Example Facebook Posts

We encourage you to start your own library of Facebook posts. But to get you started, we wanted to give you some you can use.

Remember that you can find phenomenal posts on the testimonial FB pages and on the personal pages of other Ambassadors. We’re encouraged to “borrow” each other’s posts!

Add a couple of sentences of your own before your testimonial post. Make it personal. You’ll want to click on the picture to “save it” to your computer. And then you can cut and paste the text, and insert the picture, into the post.

/ "Erin, you do realize that if you had just eaten right and exercised this whole time, you would have gotten the same results?" The arrogance of this thought drives me nuts. Yes, exercise and nutrition are key, however, if you have three tiny children, a full time job, zero energy and a very clear gut health issue, it's not so easy to just snap your fingers and change all your habits at once. I had a deadly caffeine addiction that I had tried to break, but couldn't. I had tried repeatedly.
Even if you could wake up one day and be a whole new healthy person, it's tough to keep up if you feel weak and dragging or if your cravings win too often. Plus, there may be years and years of damage to your body that will not allow you to drop weight and keep it off. No matter how many hours you spend in a gym. Not everyone has damage like this BUT not everyone looks sick or struggling.
I can tell you that if I had not started Plexus, no amount of effort on my part would have kicked the caffeine addiction or have addressed my gut health so quickly, so be sure to realize that it's not a matter of weight loss and it's not a matter of just "not trying." It's much, much bigger than that. And if you are one who rolls their eyes at people who have been helped by Plexus, remember you never walked in their shoes."
/ The before pic is from February 2014 when I was dragging through life, struggling to keep up with my 2 active kids and suffering from symptoms due to having low thyroid levels. The other pic is from now. Life is much better without the 15 lbs and all that inflammation! Less weight and bloat means less back pain. No more sinus allergies, brain fog or sugar cravings too! Kicked my soda in 3 days and haven't had one in over a year and a half. Best sleep, mood and all day energy has been priceless! Healthy lifestyle is what it's all about folks!! Get your gut healthy and everything else falls into place!! ‬‬
/ Yet another doctor who endorses and uses Plexus!! #biggerthanweightloss‬. #nofadhere‬‬‬‬‬
- Dr. Stephen Barnes, prostate cancer survivor and scientist, shares~
"I've done the research! I've read the studies! Because I'm a scientist and a doctor, I'm not easily swayed. I've looked at the ingredients in each product to see the rationale behind the formulation of these products. All the products are natural plant-based and carry little in the way of side effects or contra-indication.
As a physician, I feel confident in endorsing these products! Do you want to be healthier? Do you want to awaken more rested with energy sufficient to face your day? These products are the real deal.
I am a Prostate Cancer survivor of nearly 4 years. I have done the research on all of the Plexus products as the scientist and physician that I am and can tell you that I am doing everything that I can to be healthy and keep my cancer in remission. This includes taking Plexus products to increase my nutrition, lower my cholesterol, increase my energy level, and improve my gut health, which is important in increasing immune status.
As a physician of over 35 years in Family Practice, I'm putting my stamp of approval on these products. "
Dr. Stephen Barnes,
Assistant Professor of OMM (Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine) at Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences
/ "I didn't know the hospital photographer was going to come in and take pictures. I love the fact she got plexus in the back. ?I didn't plan that or set it up. It's the real deal. It's part of my daily #health‬ and #wellness‬ regimen! Our products are for optimal health. Something that can be taken daily, not just for 7 days or 21 days, not just for athletes, not just after a workout, and not just if you're overweight. A product that fills in the gaps. A product that health care professionals can get on board with. A tool to motivate. A tool for real natural #energy‬ . A product line for the kind of health that America needs. It's raising awareness of gut connections to the sickness in our nation!!! Wow. Love the science and testimonials behind these products! And a product you can take while #pregnant‬ and #nursing‬ ....Products moms can get behind!!" #onlythebestforourfamilies‬#momknowsbest‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬
/ Love seeing medical professionals passionate about Plexus! Another doctor loves Plexus!!! Dr. Laura ComingdeerStearman shares how Plexus made a huge difference in her health! No more energy drinks, OTC meds, prescription meds, etc!!
She shares:
"Here's a little of my personal story - Do you use any of this stuff? Wow! The first two pictures contain what I would normally take to get me through the day (I couldn't get them all in one picture). Zoom in for the grisly details - 2 large Monster energy drinks + coffee to keep me going; aleve & ibuprofen for the little headaches - prescription stuff for the migraines; Benadryl to help me fall asleep and prescription silenor to keep me asleep through the night; plus numerous vitamins etc.
