Thirty-One Bingo Party
Everyone receives ONE Bingo card for coming!
You can earn additional cards for more chances to WIN FREE Thirty-One products!
YOU, as the HOSTESS,can earn additional Bingo cards!
Receive 1 Additional Bingo Card for:
Having 10 or more guests in attendance.
For each $100 in outside orders you bring with you.
Booking a Thirty-One show prior to Bingo night.
For each guest that brings a friend not on the guest list.
Wearing something PINK.
Receive 5 Additional Bingo Cards for:
Deciding to make this your starter show and becoming a Thirty-One Consultant!
Your GUESTS can earn additional Bingo cards too!
Receive 1 Additional Bingo Card for:
Bringing a friend that is not on the guest list.
For each outside order you bring
For Pre-booking and dating a show with me prior to Bingo night.
RSVPing to YOU on or before Sunday, April 19th.
Wearing something PINK.
Receive 5 Additional Bingo Cards for:
Deciding to join Thirty-One and becoming a consultant the night of the BINGO!
Must sign and pay for kit that evening prior to the beginning of BINGO.
Thirty-One Bingo Party
Everyone receives ONE Bingo card for coming!
You can earn additional cards for more chances to WIN FREE Thirty-One products!
YOU, as the HOSTESS, can earn additional Bingo cards!
Receive 1 Additional Bingo Card for:
Having 10 or more guests in attendance.
For each $100 in outside orders you bring with you.
Booking a Thirty-One show prior to Bingo night.
For each guest that brings a friend not on the guest list.
Wearing something PINK.
Receive 5 Additional Bingo Cards for:
Deciding to make this your starter show and becoming a Thirty-One Consultant!
Your GUESTS can earn additional Bingo cards too!
Receive 1 Additional Bingo Card for:
Bringing a friend that is not on the guest list.
For each outside order you bring
For Pre-booking and dating a show with me prior to Bingo night.
RSVPing to YOU on or before Sunday, April 19th.
Wearing something PINK.
Receive 5 Additional Bingo Cards for:
Deciding to join Thirty-One and becoming a consultant the night of the BINGO!
Must sign and pay for kit that evening prior to the beginning of BINGO.