Examples of Refereed Journal Articles Since 2000
Lawson, H., Alameda-Lawson, T., Lawson, M., & Briar-Lawson, K. (under review). New intervention designs to improve school, family, community relationships. Multicultural Education, under review.
Lawson, H., Lawson, M., Alameda-Lawson, T & Briar-Lawson, K. (under review). Parent and family innovations for rural schools and community agencies. Journal of Research in Rural Education, under review.
Lawson, H. A. (in press). Three generations of partnerships for P-16 pipeline configurations
and cradle-to-career education Systems. Peabody Journal of Education.
Lampard, A. M., Jurkowski, J.M., Lawson, H.A., & Davison, K. K. (in press). Family ecological
predictors of physical activity parenting in low income families. Behavioral Medicine.
Davison, K.K., Jurkowski, J.M., Li, K., Kranz, S., & Lawson, H.A. (in press). A childhood obesity intervention developed by families for families: Results from a pilot study.International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.
Lawson, M.A., & Lawson, H. A. (2013). New conceptual frameworks for student engagement
research, policy, and practice. Review of Educational Research. Published online 19
March, 2013. DOI: 10.3102/0034654313480891
Davison, K., Jurkowsk, J., & Lawson, H. (2012). Reframing family-centered obesity prevention
using the family ecological model. Public Health Nutrition, Published online October, 2012. DOI: 10.1017/S1368980012004533.
Jurkowski, J.M., Green Mills, L., Lawson, H.A., Bovenzi, M., Quartimon, R., & Davison, K.
(2012). Engaging low-income parents in childhood obesity prevention from start to
finish: A case study. Journal of Community Health, Published online 20 June, 2012.
DOI: 101007/s10900-012-9573-9.
Caringi, J., Lawson, H., & Devlin, M. (2012). Planning for emotional labor and secondary
traumatic stress in child welfare organizations. Journal of Family Strengths, 12(1), 1-31.
Davison, K., Lawson, H., & Coatsworth, D. (2012). The family-centered action model of intervention layout and implementation (FAMILI): The example of childhood obesity. Health Promotion Practice, 13(4), 454-461.
Lawson, H. (2012). Realizing the promise to young people: Kinesiology and new institutional designs for school and community programs. Kinesiology Review, 1(1), 76-90.
Claiborne, N., & Lawson, H. (2011). A two site case study of consultation to develop supervisory teams in child welfare. Administration in Social Work, 35(4), 389-411. .
Davison, K.K., Lawson, H. A., & Coatsworth, J. D. (2011). The family action-based model of intervention layout and implementation (FAMILI): The Example of childhood obesity. Health Promotion Practice. Onlinefirst May 31st, 2011. doi:10.1177/1524839910377966.
Hopson, L, & Lawson, H. (2011). Social workers' leadership for positive school
climates via data-informed planning and decision-making. Children & Schools, 33(2), 106-118.
Davison, K., Lawson, H., & Coatsworth, D. (in press). The family-centered model of intervention layout and implementation (FAMILI) for obesity prevention. Health Promotion Practice.
Alameda-Lawson, T., Lawson, M., & Lawson, H. (2010). Social workers’ roles in facilitating the collective involvement of low-income, culturally diverse parents in an elementary school. Children & Schools, 32(3), 172-182.
Anderson-Butcher, D., Lawson, H., et al. (2010). Capacity-building innovations developed by pilot schools and districts implementing a community collaboration model for school improvement. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 20, 257-287.
Anderson-Butcher, D., Lawson, H., et al. (2010). Emergent evidence in support of a community collaboration model for school improvement. Children & Schools, 32(3), 150-171l
Lawson, H. (2010).An appreciation and a selective enhancement of the developing model for university-assisted community schools. Universities and Community Schools, 8(1/2), 5-20.
Lawson, H. (2010). Needs and opportunities for social work leadership in emergent P-16 initiatives. Children & Schools, 32(1), 51-60.
Lawson, H. (2010). Expanded school improvement planning focused on the whole child. Impact on Instructional Improvement, 35(1), 1-9.
Lawson, H. (2009). A research and development framework for the school dropout problem.Advances in School Mental Health Promotion, 2(1), 56-67.
Mancini, M., & Lawson, H. (2009). Facilitating positive emotional labor in peer-providers of mental health services. Administration in Social Work, 33(1), 3-22.
Caringi, J., Lawson, H., et al. (2008). Child welfare design teams: An intervention to improve workforce retention and facilitate organizational development. Research on Social Work Practice, 18(6), 565-574.
Lawson, H., Claiborne, N., et al. (2007). Deriving theories of change from successful community development partnerships for youths: Implications for school improvement. American Journal of Education, 114 (November), 1-40.
Surko, M., Lawson, H.A., Gaffney, S., & Claiborne, N. (2006). Targeting evaluations of youth development-oriented community partnerships.Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 12, November (Supplement), S95-S107.
Marks, M., & Lawson, H. (2005). The import of co-production dynamics and time dollar programs in complex, community-based child welfare initiatives for "hard to serve" youth and their families. Child Welfare, LXXXIV, 209-232,
Claiborne, N., & Lawson, H. (2005).An intervention framework for collaboration. Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Human Services, 86(1), 93-103.
Lawson, H. (2005). Empowering people, facilitating community development, and contributing to sustainable development: The social work of sport, exercise, and physical education programs. Sport, Education, and Society, 10(1), 135-160.
Lawson, H. (2004). The logic of collaboration in education and the human services. The Journal of Interprofessional Care. 18, 225-237.
Lawson, H., Anderson-Butcher, D., et al. (2003). Design teams as learning systems for complex systems change: Evaluation data and implications for higher education. Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 7(1/2), 159-179.
Lawson, H. (2002). Beyond community involvement and service learning to engaged universities. Universities and Community Schools. 7(1-2), 79-94.
Lawson, H., & Sailor, W. (2000). Integrating services, collaborating, and developing connections with schools. Focus on Exceptional Children, 33(2), 1-22.
Examples of Monographs
Lawson, H. & Anderson-Butcher, D. (2007). Launching comprehensive educational reform for
the new century workforce: Developing knowledge, lessons learned, and policy recommendationsfrom five local P-16 councils in Ohio. Cincinnati, OH: KnowledgeWorks Foundation.
Lawson, H., & Claiborne, N., et al, (2005). Initiating retention planning in New YorkState public child welfare agencies: Developing knowledge, lessons learned and emergent priorities. Albany, NY: The New YorkState Social Work Education Consortium.
Books Since 2000
A. Sallee, H. Lawson, & K. Briar-Lawson. (Eds). (2001). Innovative practices with vulnerable children and families. Dubuque, IA: Eddie Bowers Publishers, Inc.
(K. Briar-Lawson, H. Lawson, et. al.). (2001). Family-supportive policy practice: International perspectives. New York: ColumbiaUniversity Press.