ALL of it has been replaced by the 5 little natural Plexus products on the bottom. No more migraines. No more energy crashes. No more pantry raids for food. No more irregularity. New amazing stamina during workouts. Sustained energy during the day. Good sound sleep. Wake refreshed. Improved appetite control. I was a complete skeptic turned complete believer in what these products can do. Ask my co-workers, trainer, husband - they can tell you the difference they've seen in me."
/ MS & Lupus?? Yep, more autoimmune issues that were trying to conquer someone!! Well, meet Beki Bolin Rhein. She is an RN and was diagnosed with MS in 2000. She had already figured her illness could be related to leaky gut...and thought maybe Plexus could help? Well, it did! That and a whole lot more!! What a difference!
Beki, shares "I was diagnosed with MS in 2000 and as if that wasn’t enough, I received the dx of Lupus in September of 2010. I have always been a very “compliant” patient – taking whatever prescription medications my doctors recommended. I’ve never been a fan of supplements &/or vitamins, my excuse being they are too hard to swallow or too expensive.
My neighbor had a “Tasting” party in November of 2014. The hubby was out of town so my daughter and I thought we’d head across the street to see what this “Tasting” was all about. I really wasn’t sure – I was thinking it might be a “wine” party. Little did I know it was an opportunity that would allow me to have my life back.
I’ve always been skeptical of companies that offer products like Plexus. I’m the “compliant patient”, I was fearful of rocking the boat. Prior to the tasting I had been doing a lot of reading/research on candida/fungus/leaky gut and the harmful effects this has on our bodies. When I heard the Plexus testimonies of people with “leaky gut”, my “gut” said “hmmmm, maybe I should give this a try”. You see, I had already convinced myself that much of the symptoms from the 2 autoimmune illnesses I live with were due to leaky gut. Besides a strict diet, I wasn’t sure how to help myself….that is until I opened my mind to the products Plexus offers. Maybe, just maybe I had hope…..
After hearing the options to purchase and thinking about what products would be best for my personal situation I signed up that night as a Preferred Customer. I knew I had nothing to lose!
I won a drawing for a 3 day sample of Slim which I started that very next morning. After 2 days I felt more energy and less brain fog. I received my products, “Tri Plex”, that same week and started slowly – within 3 weeks I experienced energy to get through my day (I can now come home from work, cook dinner, exercise, do a load of laundry….etc…this was NOT an option on the days I worked pre-plexus), I said good bye to the daily brain fog I suffered everyday around 2:00, my daily pain level is nearly non-existent, I do not CRAVE sugar/carbs ALL the time any longer, I do not have the desire to SNACK and eat ALL day long, I am experiencing much better sleep – never had trouble sleeping pre-Plexus but the quality of my sleep now is amazing – I wake up ready to go, without pain; I have cut my anti-depressant/anti-anxiety med in ½, my menstrual cycle is lighter with less painful cramps, no longer dependent on stool softeners and laxatives AND I’ve lost 8 lbs and over 12 inches. (*note my goal with Plexus was NOT wt loss, it was wellness)
I have a heart to help others and couldn’t NOT share these amazing products with others so I signed up as an Ambassador 3 weeks into taking the products. I feel so very blessed to be able to share Plexus with others. This opportunity has literally given me my life back!
The last several months I have thoroughly enjoyed helping people look at their struggles/challenges as far as their health goes and help them select products that will possibly help them achieve their goals. I am learning so much through this opportunity and am loving sharing the knowledge I am gaining with others. It is so rewarding to have customers message me their Plexus victories such as “love the feel good energy, sleeping better, brighter mood, less pain, less cravings, clothes fitting looser, cholesterol level decreased, decreased blood pressure med”….to name a few.
I am grateful to God for this opportunity and am looking forward to the future. It’s no accident I stumbled upon this opportunity 7 months ago!"
/ Certified sports nutrition coach Kim Phillips gives this great explanation about why Plexus is different than other health products on the market: (love this!)
"I'm borrowing a line from Taylor Swift as I share with you why Plexus is different and why it works.
Band aids don't fix bullet holes. There are so many products on the market that are a quick fix. They may bring temporary relief to a problem but they aren't targeting the underlying issue. Something that brings a quick shot of energy or stimulates your body might make you feel good for a short time but, after a while, you aren't doing your body any good. In fact, adding multiple stimulants, large amounts of caffeine, & artificial sweeteners to your system is actually very detrimental.
Plexus is different. It's not a quick fix. You likely won't feel a spike in energy but rather long lasting, sustained energy. By working to stabilize blood sugar, Plexus targets underlying issues & really starts to balance out processes in the body. MANY have seen huge improvements in their health through ease of discomfort, weight loss, lessened need for medications, relief from anxiety, hormone balance, better sleep, willpower, energy, & the list goes on. ProBio5 fixes the gut, also known as the body's second brain. Truly amazing things happen when you get that "second brain" functioning like it was designed to! Xfactor is a quality multivitamin that is infused with Aloe for added absorption and BioCleanse adds Vitamins C and Magnesium to oxygenate you body and give your system a more stable environment. These are my Fab 4, by adding these high quality, plant based, GMO free, stimulant free, no caffeine added, & no added artificial sweeteners my "bullet holes" were healed, and because these products are so beneficial to my health & completely safe to use I plan on keeping them in my wellness regimen for the rest of my life. Lifetime use of the "band aids" are not a wise option.
