Event Services

Lost and Found

Please report any lost/found athletes/items to the closest information services table. Also, if you lose a credential, please go to information services.

Information Services

There will be an information services area staffed by volunteers with notebooks full of Tournament information. They also have access to communication personnel to help answer questions they cannot accommodate. Information services will collect lost and found and provide replacement credentials.


Special Olympics North Carolina will have volunteer photographers at venues throughout the competition. These photographers can be distinguished from the news media by their volunteer T-shirts. Please note that they are on assignment for SONC and refrain from requesting copies of their work, as it would be impossible to accommodate requests from everyone. Competition photos can be viewed in the photo gallery at after the weekend of competition. Coaches, families and other local program representatives are encouraged to bring their own cameras to secure photos of the event.

Special Olympics North Carolina will also have volunteer videographers at venues throughout the competition. These videographers can be distinguished from the news media by their volunteer T-shirts. Please note that they are on assignment for SONC and refrain from requesting copies of their work, as it would be impossible to accommodate requests from everyone.

In the event that athletes and/or coaches from your local program are featured by a TV station covering the event and you wish to order a copy of the news clip, you can do so by calling TV NEWS CLIPS, Inc. Call 800-799-8881 and be ready with the date of the newscast and the approximate airtime of the item you would like dubbed. Dubs are made on DVD or VHS tapes.

Most TV stations in the state will refer you to this company if you call their station directly requesting a copy of a news clip they aired. To order a clip from VTS, you will need to know the following information: Date the story aired, name of station airing the story, city where the station is located.

Note that there is a charge to obtain a copy of news clips. SONC does not secure copies of television news stories due to the associated cost.


Athletes are expected to wear their credentials at all times except during actual competition. Coaches and HoD’s are expected to wear theirs at all times. If you lose a credential, please go to the main office. Coaches must also have the wristband in order to enter the competition area.


Access control volunteers will be present at the event. Please feel free to seek their assistance as needed.


Any transportation needs the local program has should have been indicated in the registration materials. If this has not happened, please contact Morgan Smallwood at 919-719-7662 ext. 103 or to request assistance. Make sure to have a parking pass on your dashboard during the event.

If you have transportation difficulties during the Games, please contact Morgan Smallwood, SONC logistics manager, at 919-407-1826.


Medical personnel will be on-site at the venue. Please note:

  • most of these individuals are certified (and willing) to give insulin shots BUT they cannot do so without an up-to-date doctor’s note listing the exact dosage to be administered as this is a liability issue.
  • Should an athlete need medical attention, the coach or chaperone will be the person to complete the Incident Report (blanks will be at medical area). They should complete the entire document, have it witnessed, sign it themselves and then place the completed document in the envelope on the table in the medical area.

Overnight medical support will not be provided at the hotel. If you have an emergency, please dial 9-1-1.