Student Learning & Growth Goals / Professional Goals that Support Student Learning
Classroom Teacher / 75% of students taking the standard OAKS will meet or exceed benchmarks in reading and 100% of these students will meet growth targets.
Students will increase independence for transitions and working in group settings from the baseline of:
-Level I 3.5
-Level II 2.8
-Level III 2.2
Students will improve prompting level using routine data: 4=independence, 3=verbal/gestural prompts, 2= Physical Prompts (part of step, 1= Physical Prompts (all of step), 0= No response. STAR Curriculum Routines: Transition Between Activities, Transition Between Locations, Work in Groups, and Occupy Free Time.
80% of children in STEPS Plus will increase their academic engagement time and their adaptive behavior in the classroom.
80% of children in STEPS Plus will decrease their maladaptive and aggressive behavior in the classroom.
80% of participating children who complete the program will demonstrate an increase in conflict resolution and anger management skills. / 100% of required STEPS documents andinformation systems will posted and up to date, includingstudent attendance data, feeding protocols and logs, behavior protocols and logs, data sheets, ESY data, emergency packets, incident/accident reports, locked files (student records and medication), medication logs, toileting logs, records of related services, seizure protocols and logs, staff schedules, student schedules, parent communication logs, home-school communication (e.g., notebooks), parent permission slips, and substitute packet.
100% of STEPS educational assistants will complete training regarding tiered behavior intervention and support systems; 75% of STEPS educational assistants will demonstrate the proper use of at least two intervention/support strategies as documented by teacher or supervisor observation.
Student Learning & Growth / Professional Goals that Support Student Learning
Service Provider / 80%of IFSP/IEP objectives related to Oregon Literacy/Vocabulary Standards will be met by DHH students.
75% of children between 2 and 3 years old will be able to draw a circle and a line following demonstration (an AEPS level 1 precursor to the ECSE goal below)
Increase percentage of children in Early Intervention who improved their social-emotional functioning from 62% to 65%
75% of IFSP/IEP objectives related to Expanded Core Curriculum will measure growth by visually impaired students as a result of direct instruction provided by the Teachers of the Visually Impaired. / 80% of participating parents report improved parenting skills.
85%of parents surveyed reported that they did not have difficulty finding out how to make a referral to the EI/ECSE Evaluation Team.
90%of staff surveyed indicated that the evaluation report has become more useful in planning effective services for children since implementing steps they recommended.
School staff will report that 80% of their students who receive orthopedic services/equipment will significantly increase their independence as a result of OI services or equipment.
As reported by 90% classroom teachers, speech-language services to students and consultation with classroom staff resulted in improved communication and participation by students receiving S-L services.
STEPS nurses will report that 75% of identified students will self-manage health protocols related to their diabetes.
100% of audiological referrals will be responded to within 24 hours (3 working days); 75% evaluations will be scheduled within two weeks of the referral response.
Student Learning & Growth / Professional Goals that Support Student Learning
Evaluator / 95% of ASD students with goals written to Career-Related Learning Standards or Oregon Early Childhood Foundations (Social Emotional Development) will make positive change or will have met goal as a result of ASD consultation and/or coaching.
By June 2014, the Easy CBM progress monitoring data for early literacy skills (phoneme segmenting and letter sounds) will have been collected once every 2 weeks on X students (small group) and trend lines will show the gap in learning is closing.
95% of students who receive new AT equipment will make progress towardIEP goals involving the equipment as reported by the students’ classroom teachers. / One year after leaving Behavior Intervention Center (BIC), 80% of students will demonstrate a reduced risk of school failure and/or dropping out, as indicated by an increase in attendance, improvement in target behaviors, & a reduction in behavior referrals & suspensions/expulsions, and a 6 month increase in reading fluency.
50% of all interpreters will participate in the HDESD monthly training and will pass all training assessments.
In order to increase the likelihood of engagement in vocational and educational opportunities post high school, 75% of students will report participation in developing a transition plan and will be able to articulate the plan. The plan will include:
-Student negotiated assessment to identify strengths and needs (person-centered)
-Career Related Learning Experience or Community Work Experience
-Student and parent involvement
-Student/parent knowledge of supports and services
-Community living experience and training if necessary
School staff will report that 90%of their students who receive orthopedic services/equipment will significantly improve access to their education as a result of OI services or equipment
School staff will report that 95% of their students who receive orthopedic services/equipment will significantly improve their safety/health or well-being as a result of OI services or equipment.
95% of students who receive new AT equipment will significantly increase access to their education as a result of the equipment provided to them by the Assistive Technology Department & measured by direct reporting from their classroom teachers.
75%of parents surveyed reported that they accessed at least one available Migrant Ed service after being informed about the services.
85% school staff will report that their time spent in school improvement training was beneficial and helped them prioritize their use of instructional time.
Student Learning & Growth / Professional Goals that Support Student Learning
Technology & Media Specialist / Students in districts with technology plans in place (facilitated and supported by SOESD T&M staff) have improved scores on writing assessments. / School staff who received training and support in the use of iPads will report that 85% of their students use an iPad regularly (X times per day or X hours per day)
100% of Helpdesk requests will be responded to within 24 hours (3 working days).
Eagle Point SD staff report that the disruption (measured in minutes) in their administrative and/or instructional use of technology was reduced by X percent.
As reported by 95% of students taking distance learning courses, the courses contributed to their completion of high school graduation requirements and/or facilitated their understanding of course learning outcomes.