Evaluation of *Insert Plant Name and Location* / Information
Audit Report
Physical Address:
Mailing Address:
(if different from above)
Proprietary Ownership
Company Name:
Physical Address:
Primary Contact
QC Manager:
Plant Manager:
Auditor Contact
DOT Official Contact
Title / Organization:
DOT Official Contact
Title / Organization:
DOT Official Contact
Title / Organization:
Telephone: / ( )
Other Attendee Contact
Title / Organization:
Telephone: / ( )
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Auditor Name ______Audit Report Number ______
REV 18 – 9/11
AASHTO’s National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP) / AuditEvaluation of *Insert Plant Name and Location* / Summary
Audit Report
Evaluation Program for Steel Mills Producing Rebar
SummaryReport For
Mid-American Steel- Madill, Oklahoma
The National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP) is program under the sponsorship of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). The NTPEP Evaluation Program for steel mills Producing Rebar provides a comprehensive review of the production and testing of rebar and of the quality management system. The evaluation starts with a desktop review of the facility’s quality manual and concludes with an on-site review of the facility’s processes and their quality management system documentation.
The desktop review was performed by Katheryn Malusky (AASHTO) and the on-site audit was conducted by Lead Auditor Evan Rothblatt (AASHTO). The Illinois Department of Transportation was represented by Ed Hughes (Metals & Products Coordinator) and Ray Rowden (Testing & Field Coordinator). Gerdau Ameristeel was represented by Arlan Piepho (Vice President and General Manager), Lisa Churnetski (Metallurgist Service Manager), … during the on-site audit which was conducted on Tuesday, December 1, 2009.
The evaluation findings follow. Deviations from program requirements are noted in red.
Testing Personnel (Section 1)
- The following personnel were approved to run quality control testing at the plant:
Standard Specifications (Section 3)
REBAR Size and Type Produced by Mill (Section 4)
- This plant produces ASTM A615 rebar having bar numbers 4 through 11 and ASTM A706 rebar having bar numbers 9 through 11. See Section 4 of the full audit report for the type of rebar this mill produces.
Production Information (Section 5)
Physical Analysis (Section 8)
Quality Management System (QMS) Requirements (Section 9)
Equipment Calibration, Standardization & Checking (Section 10)
Records of Specimens Tested During Audit (Section 11)
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Auditor Name ______Audit Report Number ______
REV 18 – 9/11
AASHTO’s National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP) / Table ofEvaluation of *Insert Mill Name and Insert Location* / Contents
Audit Report
Table of Contents
Section 1: Testing Personnel
Section 2: Reinforcing Steel Bar Identification Markings
Section 3: Standard Specifications
Section 4: REBAR Size and Type Produced by Mill
Section 5: Product Information
Section 6: Audit Mill Test Reports (MTRs)
Section 7: Chemical Analysis (melt shop only)
Section 8: Physical Analysis
Section 9: Quality Management System Requirements
Section 10: Equipment Calibration, Standardization & Checking
Section 11: Records of Specimens Tested During Audit......
Section 12: Personnel Involved in the Audit
Section 13: Report Signature
Section 14: Miscellaneous Documentation......
Section 15: Annexes......
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Auditor Name ______Audit Report Number ______
REV 18 – 9/11
AASHTO’s National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP) / Section 1Evaluation of *Insert Mill Name and Insert Location* / Personnel
Audit Report
Section 1: Testing Personnel
Auditor Note–Complete the following table from the information provided in the pre-audit documentation.
Title/Responsibility / Name / Normal Workdays / HoursChemical Testing
(melt shop only) / LMS Sampling
Ton Dish Sampling
Lab Testing
Lab Testing
Furnace Supervisor
LMS Supervisor
Lab. Supervisor
Testing / QC Sampling
QC Sampling
QA Sampling
QA Sampling
QC Testing
QA Testing
QC Supervisor
QC Supervisor
QA Supervisor
QA Supervisor
Comments: / None
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REV 18 – 9/11
AASHTO’s National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP) / Section 2Evaluation of *Insert Mill Name and Insert Location* / Markings
Audit Report
Section 2: Reinforcing Steel Bar Identification Markings
*Insert Electronic format illustration.
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AASHTO’s National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP) / Section 3Evaluation of *Insert Mill Name and Insert Location* / Specifications
Audit Report
Section 3: Standard Specifications
Auditor Note - Indicate if current versions of the following AASHTO & ASTM standards are available at the mill.AASHTO* / ASTM
Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Carbon-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement / M31-07 / A615-09b
Standard Specification for Low-Alloy Steel Deformed Bars for Concrete Reinforcement / A706-09b
Standard Specification for Rail-Steel and Axle-Steel Deformed Bars for Concrete Reinforcement / M322-07 / A996-09b
Standard Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products / T244-10 / A370-11
Standard Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology for Chemical Analysis of Steel Products / A751-08
Standard Practices for Force Verification of Testing Machines / T67-08 / E4-10
Standard Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials / T68-05 / E8-09
*AASHTO Designations are optional.
