Events & Demos SC
Meeting August 16, 2016
Meeting Attendees
IndividualRex BrooksChair
IndividualTim GrapesVoting Member
Honeycomb NetworksElysa JonesVoting Member
Honeycomb NetworksDan NielsenGuest
OASIS StaffCarol GeyerGuest
OASIS StaffDee SchurMember
OASIS StaffJane HarnadGuest
Meeting held on GoToMeeting
A quorum of voting members was in attendance. Meeting notes from 8-09-2016 were approved as amended, with the motion made by Elysa and seconded by TimAll were in favor, with none opposed or abstaining.
- Logistics-
- Space, Constellation Ballroom D, Elysa noted that we want the round table U-shaped format rather than the theater style
- A/V, there was no instruction about thisso we’ll have to contact them about availability
- Signage,can we put up signs? Do we want to record Patti’s presentation? Yes if we can.
- Entry, Anyone coming has to register for the full-day event $220/per. Honeycomb Networks has reserved a small parlor space
- Refreshments,
- Invitation—Elysa noted that she wants to include the urls for the TEP and HAVE, invitation has gone out to selected working group co-chairs. Release statement to go out September 15th announcing the joint release. It becomes available to members only first, then to the public.
- Elysa out of country from Aug 20-30 for CAP Workshop.
- Scenario-Tim
- Show day-to-day scenario such as
- four-car accident with patients dispatched to two hospitals with data flows from EMS to hospital intake showing
- HAVE for selecting hospital destination/dispatch and
- TEP info entered into handheld device or laptop by EMT then show same data prepopulating (TEP < > ADT)
- ADT hospital emergency department (ED) intake
- Highlight mass-casualty event just scales up daily ED process--not a change of process.
- Show step by step slide
- Highlight problems solved (Note that many points discussed from Tim’s slides but it was not feasible to take notes while paying attention to GoToMeeting.)
- Presentation-if Patti’s available—Patti wasn’t available but it was clear that she, Tim and Elysa need to work together to coordinate walk-through presentation and transformation document presentation.
- New Business? No new business was discussed.
The meeting concluded with Elysa moving to adjourn and Tim seconding, all in favour.