Examples of Copy to Encourage Electronic Giving:
Sample A:
Stewardship calls us to recognize that all that we have is gift from a loving God and that we are called by God to receive these gifts gratefully, use them fully and to share them with others. One way in which we can promote the sharing of these gifts is through the use of electronic offertory and fundraising tools. The program is designed to give parishioners, families and donors more options for payment. NAME VENDOR e.g. GiveCentral.orgwill allow for secure and simple electronic payments to be made on a recurring basis for church collections, capital campaigns, development and other fundraising efforts.
Sample B:
I invite you to make your donations electronically. Go to NAME VENDOR e.g. GiveCentral.org and donate via credit card or direct withdrawal from you checking or savings account. The amount you choose to donate, the time you want these donations made/posted can be changed or eliminated at any time.
Sample C: First time offering:
After reflecting on your financial commitment to the parish, please complete the commitment card enclosed and return it through the Sunday collection basket or by mailing it back to the rectory. I also ask that you consider making your financial commitment to the parish electronically. Giving in this way allows us to better project revenues and to plan ahead. An enrollment form to sign up for electronic giving is enclosed.
For your convenience, you might want to consider enrolling in our electronic giving program to avoid writing a check or looking for loose cash every weekend. You can get more information and/or enroll in either of two ways. First, go online to NAME VENDOR OR e.g. contact ______at the rectory for further assistance. NAME VENDOR e.g. GiveCentral.org will allow for secure and simple electronic payments to be made on a recurring basis for Sunday collections and other donations you may wish to give our parish.
Sample D: Parish has offered electronic giving in the past:
In this spirit and prayerful reflection, I ask you to complete and return the enclosed financial commitment card (in the envelope provided). Please return it in the Sunday collection basket or by sending it to the rectory. If you are not already doing so, I ask that you consider making your financial commitment to NAME PARISH electronically. Giving in this way allows us to better project revenues and helps us to plan ahead as we continue to offer many parish ministries to both members of our community and visitors. An enrollment form to sign up for electronic giving is also enclosed.
In this spirit and prayerful reflection, I ask you to complete and return the enclosed financial commitment card (in the envelope provided). Please return it in the Sunday collection basket or by sending it to the rectory. If you are not already doing so, I ask that you consider making your financial commitment to NAMEPARISH electronically. Giving in this way allows us to better project revenues and helps us to plan ahead as we continue to offer many parish ministries to both members of our community and visitors. You can get more information and/or enroll in either of two ways. First, go online to NAME VENDOR e.g. or contact ______at the rectory for further assistance. NAME VENDOR e.g. GiveCentral.org will allow for secure and simple electronic payments to be made on a recurring basis for Sunday collections and other donations you may wish to give our parish.