Event Analysis Process Comment Form
November 2012
The NERC Event Analysis Subcommittee (EAS) was directed by the NERC Operating Committee (OC) to conduct a review of the ERO Event Analysis Process (EAP) and post any revisions for industry comment. The EAS tasked a small team to aggregate all of the comments collected over the last year and develop an initial revision of the process to be posted for industry comment. The small team reviewed the process to address all comments collected since February 2012. The focus was to address issues of incorrect wording or unneeded language or both that was initially included to introduce the EAP within NERC. The program has been in existence since 2010, it was determined that the process document would be improved by removing such language.
The EAS acknowledges that there is overlap between the various reporting standards and requirements such as EOP-004 and OE-417, but the intent of these processes differ greatly from the intent of the ERO EAP. The ERO EAP is intended to create a learning environment throughout the electric power industry. EOP-004 and OE-417 are intended to be reporting standards and requirement to ensure that NERC and appropriate governmental authorities are aware of disturbances on the system.
Please review the revision of the ERO EAP and answer the following questions.
- Do you agree with the changes made in the “Introduction” section; if not, what specifically do you disagree with?
- Do you agree with the goals as spelled out in the section on “Goals of the Event Analysis Process”; if not, what specifically do you disagree with?
- Do you agree with the changes made in the “Philosophy and Key Ingredients of the ERO Event Analysis Process” section; if not, what specifically do you disagree with?
- Do you agree with the changes made in the section on the “Purpose of the Event Analysis Process Document”; if not, what specifically do you disagree with?
- Do you agree with the changes made in the “ERO Event Analysis Process” section; if not, what specifically do you disagree with?
- Do you agree with the information in the “Reliability Standards Assessment” section; if not, what specifically do you disagree with?
- Do you agree with the changes made in the “Confidentiality Considerations” section; if not, what specifically do you disagree with?
- Do you agree with the changes made in the “Event Analysis Trends” section; if not, what specifically do you disagree with?
- Do you agree that the ERO Event Analysis Process drives/motivates a learning environment through detailed event reports and actionable lessons learned; if not, what specifically do you disagree with?
Please review the Appendices and answer the questions below.
- Appendix A: Brief Report Template is intended to provide a guideline for event reporting. Do you find the template helpful? If not, what changes would you suggest to improve the template?
- Appendix B: Event Analysis Report Template is intended to provide a high level list of sections that may be incorporated into an Event Analysis Report? Do you find the template helpful? If not, what changes would you suggest to improve the template?
- Appendix C: Target Timeframes for Completion of Brief Reports, EARs and Lessons Learned is intended to provide a single point of reference for the time frames associated with the ERO Event Analysis Process. Do you find the template helpful? If not, what changes would you suggest to improve the template?
- Appendix D: Lessons Learned Template is intended to provide a standard format for lessons and a description of the information needed within the lesson learned document. Do you find the template helpful? If not, what changes would you suggest to improve the template?
- Appendix E: Categorization of Events is intended to set thresholds for reporting and analysis within the ERO Event Analysis Process. Do you find the template helpful? If not, what changes would you suggest to improve the template?
- Appendix F: Planning Meeting Scope Template is intended as guideline to what items should be addressed in the planning meeting. Do you find the template helpful? If not, what changes would you suggest to improve the template?
- Appendix G: Contributory Factor Assessment is intended to aid registered entities in determining what items to include in an Event Analysis Report. Do you find the template helpful? If not, what changes would you suggest to improve the template?
- Appendix H: Summary of Roles, Responsibilities and Expectations for Event Reporting and Analysis provides a single point of reference that includes roles, responsibilities, and expectations. Do you find the template helpful? If not, what changes would you suggest to improve the template?
- Appendix I: Data Retention Hold Notice is a sample of a data hold notice. Do you find the template helpful? If not, what changes would you suggest to improve the template?
- Please provide any further feedback below:
Event Analysis Process Intro and Questions