Evidence for a Link between La Caridad Porphyry Copper Deposit and La Caridad Antigua High Sulfidation Epithermal Deposit.
Victor A. Valencia1, Joaquin Ruiz1, Mihai Ducea1, Fernando Barra 1, Lucas Ochoa2
1 Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, Az. 85721, USA
2 Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Sonora, Hermosillo, Son., 83000, Mexico
Spatial and temporal links between epithermal and porphyry copper deposits have been documented in many areas in the Circum-Pacific Ring (Lepanto, Philippines, Arribas et. al., 1995; Hedenquist et. al., 1998; Nevados de Famatina and La Mejicana, Argentina, Losada-Calderon and McPhail, 1996; Maricunga Belt, Chile, Muntean and Eunaudi, 2001). In region of Southwestern North America with more than 50 porphyry copper deposits, the transition between porphyry and epithermal ore deposits is poorly documented. Here we present field observations, major and trace element data along with Rb-Sr and Re-Os measurements, which suggest that La Caridad, a porphyry copper-molybdenum deposit and La Caridad Antigua, a high-sulfidation epithermal system, are related.
The La Caridad porphyry is a world-class copper-molybdenum deposit located in northeastern Sonora, Mexico, and is the most productive Cu deposit in Mexico (~150,000 ton Cu/y). Reserves as of 2001 were ~four million tons of Cu and 250,000 tons of Mo. The deposit occurs within igneous extrusive rocks, which range from andesites to dacites.[JC1] These host rocks were intruded by diorite, granodiorite, quartz monzonite porphyries and irregular pegmatites bodies of Laramide age. Mineralization at La Caridad deposit is associated to the quartz monzonite porphyry and took place over a short period of time, as is shown by preliminary Re-Os ages in molybdenite associated with hydrothermal alteration. Molybdenite associated with potassic alteration yields an age of 53.8 ± 0.3 Ma (2) and molybdenite associated with phyllic alteration yields an age of 53.6 ±0.3 Ma (2).
La Caridad deposit is cut by La Caridad postmineral fault in the eastern part of the deposit, this is a NW-SE striking normal fault with a 45o NE dip.
La Caridad Antigua is located at three km east of La Caridad ore body, in the hanging wall of La Caridad Fault, and was described by Wandke (1925). This deposit was mined in the beginning of the past century (1907-1917) and is hosted in latites and rhyolites (K-Ar in biotite 51.3 ± 2.0 Ma (2), Livingston, 1973) that are intruded by a small quartz feldespatic porphyry. This deposit contains a acid-sulfate epithermal mineral association, which includes pyrophillite, kaolinite, sericite, alunite, quartz and barite, as alteration minerals along with a variety of sulfides including chalcopyrite, pyrite, enargite, bornite and tennantite. This event generated massive a silicic alteration halo that extends for more than 100 m laterally away from the deposit.
We analyzed Rb-Sr for 8 samples from mineralized and pre-mineralized rocks, in both deposits. Four samples of mineralized whole rocks from the La Caridad pit and from La Caridad Antigua yield an isochron with a 87Sr/86Sr initial ratio of 0.7075 and an age of 50.6 ± 4.8 Ma. Although the error on the age is somewhat large it overlaps with the molybdenite ages. This correlation along with the similar initial isotopic ratios suggests a co-magmatic origin for both deposits. Pre-mineralization host rocks have 87Sr/86Sr initial values ranging from 0.7065-0.7068 (calculated at 53.6 Ma) with a gradual increase which correlates with increase of silica content.
La Caridad Antigua is believed to represent the high level portion of a porphyry copper system with a elevation between both deposit of ~2-3 km. Although the difference between the K-Ar ages of the La Caridad Antigua deposit and the Re-Os ages of the La Caridad deposit suggest that they are two separate events, the intimate spatial association, the identical 87Sr/86Sr initial values and the identical ages for the host rocks of the porphyry and epithermal mineralization combined suggests a genetic relation between the La Caridad and La Caridad Antigua ore bodies. We suggest that the K-Ar age is probably disturbed and it is more likely that the two deposits were formed from a single magmatic-hydrothermal system that evolved from porphyry Cu-Mo deposit at depth to a high sulphidation epithermal deposit at shallow levels.
We are most grateful to Grupo Mexico for allowing access to the mine operations and logistics (Ing. Remigio Martinez, Ing. Narcizo Javier Olvera, Ing. Jose Contla, Ing. Marco Figueroa), and to the Arizona Geological Society for generous financial support. In particular, we would like to thank to Dr. John Chesley Dr Chris Eastoe, Sergio Castro for their help and for interesting discussions.
Arribas, A., Jr., Hedenquist, J.W., Itaya, T., Okeda, T., Concepcion, R.A., and Garcia, J.S. Jr., 1995, Contemporaneous formation of adjacent porphyry and ephithermal Cu-Au deposit over Ka in northern Luzon, Philippines. Geology, v.23. p.419-454.
Damon, P. E., Shafiqullah, M., Clark, K. F., 1983, Geochronology of the porphyry-copper deposits and related mineralization of Mexico, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v.20, p.1052-1071.
Damon, P. E.,1968, Potassium-argon dating of igneous and metamorphic rocks with applications to the Basin ranges of Arizona and Sonora. In Radiometric dating for geologists. Hamilton E. I ., (Ed). Interscience Publishers. London and New York, International, p.1-71.
Hedenquist, J.W., Arribas, A., Jr, Reynolds, T.J., 1998, Evolution of an intrusion-centered hydrothermal system: Far Southeast-Lepanto porphyry and epithermal Cu-Au deposits, Philippines. Economic Geology, v.93. p.373-404.
Livingston, D. E., 1973, K-Ar ages and Sr Isotopy at La Caridad, Nacozari District, Sonora, Mexico. Publication 80, Dept. of Geosciences, University of Arizona, 31 pp.
Livingston, D. E., 1973, The age variation of porphyry copper deposits, southern Basin and Range Province. Geological society of America, Abstract with programs, v.5, no.7, p. 715.
Livingston, D. E., 1974. K-Ar ages and isotopy of La Caridad, Sonora, compared to other porphyy copper deposits of the southern Basin and Range province. Geological society of America, Abstract with programs, v.6, no.3, p. 208.
Losada-Calderon, A. J., McPhail, D.C., 1996, Porphyry and high-sulfidation epithermal mineralization in the Nevados del Famitina mining district, Argentina. Society of Economic Geologists Special Publication 5. p.91-117.
Muntean, J.L., Eunadi, M.T., 2001, Porphyry-epithermal transition: Maricunga Belt, Northern Chile. Economic Geology, v.96, p.743-772
Wandke, A., 1925, The Caridad mine, Sonora, Mexico. Economic Geology, v.25 p. 311-318.
[JC1]1 No new paragraph