Example of an A+ Final Paper for WGST 100:
The media presentation I chose to analyze is an image on _Straight_Pride’s Instagram. The image presents a meme that states, “This is not hatred: It’s called science.” The meme includes the addition of plugs and electrical outlets to produce electricity. The plugs and outlets represent male and female’s reproductive organs and the lightning bolt represents a child. The meme is signifying that heteronormativity is the only way to sexually organize. They are inferring that sex between homosexuals is scientifically inaccurate. To clarify, a meme is a “unit of information in a mind whose existence influences events such that more copies of itself get created in other minds (Brodie).” Memes have the power to spread to several minds and influence behavior. Whether it has a severe or subtle impact, a meme can spread false information. Especially if the information is being passed down from a privileged perspective. Beginnin, the image displays ideas related to Sam Killerman’sGenderbread Diagram.
The media representation reflects Sam Killerman’sGenderbread Diagram. The complex diagram focuses on sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, and biological sex. Surprisingly, these four categories are all independent of each other. They have the power to influence each other but necessarily determine each other. The image above specifically concentrates on biological sex. Biological sex is the “Measurable organs, hormones, and chromosomes (Killerman).” The female consists of the vagina, ovaries, and XX chromosome. While, the male consists of the penis, testes, and XY chromosomes. There is also a combination of the male and female called intersex. Biological sex is actually quite complex considering we all start off with the same female characteristics. All human’s reproductive organs start off as a clitoris and either stay that way or develop into a penis. Sometimes, the penis will only partially develop and an intersex body is created. Therefore, _Straight_Pride’s Instagram image fails to acknowledge all biological reproductive systems. It also fails to recognize that not all individuals identify with their biological sex. Depending on the level of masculinity and femininity, gender identity isn’t clearly defined as male or female. Some don’t feel they fit in either category and consider themselves to be non-gendered. Next, the image reflects Sam Killerman’s theory of sexual orientation.
The image above targets sexual orientation, otherwise known as desire. Sexual orientation is, “Who you are physically, spiritually, and emotionally attracted to based on their sex and gender in relation to your own (Killerman).” Killerman expands the theory of attraction by creating a seven-point scale of sexuality. The scale ranges from exclusively heterosexual to exclusively homosexual. He argues that most individuals are not one side of the scale or the other, but actually somewhere in between. He reached this assessment by examining individual’s emotions and fantasies. Thus, Killerman’s theory challenges the media representation chosen above. Sexual orientation is much more complicated than the image suggests because it is based off of the individual’s unconscious. Sexual orientation can change over time and vary depending on the individual or culture. One may think they are absolutely heterosexual, however if Killerman were to assess their desires they would most likely fall in the middle of the continuum. They may also find that they are less masculine or feminine than they want to admit. The _Straight_Pride’s Instagram fails to recognize that desire is based off of individual experiences and cannot be belittled to just biological organs. Moving on, the media representation supports violence and ignorance upon the LGBT community.
The image on The _Straight_Pride’s Instagram is harmful to our culture. They are inciting hate towards the homosexual community. Their lack of knowledge on the complexity of gender is instilling the social norm that anyone who is not heterosexual should be considered an outcast. The othering of the LGBT’s has initiated violence across the country. Since they cannot conform to cultural standards they are being wrongfully targeted. The transgender community alone has a 65% attempted suicide rate and a 70% sexual assault rate (Ketchum). Our society discriminates based off of social constructions and it needs to stop. Just because an individual identifies as cisgender doesn’t mean they deserve any special privileges. We are all human no matter what sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, or biological sex. Finally, the media representation encourages false gender ideas.
The media representation on_Straight_Pride’s Instagram utilizes a meme to promote heterosexuality. The image argues that homosexuality is not scientifically correct because it does not align with our reproductive system’s initial purpose. Conversely, the image was created with a lack of gender knowledge because sexuality is far more complex. Sam Killerman’sGenderbread man reveals the various continuums of sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, and biological sex. Thus, _Straight_Pride’s Instagram is instilling the “Virus of the mind” that homosexuality is wrong because it does not conform to our societies expectations. Which encourages violence, abuse, neglect, and punishment toward the LGBT community. The image is harmful to our society as well as future generations. Instead, we should be teaching our youth to be more accepting and welcoming to all genders.
Brodie, Richard. 2009. “Virus of the Mind: The New Science of the Meme”. PDF Scan by Dr.
Karyl Ketchum, California State University, Fullerton.
Ketchum, Karyl. 2016. “Module 1: Intro to Theory and Genderbread.” California
State University, Fullerton: Online.
Ketchum, Karyl. 2016. “Module 4: The People’s Historian, Professor Howard Zinn.” California
State University, Fullerton: Online.
Killerman, Sam. 2016. “The Genderbread Diagram.” PDF Scan by Dr. Karyl Ketchum, California State University, Fullerton.