Due February 7th , 2018 11:59 PM
Before you apply to become an officer, it is imperative that you understand both our directive as a chapter of EWB-USA and the responsibilities and duties of the different officer positions. You may apply to up to TWO positions you think you would be most effective in. This application is then due to Elliese Shaughnessy at by February 7, 2017.
EWB-USA Mission
EWB-USA, TAMU student chapter will deliver sustainable and innovative solutions to real-world problems in order to empower international communities by offering opportunities for the students of Texas A&M University to:
+ Manage international engineering projects,
+ Develop relationships with members of other cultures,
+ Create engineering designs,
+ Lead the implementation of those designs, and
+ Initiate the supporting functions of the projects: fundraising, manage finances and establish relationships with faculty and donors.
Please read the Officer Expectations document below to acknowledge the general duties of being an officer of EWB-USA, TAMU Student Chapter. The document will require your signature after the prospective candidates for positions have been elected.
Officer Expectations and Contract
As an officer in Engineers without Borders at Texas A&M University, I understand the following:
- My diligent completion of duties according to my position’s list of responsibilities is absolutely vital to the overall effectiveness of EWB-USA, TAMU student chapter. Every officer and member of EWB-USA, TAMU student chapter will depend on me to fulfill my own responsibilities.
- I will respect the time and efforts each EWB-USA, TAMU student chapter member whom I lead by
- preparing for the meetings that I will lead and attend,
- Communicate in a regular and consistent manner with project or committee group (via phone, email, website, etc.)
- Follow-up on delegated tasks with whom they were assigned as appropriate in order to contribute to an effective use of the time of each participant,
- Strive to constantly develop my personal leadership and communication skills in order to better facilitate the service of EWB-USA, and TAMU student chapter members
●My thoroughness in each of these activities will be essential to proper delegation, accountability, updates, and ultimate progress of EWB-USA, TAMU student chapter.
●I will be open to candid feedback and it is my aim hope that goals for development in leadership, interpersonal skills, delegation, leading effective meetings and projects, and my own personal goals will be satisfied as I exert my energy towards the betterment of EWB-USA, TAMU student chapter faculties of service and empowerment.
EWB-TAMU Officers are expected to attend all mandatory meetings and events, listed below, if reasonably possible. The appropriate Vice President must be informed in 48 hours advance in email in order to be excused from a mandatory event. Naturally, excuses will be granted for unavoidable academic related issues (Test conflict, heavy test load that week, etc.). Excusal for other reasons will be up to the discretion of the appropriate Vice President and President. We understand our officers have other responsibilities and we will be flexible with our officers but your attendance and participation in EWB-TAMU events is essential to the success of our program.
Annual Required Events
●All development team meetings
●All general meetings
●At least one chapter social
●At least three, one-hour outreach shifts (i.e. MSC Open House, Aggieland Saturday, E-Week)
I will professionally represent myself as an officer during meetings and other events (i.e. wearing officer polos at chapter meetings).
I will correspond through the provided officer email only.
Officer Roles
Communication Director Roles and Responsibilities
●In charge of managing EWB-TAMU Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts.
●In charge of managing the EWB-TAMU website
●In charge of maintaining the weekly newsletter
●In charge of creating promotional materials and advertising for the chapter
Membership Coordinator Roles and Responsibilities
●In charge of managing the registration process for new members
●In charge of maintaining the membership database
●In charge of keeping attendance for all chapter events
●In charge of managing the points system
Administrator Officer Roles and Responsibilities
●In charge of planning chapter meetings
- Booking Rooms
- Ordering Food
●In charge of managing the EWB-TAMU Team Drive and Email Accounts
●Keeping minutes and records of all EWB-TAMU events
●In charge of training officers and managing transitions
Treasurer Roles and Responsibilities
●In charge of managing the EWB-TAMU marketplace account
●In charge of maintaining records of all financial records including: dues, merchandise, donations, money spent for socials and meetings, money spent on projects.
●In charge of maintaining semester budgets
●In charge of working with SOFC, EWB HQ, and the Civil Engineering Dept
Event Coordinator Roles and Responsibilities
●In charge of putting on chapter socials
●In charge of putting on workshops
●In charge of coordinating outreach events (MSC Open House, E-Week, etc)
Fundraiser Roles and Responsibilities
●In charge of planning a wide range of fundraisers
●In charge of soliciting donations and coordinating with donors
●In charge of working with projects to complete grant applications
If you have further questions on officer roles, responsibilities, and requirements, please contact Cody Cook at
EWB-USA, Texas A&M University Chapter Officer Application, Spring 2017
Fill out the boxes electronically, or expand them and fill it out on paper. This application is due back to Cody Cook at by February 7th, 2018.
Contact Information
NamePhone Number
General Information
What’s your major?What’s your class year?
What is your age?
What’s your GPA?
Which position(s) are you applying for? (Up to two)
Describe your motivation for applying, and your specific plans to utilize this position to the mission of EWB-USA at Texas A&M University.
Being an officer can be a big time commitment. Prove that you have enough time to do it next year.
Describe your strengths and how you will use them in the position to serve the members of EWB-TAMU and the communities where we serve. Give some examples of your strengths, your weaknesses, and some experiences in the past that you think will help you be effective as an officer.
Participation in EWB
Summarize your participations and accomplishments in our EWB chapter up until now.
As a student organization, we really don’t want to micromanage officers. We want to be confident that our officer team can take initiative and with minimal oversight. Explain or give examples of ways you've shown initiative.
Explain what you hope to learn from this experience.
List any questions you may have regarding the opportunities/requirements of this position. (to be answered via email and in post officer election one-on-one meetings)