Examples of Notice, Agenda, Minutes and the Script.

Effective Communication UWB10202

Sinha, K., Noreha, T., Kaur, Bhajan. & Sivanathan,R. (2009). A Practical Guide to Meetings and Discussions. Selangor: Mc Graw Hill.




1. Chairperson’s address
Chairperson / I am glad to welcome all members to the second meeting of the Awesome Club.
Thank you, thank you for coming. Can we cal this meeting to order?
All / Yes.
2. Apologies for absence
Chairperson / Are there any apologies for absence for today’s meeting?
Secretary / Yes, Mr. Simon is away at a meeting while Ms Rebecca is on medical leave.
3. Minutes of previous meeting
Chairperson / Thank you. Can we now proceed to the next item, minutes of the previous meeting?
All / Yes.
Chairperson / Please read through the minutes of the previous meeting which were distributed earlier.
Are there any amendments?
Treasurer / Yes, Mr. Chairperson. There is a correction to Item No.3. The amount allocated for the walkathon was RM3000, not RM4000.
Secretary / Thank you. I’ll make the necessary correction.
Chairperson / Are there any other amendments?
All / No.
Chairperson / Thank you. Can someone propose the minutes be passed as a true record?
Eina / I propose the minutes be passed as true record.
Datul / I second the motion.
4. Matters arising from the previous minutes
Chairperson / Let’s move on. Any matters arising?
Shahee / Yes, Mr. Chairperson. I would like to ask about the preparations for our Annual Family Day. Have all the arrangements been made?
Salmah / Yes. All the preparations have been made.
Eina / Mr. Chairperson, any news from our sponsors for the Annual Family Day?
Chairperson / Oh, we contacted Nestle last week and they have agreed to provide us snacks and beverages.
Azman / Mr. Chairperson, I’ve managed to get another sponsor. Tesco Supermarket has agreed to sponsor or prizes for the telematch.
Salmah / No, Mr. Chairperson.
5. Special business
Chairperson / If there is nothing else, shall we move on? Out first item under Special Business today concerns the management of our canteen. There have been many complaints about the food, the service, and the cleanliness. Any suggestions?
Fana / I suggest that we write a warning letter to Mr. Wong, the canteen operator. He should really buck up.
Shahee / I don’t agree. We’ve already sent him two letters. What has he done to improve the canteen?
Salmah / I agree with you. I think he is not interested anymore. I propose that we replace him with a new canteen operator.
Secretary / Exactly. After all, Mr. Wong’s contract expires in two weeks. Why should we renew his contract?
Treasurer / Yes, we have given him enough chances. I propose that we ask for tenders from other interested parties who might want to operate the canteen.
Eina / I second the motion.
Chairperson / Shall we put this matter to a vote? All those in favour of replacing the canteen operator, please raise your hands. Oh, it’s unanimous. So, it’s resolved that we replace the canteen operator. Can the secretary place an advertisement in the NST and The Star calling for new tenders? Also, please write a letter to Mr. Wong informing him that his contract will not be renewed.
Secretary / All right. I’ll get that done by Friday.
6. Improvements to the club reading room
Chairperson / That’s fine. Thank you. Glad we managed to settle that matter fast. Let’s go on the second item under Special Business – improving the Reading Room which is very popular, especially among our senior members.
Treasurer / Well, we definitely need new TV set. Our present one has only a 16-inch screen and it was purchased back in 1995.
Shahee / I’ve heard some very sarcastic comments about that set.
Chairperson / It seems like everyone is in favour of purchasing a new TV set. Are we all agreed on this matter?
All / Yes.
Chairperson / Okay. It’s resolved that we buy a new TV set.
Treasurer / Mr. Chairperson, I suggest we set a ceiling of RM3000 for the purchase of the new TV set.
Salmah / Yes, yes. I think that’s reasonable. Can I volunteer to look into this?
Chairperson / Yes, thank you. Can you work with Mr. Krish, our treasurer?
Salmah / Fine. I’ll do that.
Shahee / Mr. Chairperson, I have another proposal. Why don’t we subscribe to some British newspapers for our Reading Room? Everybody’s talking about improving their English proficiency and surely this is one way to do it.
Fana / Sorry, but I oppose the idea. It’s going to be far too expensive. Besides, are we really interested in goings-on Britain? I’m sure that as Malaysians, we are keen to know our own local news. In addition, our newspapers can compete with English newspapers from any part of the world. So, why do we need a foreign newspaper?
Eina / Exactly. I too think that our local newspapers are good enough. And of course, they are so much cheaper. The money in our fund could be put to better use.
Shahee / That’s really not true. Our senior members will enjoy a wider variety of reading material and British newspaper really do not cost that much.
Azman / Mr. Chairperson, what about renovating the Reading Room?
Treasurer / I think we’re going to spend enough on the Reading Room. The budget is a bit tight.
7. Any other business
Chairperson / Shall we leave that to another time? Let’s move on the Any Other Business now.
Fana / Yes, Mr. Chairperson. The parking system for our club is really in a mess.
Chairperson / I don’t quite follow you. What exactly do you mean?
Fana / Well, some of our members can be considerate. They double park and block other cars without a thought.
Shahee / Yes! Maybe we should include a reminder in our next newsletter. Members must park in allocated spaces only. They really should show some consideration for others.
Chairperson / Okay Mr. Shahee, as the Editor of the newsletter, could you please put in a column on this?
8. Date, time and venue of the next meeting
Chairperson / Thank you. Our next item is date, time and venue for the next meeting.
Secretary / Mr. Chairperson, since there are many activities to be completed before that, can I send a notice about the next meeting to the members later?
All / Yes, sure.
Chairperson / That’s that then. Anything else? Any questions? Comments? No? well then, thank you for coming. Will someone propose the meeting to be adjourned?
Fana / Yes, I propose the meeting be adjourned.
Chairperson / Seconder?
Azman / I second the motion.
Chairperson / Thank you. The meeting is adjourned. Have anice day.
All / Thank you!


