. This part of the activity is beautiful, inspiring and uplifting. Then as each individual who professes a willingness to be part of that Cause comes forward, he is forced to look upon his own karma which stands like an obstacle or a wall between him and the fulfillment of his part, and here many drop from the roll of volunteers, leaving only the boldest, strongest or the most loving who are willing to take the vision in one hand, as it were, and the weight of their karma in the other, and passing through the gates of birth, endeavor to externalize the vision, expiate, and keep the faith.
Many times the weight of the karma is such that the work cannot be accomplished according to its best manifest expression and this was particularly evident before the comprehension of the use of the Sacred Fire of forgiveness and mercy was made apparent to the outer consciousness. Even now it is expedient that individuals realize that those who stand with their hands in those of the Masters, endeavoring to externalize the Divine Plan yet carry the burden of their own karma, and although they may not be the fullness of Ourselves embodied, they at least are those who volunteered to endeavor to spread Our Word and Our Vision and so manifest the glory of the inner Light, having looked upon the weight of their own karma, and willingly fitted it to their shoulders before attempting the task. For each one who has accepted the mission, a thousand who were perhaps better qualified to perform the service, may have refused to accept the responsibility. Lord Maha Chohan, January 1954.
For the past 150 years, the Law has endeavored to bring to the understanding of the people of Earth the reality of the existence of the spiritual Hierarchy.
Early in the 19th century the Cosmic Law called the attention of the Hierarchy to the necessity of bringing the fact of the actual existence of the Masters to the outer consciousness of the people. So We proceeded through a series of conferences and councils in order to devise ways and means of bringing the living presence of these Masters to the acceptance of men and women, particularly in the Western Hemisphere where the vital energies which would promulgate action were incorporated into the embodied souls. The universal presence of the Holy Ones have long been accepted in the East, where for ages was guarded the spiritual currents and impetus which was destined to be transferred into the Western Hemisphere. Before this spiritual activity took place it was imperative that some Western lifestreams know of the existence of the Ascended Masters and the Hierarchy, and then hold guard in order so that the knowledge of the Sacred Fire could be given which would accompany the Cosmic release of the Ray at Lake Titicaca.
The Causal Bodies of thousands signified that they were capable and ready of rendering the service. Blavatsky, Leadbeater, Olcott, Besant and Judge were among these. The few who accepted the opportunity at first formed the nucleus of the Theosophical Society. With their own bodies they broke through the veil of materialism, thus making the opening wedge through which the interest of the students of the Law of Life was turned toward the various Members of the Brotherhood. Up to that time They were not even intellectually accepted as having existence, not to mention intelligence of individuality. The outpouring through the Theosophical Society was primarily through the Wisdom Ray. Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis, Saint Germain and I sat together many hours in those days, and poured through the mind of Blavatsky the wisdom which she wrote into the Secret Doctrine, the Voice of Isis and the other volumes, many of which are yet secreted in the Masters’ Retreats.