

Instructor: Monica Pinto

Room 441




Students will acquire an understanding of and an appreciation for human behavior, behavior interaction, and the progressive development of individuals. Students will be better prepared to understand his/her own thoughts, behaviors and emotions and those of others. Students will investigate personality theories, learn developmental theories, discover the psychological disorders, and courses of treating these disorders and everyday problems.


The broad learning objectives are based on the Florida Department of Education Sunshine Standards, the College Board Course Requirements guide, and the FCAT Standards for reading and writing. After completing this course, students will be able to:

Sunshine State Standards

Students will recognize how psychology provides an organized scientific way of understanding human behavior, growth and development.

Students will understand the various theories that explain thoughts, behaviors and emotions.

Students will understand the basic methods and techniques used to investigate behavior.

Students will understand how behaviors are acquired and how to build those specifics behaviors into appropriate patterns of behavior.

Students will recognize the relationship between physical and psychological development.

Students will recognize various forms of abnormal behavior, causes of abnormal behaviors and modern therapies to correct abnormal behaviors.

Students will recognize the relationship between stress and psychological well being.

Students will apply research, study critical-thinking and decision-making skills and demonstrate the use of new emerging technology in problem solving.


Textbook: Gerrig, R, & Zimbardo, P (2002). Psychology and life. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

Supplies (suggested, but not limited to)-pencil, pen (black or blue ink), loose lined paper, colored pencils, colored markers, poster board, ruler, glue, class folder, notebook and dividers.

CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS: Failure to comply with the policies may result in parent conferences and/or Administrative referral

  1. During the instruction/lecture portion of class, each student must give his/her undivided attention to the instructor, guest speakers, and classmates who are recognized to speak.
  2. Food and beverages, to include chewing gum, are not allowed in the classroom at any time.
  3. Restrooms are to be used before and after class (must have School Planner for emergencies).
  4. Refrain from personal grooming during class.
  5. Take pride in the way our classroom and school appear. Do not leave paper or trash on the floor or desks. Do not write on the desks or walls. Take PRIDE in our school.
  6. Each student must bring his/her required materials to class everyday. NO EXCEPTIONS.
  7. Sharpen your pencil and sit in your ASSIGNED seat prior to the bell ringing.
  8. Please refer to the Social Studies Department cheating policy-NO cheating.
  9. Physical and verbal abuse is not allowed in our classroom.
  10. Personal matters must be taken care of during your lunch period, or before, or after school. No passes.
  11. Cell phones MUST be turned OFF or they will be confiscated.


  1. ATTENDANCE IS ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL. Students are expected to report to class on time. It is the students’ responsibility to inquire about missed class work. Students will keep a mandatory class notebook and journal notebook that will contain an updated assignment list of all assignments assigned to the class.
  2. Students must come to school prepared to work and complete all assignments.
  3. Students must be able to work independently to complete assigned tasks.
  4. Students must be able to work in cooperative groups with other students.
  5. Oral participation and writing assignments will be done on a regular basis.
  6. Students must print the power points for each chapter and bring the power points to class each week. The website address will be provided the first week of school.


Diehl, V (2002). Instructor's Resource Manual: Invitation to psychology. Upper Saddle

River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Swinkels, A, & Giuliano, T (1998). Instructor's resource manual: Psychology. Upper

Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Weiten, W (2004). Psychology:Themes and variation. Bemont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth.

EVALUATION: The grading system will be based on content specific writing components, reading selections, quizzes, tests, completed assignments, notebook portfolio, and class participation. A final grade will be given based on the percent average of the previous and according to the countywide grades scale.

A = 90-100B = 80-85C = 70-75D = 60-65

B+= 86-89C+= 76-79 D+= 66-69F = 0-59

Class Grading: Semester Grade is based on a scale of 100% (category percents are approximate)

Exams/Projects: 100 points

Quizzes: 50 points

Homework/Classwork: 25 points

Academic dishonesty (cheating of any kind) will result in a grade of 0, a referral, and will be reported to National Honor Society

Extra Credit: Students will be given extra credit opportunities (essays, posters) during the term

You are required to keep this course syllabus in your notebook and please feel free to refer to it as needed

Your success in mastering the content of this course is my utmost priority, but your effort will greatly affect your performance. If you have any problems or questions, please don’t hesitate to seek my assistance.

Psychology Semester Movie List

After the AP exam the students will be viewing movies that correspond with the material discussed in their chapter readings. Dr Fetcher has already pre-approved each movie however; there are certain films that require your consent. Below is a list of movies that require your consent. If there are any movies on this list that you do not approve of please identify these films at the bottom of the form. If you do not approve of your teenager watching any of these films and alternate assignment will be available. Thank you and please feel free to contact me with any questions.

  1. Rainman- this movie will potentially be shown during the Thinking and Intelligence chapter. The education value pertains to the discussion of autism and the effects of this disorder on relationships.
  2. Life As A House- This movie will potentially be shown during the chapter that covers Health and Illness. This movie discusses how a family member’s illness affects his loved ones.
  3. When A Man Loves A Woman- This movie will be potentially shown during the alcohol and drug chapter. The movie discusses the impact alcoholism has on one’s life and family.
  4. Girl Interrupted- This movie will potentially be shown during the Therapeutic Intervention chapter. This movie discusses various psychological disorders and various forms of treatment for the disorders.
  5. Enough- this movie may potentially be shown during the Relationship chapter. This movie discusses the effects of abusive relationships and how empowerment can change a person’s life.
  6. When Harry Met Sally-this movie may be shown during the Relationship chapter. It discusses what makes a good relationship and the importance of friendships.
  7. Beautiful Mind- this movie will be shown during the Psychological disorder chapter. It will introduce the students to the life of a person who has Schizophrenia.
  8. One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest- this movie will be shown during the history of psychology chapter. This film explores the experience of patients in the days of early institutionalization.
  9. Supersize Me- this film will be shown during the Health and Illness chapter. This film explores ho fast food effects the mind and body.
  10. And the Band Played On- this film will be shown during the HIV lecture. This film discusses the history of the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
  11. Mean Girls- movie will be played during the social psychology chapter. Shows the effects of conformity and desire to belong.


Dear Parents or Guardians,

I would like to welcome you and your child to Everglades High School. I am excited to have your child in our AP Psychology class. I would like to recommend that you check with your child frequently to see how he/she is doing in class. It is important that you be aware of his/her academic progress. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at Everglades High School. In addition, please feel stay in touch periodically to check on your students progress.

Please take the time to fill out the following information and have your child return that portion by the end of the first week of school

Thank you,

Dr. Schear

Course Outline Agreement for Psychology
Student’s Name ______
Date ______

Student Signature______


Parent/Guardian ______


Phone Number______

Work/Cell Number ______

Emergency Contact Name and Number-

Parent/Guardian Signature______

Movie Consent Form

Please indicate any films that you would prefer your teenager not view.

Parent Signature Date

If you approve of your teenage seeing all of these films then please sign below.

Parent Signature