College Classroom Climate and Pedagogy

In a supportive classroom climate, instructors use students’ names and engage them as persons. Students feel psychologically safe asking questions, and they are comfortable with the instructors’ treatment of students who conspicuously show off in class. This survey is the average response to questions that describe the above conditions.

NOTE: The original version of this survey is available for download at You can modify or use as is.


Dear Student:

The (Department Name) at the (University Name) is seeking your feedback to help us improve students' academic and social experiences in our computing program. This survey asks questions about the quality of your classroom instruction, the way feedback is handled, and the level of comfort you feel in class. When answering these questions, consider your experiences in (your computing major or minor) ONLY, not experiences in your classes outside of the major or minor. You do not have to complete this survey, nor do you have to respond to any question you do not wish to address. You must be 18 or older to complete this survey. For each question, please choose the one answer that best represents your response.

  1. Is your major or minor (your computing major or minor name)?

 Yes (please skip to #3) /  No
  1. How likely are you to seek a major or minor in (your computing major or minor name)?

 Very unlikely /  Unlikely /  Likely /  Very Likely /  Don’t know
  1. When I take computing courses, I receive timely feedback on assignments and tests.

 Strongly Disagree /  Disagree /  Agree /  Strongly Agree
  1. How often do you ask questions in your computing classes?

 Never /  Rarely /  Sometimes /  Often
  1. I feel comfortable asking questions during my computing classes.

 Strongly Disagree /  Disagree /  Agree /  Strongly Agree
  1. Rate the overall quality of classroom instruction in your computing courses.

 Poor /  Fair /  Good /  Excellent
  1. How frequently do professors call on students in your computing classes by using their names?

 Never /  Rarely /  Sometimes /  Often /  I Don’t Remember
  1. The computing professors require students to talk with each other about course material DURING class time (e.g., in lecture, lab, or discussion)?

 Strongly Disagree /  Disagree /  Agree /  Strongly Agree
  1. Some students seem to routinely "show off" in computing class.

 Strongly Disagree /  Disagree /  Agree /  Strongly Agree
  1. My computing professors are effective at managing students who show off in class.

 Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Not Applicable


  1. My gender is:

 Male /  Female / Trans* /  Decline to answer
  1. My academic year is:

 First year /  Second year /  Third year /  Fourth year /  Fifth year
  1. How would you describe your race/ethnicity? (Check as many as apply)

African American/Black / Asian/ Pacific Islander / Hispanic/ Latina/Latino / Native American/Alaskan Native / White/ Caucasian / Other