ACCESS POINT (less complex): 5.RL.L. Student will identify a story element that may include a character, setting, or problem.
  • Everyperformancetaskmusthaveatleastfiveuniqueitems/questions.
  • Thefiveitemscanrelatetoonetopicorto multipletopics.
  • Sourcematerialmustbealiterarytext.
  • Inamultiple-choiceitem,aminimumoftwoanswerchoicesmustbeprovided.
Restrictions: None


Teacherdirection to student
HereisastoryaboutPattyandher mom.FollowalongasIreadthestorytoyou.AsIreadthestory, thinkaboutwherethestorytakesplace.[Readthestorywithaccompanyingvisuals,asnecessary,tothestudent.]
Patty and her mom like going to the park. They play on the swings and Patty when her mom pushes her. They go down the slide. The have a picnic. Patty loves going to the park with her mom
Teacherdirection:Whichpicture/word showsthesettingwherethestorytakesplace?
[Pointtothepicture/wordcardanswerchoices; oneshowingabeachandoneshowingapark.]
A. Beach
B. Park

Access the book: Duck at the Door by Jackie Urbanovic
Teacherdirection to student: Hereisastory.FollowalongasIreadthestorytoyou.AsIreadthestory, thinkthe about the characters, problem and setting.[Readthestorywithaccompanyingvisuals,asnecessary,tothestudent.]
  1. According to the story, who is Max?
/ A duck
/ A dog

  1. Who is Irene?
/ A Bird
/ A Woman

  1. Who is Brody ?
/ A cat
/ A dog

  1. Where does the story take place?
/ In a house
/ In a barn

  1. At the end what surprise or problem do the animals face when Max comes back?
/ His brought his flock of ducks
/ He brought his mom with him.

Teacherdirection to student
Hereisastory.FollowalongasIreadthestorytoyou.AsIreadthestory, thinkabout the characters, problem and setting.[Readthestorywithaccompanyingvisuals,asnecessary,tothestudent.]
Clifford by Norman Bridwell
Clifford is a big red dog. He lives in a house with Emily Elizabeth. Clifford was not always big; when he was a puppy he was very small. He was too small to fetch a ball.
Which picture shows a character in the story?

Which picture shows the setting where the story takes place?

Which picture shows a problem in the story?