I-5, Exemplary, 3rd Grade
Evaluator Conversation with Students
Evaluator: So, I know that Ms. Cotner has worked with you a lot to teach you about choices that will either “bring you up” or “bring you down.” Can you tell me some examples of the some of the choices you have made that have brought you up?
Student A: I don’t tease other kids anymore. I used to tease them because I thought it was funny, but I’ve learned that it really hurts when you do that.
Evaluator: Do other kids tease you?
Student A: Not in Ms. Cotner’s class. At recess and on the bus some other kids still tease sometimes. I tell them what Ms. Cotner taught us—I say, “I feel bad when I hear you say that.” Or sometimes I say, “I feel furious when you say that.”
Student B: I always try to say nice things to the kids in my class. I tell them if they read really well. And I tell them if their story made me laugh and I think they are funny. I really like it when people tell me those things, so I try to tell them those things. We all have to be the change that we want to see in the world, like we create the world by how we act.
Student C: I don’t talk about the way people look anymore. And I don’t talk about people’s families. Ms. Cotner has taught us that that hurts people.
Evaluator: When you fight with other students, does Ms. Cotner help you to work it out?
Student C: Not really. She has taught us that we can work it out ourselves, so we know we don’t need to run to Ms. Cotner. If we really can’t work it out ourselves, we can add it to the community meeting agenda and other members of the class help us figure it out.
Evaluator: And how do you work it out yourselves?
Student C: We have to talk to each other and tell each other how we feel.
Student D: Yeah. Like if I’m upset, I need to tell the other student why I’m upset and not just yell at them but tell them exactly why.
Student C: And then you have to listen to what the other person says. And talk back and forth until you both understand how you both feel.
Evaluator: Does that work?
Student C: Yes.
Student D: Yes.
Evaluator: Are there times when you can’t work it out yourselves?
Student A: I remember a long time ago when Charlotte and Rino had that big fight and Ms. Cotner had to help them.
Student B: Yeah, but that was a really long time ago.
Student A: Yeah, that was a really long time ago.
Evaluator: So that doesn’t happen very often that Ms. Cotner has to help you work these things out?
Students A, B & D: No.