Do you have bullet holes? Are you using a temporary band aid to attempt to fix it? Don't live like that. Live with health, wellness, & longevity."
/ Love this from my Certified Health Coach friend, Jill MaterowskiWerness.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Weight Loss is a Hormone issue and Gut Health is intimately connected to Hormone health. That's where many of them are created!
So, ever wonder why you lose weight, gain it back, lose it, gain it back...all the while you never fix your heart burn, anxiety, bowel problems, bloating, fatigue, depression, skin problems, cravings, sleeping, mood, allergies, eczema, headaches, thyroid problems, hormonal imbalances, blood sugars, etc.? You aren't addressing the real issue.
You see a Fad, you think, " why not," and you try it. You see a new fad, you quit Old Fad and try NEW Fad and on and on and on. The problem? Fads are temporary. Fads may offer quick results but those results are TEMP-OR-ARY!
You will not lose weight permanently until you deal with toxic build-up in your body. You won't. Mark my words. There are deeper rooted issues going on and until you address them head-on, you're going to just keep going round and round that blasted Mountain. Perhaps it's time to try a different approach...a natural, safe and effective approach that will provide long-term, sustainable results.
/ From FNP, Jennifer Rice. Thank you for sharing this with us!
This is an extremely difficult picture to post but it reminds me of how far God has brought me! Wanna know why I'm so passionate about Plexus? Over the past 2 years I've been prescribed/taken these medications (plus more that I've thrown away or didn't fill) to help me function through the day. I wasn't vocal about how bad I felt because I'm the one who is supposed to prescribe medication, not take meds! I was discouraged, frustrated, and at times hopeless. I AM NOW MEDICATION FREE!!!!! I no longer need a pill to wake up and one to get to sleep. I'm living again and thriving with the use of all natural supplements. If your medicine cabinet looks like this we need to talk!
/ Sara J Marble is a true Plexus success story! So happy to be a part of a company with so many class acts! Thank you Sara for sharing your story.
So I hear almost 40 is the new 20? Or maybe it's just because I feel like it is? On the left I was 23 and newly in love with my now husband John. I was stressed out working 12 hour night shifts in a very busy ICU as a registered nurse. Sleepless nights, migraines, and IBS plagued me and I felt exhausted most of my days off. Fast forward to today!!!! I'm almost 39, retired from the medical field and I feel amazing. I have only suffered 1 migraine in the last 2 years. I no longer keep food journals and my IBS symptoms are gone! I'm living the life of my dreams and now looking back I think my body is thanking me for it!
/ Blood sugar. Gut Health. Inflammation.
Blood sugar. Gut Health. Inflammation
Blood sugar. Gut Health. Inflammation.
As Holistic Health Coach & Author (& Emerald Plexus Ambassador) Kim Wilson Pollock says...
“It is my opinion that your health DEPENDS on these 3 things. If your blood sugar is stable, your energy will soar, your hormones will stabilize, your mood will improve and your sleep will become restful. If your gut is healthy, your immune system will be strong, you will likely no longer feel anxious or sad, your brain fog will disappear and your skin will glow. If you reduce inflammation in the body, your pain will go away, your arthritis will lessen, your body won't be stressed and you will prevent illness.'
Plexus is so much more than weight loss!!! It is about being healthy!!! Weight loss can be a side effect of being healthy! Every day I hear from friends, who like me, are so much happier and healthier due to getting their gut in check!!
THIS is why I keep sharing Plexus with everyone!! The Plexus TriPlex can help with blood sugar, gut health, and inflammation. It has certainly helped me!!!!”
To change your body on the outside, we have to change our inside first. I have found over the past 5 months that if we address these three things, our lives and health will change in amazing ways.
1.Blood sugar regulation
2. Gut health
3. Inflammation
I have used Plexus triplex to achieve my goals. These products were made to work synergistically together to address all three of these core issues!
/ GASP!! Is that a PREGNANT woman drinking that Slim "Pink Drink"?!! But you thought it was only for weight loss and full of caffeine, artificial ingredients and bad bad things for you? Wrong! Please don't simply take someone's word for it or an article you read online. I encourage you to research the ingredients! That's what I did, and I couldn't resist!! So, research what's in it, and ask your doctor if it's ok for you take!!! Because of the natural ingredients in plexus products, it's no surprise to me AT ALL that doctors are giving the go ahead.