The Awesome Club
Minutes of the Second Committee Meeting held on Saturday, 10 June 20xx at 10 a.m. in the Aplomb Meeting Room
President: Mr Alfarero Roche
Mr Azman Amin
Ms Eina Eman
Ms Fana Fida
Mr Krishnan Muthi
Mr Shahee Sahab
Ms Salmah Al-Syateri
Ms Sherry Sue Sean
Absent: Mr John Simon
Ms Rebecca Ross
  1. Chairperson’s welcome address
The chairperson called the meeting to order at 9.00 a.m. and welcomed all the members.
  1. Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Mr John Simon who was at a meeting and Ms. Rebecca Ross who was on medical leave.
  1. Minutes of previous meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting were read by members. The following amendments were made:
Item no. 3: The amount allocated for the walkathon was RM3000 and not RM4000 as stated in minutes.
As there were no other amendments, the minutes were then approved as a true record and signed by the chairperson.
  1. Matters arising from the previous minutes
Mr. Shahee Sahab asked if all the preparations for the Annual Family Day had been made. Ms. Salmah Alshateri informed the meeting that all preparations had been made. Ms. Eina Eman then asked the chairperson if any news had been received from the sponsors for the Annual Family Day.
The chairperson informed the members that Nestle had been contacted the week before and they had agreed to provide snacks and beverages. Mr Azman Amin told the committee that he had managed to get Tesco Supermarket to sponsor the prizes for the telematch on the Annual Family Day.
  1. Special business
5.1the club canteen
The chairperson informed the members that many complaints had been received regarding the food, service and cleanliness of the canteen. He urged the members to put forward some proposals.
Ms Fana Fida proposed that they write a warning letter to Mr Wong, the canteen operator. Mr Shahee Sahab opposed the motion. He said that two warning letters had already been sent to no avail. He proposed the appointment of a new canteen operator. His proposal was seconded by Ms Salmah Alshateri.
Secretary added that since Mr Wong’s contract expires in two weeks, the committee should not renew his contract. The treasurer, Mr Krishnan Muthi seconded the motion and proposed that the Club call for tenders from other interested parties to operate the canteen.
The proposal was then put to a vote. It was unanimous resolved that the canteen operator be replaced. The chairperson asked the Secretary to place an advertisement in the NST and The Star for new tenders for the canteen. The Secretary was also requested to write to Mr Wong to inform him that his contract would not be renewed. The Secretary said that the matter would be taken care of by Friday.
5.2The reading room
The chairperson asked for suggestions from the members for improvements to the Reading Room. The Treasurer informed the meeting that since the Club had RM15 000 in the development find, a portion of it could be used for the Reading Room.
Ms Eina Eman proposed that a new TV set be purchased to replace to old, outdated model. It was resolved that the committee purchase a new TV set for the Reading Room.
The Treasurer suggested that the ceiling price for the new TV set be fixed at RM3000. Ms Salmah Alshateri volunteered to look into this matter. The chairperson asked her to work with the treasurer.
Mr Shahee Sahab had another proposal which was to subscribe to British newspapers for the Reading Room. He added that this would be one way to improve the proficiency of all the members in English. Ms Fana Fida opposed the motion as she felt the local newspapers were just as good as the British ones. She also said that foreign newspapers were going to cost a lot more. Ms Fana Fida’s argument was supported by ms Eina Eman who also felt the money in the Club’s fund could be put to better use.
Mr Shahee Sahab reiterated that subscribing to British newspapers would mean senior member could enjoy a wider variety of reading material and the extra cost occurred would be insignificant. His proposal was seconded by Mr Azman Amin.
After some discussion, the matter was put to a vote. Five members were in favour of the motion while three were not in favour. It was therefore resolved that the Club would subscribe to both British and local newspapers.
Mr Azman Amin then proposed that the Reading Room be renovated. However, the treasurer informed the members that since a lot of money had already been allocated for the Reading Room, the budget would be stretched if the cost for renovations were to be added. The chairperson suggested that this matter be discussed at another meeting.
  1. Any other business
Ms Fana Fida informed the committee that the parking system devised by the Club for its members was in a mess. Members tend to park inconsiderately by double parking their cars and blocking other cars.
Mr Shahee Shaab agreed, he proposed including a reminder in the next issue of the Club’s newsletter reminding members to park in allocated spaces only. The chairperson agreed and requested Mr Shahee Shahab, who was the editor in the next issue of the newsletter.
  1. Date, time and venue of the next meeting
It was decided that the secretary would send out a notice for the date, time and venue of the next meeting closer to the date of the meeting as there were many activities to be completed first.
  1. Close
The chairperson thanked all the members for their participation during the meeting and adjourned the meeting at 12 p.m.
……………………… …………………..
Signed by Date
Mr Alfarero Roche
……………………… …………………..
Recorded by Date
Ms Sherry Sue Sean
Secretary / Action
Ms Salmah Alshateri
Mr Shahee Sahab


Noor Shahariah Bt Saleh

Language and Communication Dept