Event Checklist for Boyd Science Center Classrooms
- NO FOOD AND DRINK ALLOWED EXCEPT WATER IN ANY CLASSROOM. This includes the two auditorium classrooms Boyd 144 and 001.
- If your event is catered, setup is allowed ONLY in the foyer in front of Boyd 001. There is no catering allowed in the hall outside Boyd 144. Again, no food and drink allowed in the classrooms.
- There must be a supervisor/advisor in attendance for the event. This supervisor will be responsible for the following:
- Ensuring event participantsstay in the area of the building where the event is located. Public bathrooms must be accessed but all other areas are off limits after hours and on weekends.
- All lights must be turned off after the event.
- All media equipment must be turned off after the event.
- All trash from the event must be cleaned up and removed.
- All furniture that is moved or removed must be replaced.
- All items left behind by event participants (whether it be audience or presenters/instructors/organizers, etc.) must be removed. This not only includes articles of clothing but paper handouts, props, books, etc.
- No other rooms/offices/spaces in Boyd are to be used if not included in the reservation.
- No furniture is to be taken from hallways, classrooms, offices for use in events unless specifically agreed upon in advance by Boyd representatives and Event Organizers.
- All doors must be locked upon leaving. This includes the five set of doors in Boyd 144 and the two sets of doors in 001. It is particularly important that the exit doors in the back of 144 be checked.
- Ensuring that no alcoholic beverages are brought into the building.
- Ensuring that federally mandated smoking bans are adhered to and there is no smoking within 20 feet of any building.
- All signage must be approved by one of the administrative assistants in the building and only placed in appropriate locations per Boyd policy.
- Please remember that Boyd Science Center is first and foremost an academic building and you are utilizing classrooms as your reserved space. One of the most important requests in our ever increasingly green society is, “Leave no trace”. Please, for the sake of our students and faculty/staff who work in Boyd Science Center, keep this in mind before, during and after your event.
Event Name: ______
Date& Time of Event: ______Event Location: ______
Student Organization:______
Responsible Advisor/Supervisor for Event: ______
Signature of Advisor/Supervisor of Event: ______
Please return this signed form to Karen Weldon; , MSC 54 (updated 10/5/15)