Everyone at Spirit of Hopeis a Minister of the Gospel

In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your acts of kindness, and give glory to your God. Matthew 5:16


Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit...." Matthew 28:19

Sunday, September 14, 2014


Renew Sunday/Bible Sunday

September 21

From the Heart Concert

Sunday, September 21, 4:00 p.m.

Rejoice Sunday

September 28

World Communion

October 5


September14, 2014Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost10:00 a.m.

The Gathering


GREETINGPastor Jeff Hansen


Freely, Freely

God forgave my sin in Jesus' name,I've been born again in Jesus' name;

And in Jesus' name I come to you, to share His love as He told me to.


He said, "Freely, freely,You have received;Freely, freely give.

Go in My name,And because you believe,Others will know that I live."

All pow'r is giv'n in Jesus' name, in earth and heav'n in Jesus' name;

And in Jesus' name I come to you, to share His pow'r as He told me to.

Shine Jesus, Shine


Shine, Jesus, shine! Fill this land with the Father's glory;Blaze, Spirit, blaze! Set our hearts on fire.

Flow, river, flow. Flood the nations with grace and mercy;Send forth Your Word. Lord, and let there be light.

Lord, the light of Your love is shining. In the midst of the darkness shining;

Jesus, Light of the World, shine upon us;Set us free by the truth You now bring us.

Shine on me, shine on me.

Lord, I come to Your awesome presence. From the shadows into Your radiance;

By the blood I may enter Your brightness. Search me, try me, consume all my darkness.

Shine on me, shine on me.

As we gaze on Your kingly brightness. So our faces display Your likeness;

Ever-changing from glory to glory. Mirror'd here may our lives tell Your story.

Shine on me, shine on me.CCLI License No. 1027861


One:Reach! For the sky!

All:For the stars!

One:For the great beyond,

All:For the deep within,

One:For that something,

All:That Someone, who will stretch you,

One:And take you to where wholly new life begins.


All Creatures of Our God and KingNo. 62


One:With Sun and moon, wind and rain, fire and flowers and fruits, and even death itself, let us pray...

All:Creator of all, let every part and participant in your ongoing creation, and re-creation, sing out, speak up, offer aloud our praise and prayer and very selves, in awareness of and gratitude for our blessed belonging in you! And thus all the sounds and colors and expressions of every creature become an offering, an Alleluia, and a reaching out to awaken our still sleeping sisters and brothers in the world around! We share in that awakening song and prayer here and now. And, when we leave here? How will you continue that call in us, that Alleluia, that outreach to the world in which we spend our days and thus our lives, in Jesus' name and spirit? Amen.



As we join in the Ministry of Presence, please sign and pass the forms along the pew and then pass them back paying attention to those around you.


(Following children’s time, preschool through 6th grade children will be dismissed to their classes. Nursery is available for children 3-years old and younger.)


Agnus DeiEugene Butler

Lamb of God, (you) who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us.

Lamb of God, (you) who takes away the sins of the world, grant us peace.


Matthew 28:16-20p. 41

One:For the word of God in scripture,

within, among, and beyond us,

All:Thanks be to God!

MESSAGE“Out Reach from Within”Pastor Jeff Hansen







I Will RejoiceSmith & Darnell

Susan Hofflander and Melissa O’Neill


Gracious God, your outreach and embrace enfold us in love, your presence deep within fills us with your gracious promise. We are fully and forever yours whatever happens! How can we express our gratitude? Perhaps if we were to live out of that promise and into that love, through what we give and who we are, your goodness would shine through and reach out to touch all sorts of people, brighten all kinds of lives, and light up the whole place! Could that happen? In Jesus' name and spirit, so may it be! Amen.


Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.




One:Let us with Christ arise,

All:And filled with all the life of God,

One:Go to let that very life stretch us, reach out through us, light up the place from within us!

God send you, the Spirit fill you, Christ go with you and you with Christ, alwaysand everywhere. Amen.

God bless. Go in peace. Amen!


(In consideration of those who remain during the closing music for moments of quiet reflection, please greet new and old friends for coffee and fellowship in the lobby.)

