Ex-Con(firmand) Application - 2017
(For High School Students - priority given to older youth)
Late applications may not be accepted.
Applications can be submitted to Jill Cosgrove () via email or returned to the Youth office.
Email Address (please write legibly) ______
Phone #______Date of birth ______
Grade level______School______
Number of years/months active in this youth program______
Confirmation classes meet Sunday mornings from 11am-12 pm. Classes begin
September 10, 2017and continue through to November 12, 2017.
We have a mandatory training class on Sunday, August 27 from 12-1:30 pm.
Lunch is included. Please make plans to attend.
The Confirmation Retreat is Sept. 15-17. Ex-Cons are asked to pay a small fee of $100.00 to help offset the costs for the retreat.
Being an Ex-Con is a huge responsibility, as you are taking part in the faith decisions and journey of others. Please take time to truly consider the commitment you are applying to make. There will only be up to three Ex-Cons per family group.
Please complete the following questions and submit this application to the Youth Staff on or before Sunday, August 20, 2017. Late applications may not be accepted. Incomplete applications will not be accepted, answer all of the questions to the best of your ability. Youth staff will review all applications and let you know which youth will help with the Confirmation program. If chosen you will need to attend the Confirmation Leader Meeting on Sunday, August 27, 2017at 12 p.m.
Please answer the following fivequestions on the backof this application or on a separate sheet of paper:
1)In order for you to help others know Jesus Christ it is important that you know Him. When and how did you come to know Jesus?
2)In your own words, what does it mean to be an Ex-con?
3)On the first Sunday of Confirmation one of your confirmands asks, “What is the purpose of Confirmation anyway?” What is your answer?
4)On the average, about how many times do you attend youth functions each month (during the school year)?______
5)Please tell us what this verse means to you: Philippians 2:3-4.
Below are some of the expectations of Ex-cons. (If you know that you will not be able to make all of the commitments below especially the Retreat please talk to the youth staff prior to turning in this application).
Please mark your initials beside each of the expectations to which you commit:
_____Attend Confirmation on Sunday mornings (Sept. 10 – Nov. 12). Comeprepared to help lead lessons and activities, as well as share personal examples from your own walk of faith.
_____If chosen as an Ex-Con you will need to attend a Confirmation Leader Meeting, Sunday, August 27.
_____Not miss more than two Sunday mornings of Confirmation.
_____Attend the Confirmation Retreat, September 15-17, 2017.
_____Live a life that is a Christ-like example to your Confirmands and others around you – at church as well as outside of church.
_____Keep in contact with your Confirmands during the week (phone calls, emails, personal contact at events, etc.) committing atleast one hour during the week to your group.
_____Be a regular attendee at youth events – ChAOS, Mid-Week etc. (You can’t keep in contact if you’re not here).
_____Be committed to your Confirmands even after Confirmation ends. You are committing yourself to the lives of these youth in a mentoring role throughout your years as a youth at RUMC.
There will only be 2-3 Ex-Cons per Tribe/Group. Other Ex-Con roles are available. Would you be willing to serve on the Confirmation Leadership Team (Youth staff and Lay support Staff) as an Assistant? Those duties would include helping in setup, working with the Parent group and general assistants to the Team?
Yes_____ No_____
Would you be willing to give your Testimony during one of the Parent Classes? This would include your story about accepting Christ and your involvement at RUMC. Yes_____ No_____
Please sign stating that you have answered these questions to the best of your ability and that you are willing to live up to these expectations.
Signature: ______Date:______
Parents Signature: ______