*Please stand, as able, to the Glory of God


Spirit of Hope News

Visitors – Thank you for joining us in worship today.

Adult Education (FORUM) - Everyone Sunday you are invited to join us! We are doing a video series “The Spiritual Brain” where we watch the video for 20–30 minutes followed by a discussion. This series draws upon the latest research linking modern neuroscience and spirituality and gives insight into why people believe what they do. It examines the fascinating relationship between the universal spiritual urge and the intricate workings of the human brain.

Staff Anniversaries: Thank you for your ministry: Janine Hall (5 years) and Jerry Rubino (25 years). You are appreciated!

Outreach Committee - Do you want to be part of a ministry that will grow Spirit of Hope? Join our team! Our goal is to provide awareness to our congregation and community. Contact Jody Grande for more information.

Join us for excellent worship with inspiring music and relevant sermons:

September 21—Renew Sunday: Today we will explore new ways in which you might deepen your relationship with Jesus. Come and learn about our many Bible studies and book groups that help to renew your spirit.

September 28—Rejoice Sunday: The Bible teaches us the importance of taking time to celebrate and that’s what we will do today! “This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it!” Join us for this special day of celebrating!

Women’s Book Club - All women are welcome to come for a discussion of the book Ordinary Grace, by Wm. Kent Drueger. Tonight at 6:30p.m., in the Lower Lobby.

Book Studyis starting their regular fall schedule on Monday,September 15, at 6:30 p.m., in the Fireside Room. Contact the Gloria Peck and Eric Forsberg 763-542-8641 for more information.

Creative Spirits - Regular scheduled, twice monthly meetings will begin September with the third Saturday, September 20, at 9:30 a.m

With two ‘stitchery’ type groups in our church, a decision has been made to combine the Prayer Shawl Ministry with Creative Spirits. All knitters or people who crochet prayer shawls are invited to join us on the above dates and continue in September with our twice monthly meetings. It’s a good match; and we are a friendly group, open to all. This continuing group gives folks a time and place to work on projects that ‘never seem to get done!’

Call Merry Anne if you have any questions at 763-546-5103 or if you have yarn to donate. We are blessed with many kind people who have provided much needed yarn for all our projects. Many Thanks!

From the Heart -Presents: A musical journey of memorable songs celebrating, “Faith, Hope & Love”. Melissa O’Neill, soprano, Tom Witry, baritone, Martha Mathewson, piano, and Dana Mathewson, reeds will be performing contemporary Christian songs and unforgettable tunes from the Great American Songbook that we all heard on the radio, sang along with, and danced to as we fell in love. The concert will be on September 21, at 4:00 p.m., at Spirit of Hope. This concert is a benefit for Spirit of Hope, with all proceeds going to the General Fund.

Random Acts of Gardening - Have you ever wanted to surprise someone with a touch of nature? At Random Acts of Gardening, we’re dedicated to helping people connect with nature, learn more about plants, and have their day brightened through randomly leaving lovely container gardens at their front steps. Nominate someone to receive a random act of gardening (lovely container garden) today! There is no fee, and anyone can be nominated – a friend, neighbor, or anyone who would enjoy having their day brightened. For more information contact Kim Corey Edstrom or check out her website at

Liturgists/Readers for Sunday Worship - Are you interested in helping Pastor Jeff with worship on Sunday? We are looking for those interested in being liturgists/readers for the Call to Worship, Opening Prayer, and Scripture. Sign up on the bulletin board in the upper lobby for a date that works for you. Training and support provided.

Calendar and Announcements – For the weekly calendar of events, please check out our new website at or “The Voice” newsletter. To be better stewards, by January 2015, the announcements will not be printed in the bulletin. Paper copies will be available in the lower lobby.

Did you Know?Pastor Jeff’s sermons are online at

Our Community

PRISM - has asked the church partners to contribute specific items throughout the year for the food shelf. They have asked Spirit of Hope to contribute cooking oil, flour/sugar, canned tuna/chicken, pasta sauce, boxed dinners, cereal, peanut butter, and jelly/jam, ethnic food itemsin September.

You may also make a donation to PRISM. Be sure to clearly mark PRISM on your offering envelope or on the memo line of your check. If you would like a PRISM envelope, see an usher or get one from the Kiosk.

CALENDAR – Week of September 14, 2014

SUNDAY, September 14Reach Sunday

8:30 amChapel Service (Chapel)

9:00 amFORUM [Adult Education Class] (Fireside Room)

9:00 amChoir (Sanctuary)

10:00 amWorship/FaithWalk Sunday School/Cherub Choir (nursery available for 3-year olds and younger)

11:15 amYouth Choir (Chapel)

After WorshipFellowship and Coffee (Lobby)

6:30 pmWomen’s Book Club (Lower Lobby)


6:30 pmBook Study (Fireside Room)

7:00 pmBoy Scouts (Fellowship Hall)


7:30 amMetro West Builders (Footitt Conference Room)

7:00 pmCommon Solutions (AA) meeting (Fellowship Hall,

Chapel, Nursery, and Fireside Room)


10:00 amStaff Meeting (Footitt Conference Room)

5:30 pmSpirit A’Peal Bell Rehearsal (Sanctuary)

6:00 pmYouth L.I.F.E. (Fellowship Hall)

6:00 pmMini Spirits (Chapel)

6:30 pmTrustees (Footitt Conference Room)

6:30 pmHoly Spirits (Chapel)

7:00 pmW.I.L.D. 1’s Pre-Confirmation [Grade 6]

7:00 pmReform Pre-Confirmation [Grade 7]

7:00 pmConfirmation [Grade 8]

7:00 pm“Echo the Story” [Grades 9-12]


9:00 amTool Box Club

10:30 amDriving for Dinner at Your Door


9:00 amSecond Harvest (Fellowship Hall)


9:30 amCreative Spirits (Lower Lobby)

SUNDAY, September 21Renew Sunday/Bible Sunday

8:30 amChapel Service (Chapel)

9:00 amFORUM [Adult Education Class] (Fireside Room)

9:00 amChoir (Sanctuary)

9:00 amOrchestra (Fellowship Hall)

10:00 amWorship/FaithWalk Sunday School/Cherub Choir (nursery available for 3-year olds and younger)

11:15 amYouth Choir (Chapel)

After WorshipOrchestra Rehearsal (Sanctuary)

After WorshipFellowship and Coffee (Lobby)

4:00 pmFrom the Heart Concert (Sanctuary)

Attendance Report for September 7, 2014

8:30 a.m. Chapel14

10:00 a.m. Worship 165


Faith Walk Sunday School52


Spirit of Hope UMC

7600 Harold Avenue

Golden Valley, MN 55427-4820

763-545-0239  763-546-3109 (fax)


Office Hours: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., Monday – Thursday

9 a.m. – 12 noon, Friday

Sunshine Valley Daycare: 763-545-6906


Ministers: Congregation

Pastor: Jeff Hansen

Children, Youth and Family Minister: Deb Johnson

Minister of Music: Jerry Rubino

Instrumental Music Coordinator: Paul David Stanko

Children’s Choir Music coordinator: Jane Samsal

Quartet: Melissa O’Neill, Susan Hofflander, Tom Witry and Max Wojtanowicz

Finance Administrator: Peggy Bocklund

Administrative Assistants: Janine Hall,

Sharon Seiter

Nursery Attendant: Shannon Siler

Ushers:Doug and Leann Cozad, Buzz and Jan Nelson*Head Usher

Greeters:Jeff and Greta Evans Becker

Hospitality:Community, Marilyn Gresser

LiturgistMerry Anne Rosengren

Altar Flowers:In honor of Ron and Sue Lundquist’s anniversary

Ask an usher if you would like large print bulletins or Williams sound system for persons with hearing loss.

Bulletin Announcements are due in the church office on Tuesdays by 9:00 a.m.

Voice Articles for the October editionare due in the church office by 1:00 p.m. on September 15.

Church office email address –

*Articles or announcements may be dropped off at the church office or emailed to .

Statement of Call: We are called by God to be a radically inclusive, caring community of faith – offering personal and social transformation through Jesus Christ.

Reconciling Statement: We are a reconciling congregation welcoming people of all sexual orientations.