Comments: / None
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Auditor Name ______Audit Report Number ______
REV 18 – 9/11
AASHTO’s National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP) / Section 4Evaluation of *Insert Mill Name and Insert Location* / Size & Type Produced
Audit Report
Section 4: REBAR Size and Type Produced by Mill
Auditor Note– Complete the following section using information acquired by the pre-audit documentation.
Table 1 – Size and Type (English Units)Type: Plain “P”, Deformed “D” Form: Straight “S”, Coil “C”
Specification: A 615 / 615M
Please Select All that Apply:
40,000 psi / 60,000 psi / 75,000 psi / 80,000 psi
Bar Size / Type / Form / Type / Form / Type / Form / Type / Form
P / D / S / C / P / D / S / C / P / D / S / C / P / D / S / C
Specification: A 706
Please Select All that Apply:
60,000 psi / 80,000 psi
Bar Size / Type / Form / Type / Form
P / D / S / C / P / D / S / C
Specification: A 996/ A 996M
Please Select All that Apply:
Rail Symbol / Rail / Axle
Grades / Grades / Grades
50,000 psi / 60,000 psi / 50,000 psi / 60,000 psi / 40,000 psi / 60,000 psi
Bar Size / Type / Form / Type / Form / Type / Form / Type / Form / Type / Form / Type / Form
P / D / S / C / P / D / S / C / P / D / S / C / P / D / S / C / P / D / S / C / P / D / S / C
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Auditor Name ______Audit Report Number ______
REV 18 – 9/11
AASHTO’s National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP) / Section 5Evaluation of *Insert Mill Name and Insert Location* / Product Information
Audit Report
Section 5: Product Information
Auditor Note – Complete the following section using information acquired by the pre-audit documentation.
Yes / NoA) / General
1)Does the company own mills at other locations?
2)If yes, does each mill have its own unique bar marking?
List other locations: / None
B) / Billet Information
• / General Billet Information
1)Does the mill produce billets for the production of rebar?
(IfNo, proceed to Question 2)
- Indicate the process used to produce billets:
Other, Describe:
- How many furnaces does the mill have in operation?
- What is the capacity of the furnace(s)?
- Size(s) of the billets produced?
Comments: / None
• / Purchased Billet Documentation Requirements
2)Does the mill purchase billets for the production of rebar?
(If No, proceed to Part C)
- Does the mill keep copies of all billet certifications on file?
- How long are billet certifications retained?
- Do billet certifications include the type of steel (chemistry)?
- Do billet certifications include the origin of steel?
- Do billet certifications include the heat number?
- Traceability maintained on billets by: Heat No. Grade
Other Method, Describe:
Comments: / None
Yes / No
C) / Bar Information
• / General Bar Information
1)What is the annual reinforcing bar production?
2)Has the production capacity changed within the last year?
If Yes, explain:
3)Indicate the rolling process(es) used:
Straight Line Cross Country Jump Mill
4)Does the mill have any foreign steel in its inventory?
- How is foreign steel identified as foreign?
Comments: / None
• / Bar made from In-house produced billets (melt shop + rolling mill) / N/A
5)Does product documentation include the following:
- Chemical Test Results?
- Physical Test Results?
- Minimum Specification Requirements?
- A statement indicating that the bar was melted and manufactured in the U.S.A.?
- The Heat Number?
Comments: / None
• / Bar made from purchased billets / N/A
6) Does product documentation include the following:
- The plant that produced the billets?
- Information concerning “Buy America”:
Statement showing that bar manufacture occurred at your facility
- The billet certificate?
- Physical Test Results?
- Minimum Specification Requirements?
Comments: / None
Yes / No
D) / Rail & Axle Steel Documentation Requirements
1)Does the mill use rail or axle steel? (If No, proceed to Section E)
2)Does the mill keep records of all rail and axle steel purchased?
3)How long are records maintained?
4)Does product documentation include the following:
- Lot Number?
- Origin of the steel?
- Heat Number?
- Carbon Level? (axle only)
- Tensile Test Results?
- Bend Test Results?
- Minimum Specification Requirements?
- Information concerning “Buy America”:
Comments: / None
F) / General: All Product Documentation
1)What does the mill’s product documentation include? (Check all that apply)
MTRs Invoices Mill Worksheets
Other Method, Please Describe:
2)Does the mill keep copies of all product documentation on file?
3)How long is product documentation retained?
4)How does the mill furnish product documentation to the DOT project?
With the shipment Mailed after the shipment with an invoice Furnished to a fabricator
Other Method, Describe:
Comments: / None
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Auditor Name ______Audit Report Number ______
REV 18 – 9/11
AASHTO’s National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP) / Section 6Evaluation of *Insert Mill Name and Insert Location* / MTRs
Audit Report
Section 6: Audit Mill Test Reports (MTRs)
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Auditor Name ______Audit Report Number ______
REV 18 – 9/11
AASHTO’s National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP) / Section 7Evaluation of *Insert Mill Name and Insert Location* / Chem. Analysis
Audit Report
Section 7: Chemical Analysis (melt shop only)
N/AYes / No
A) / Apparatus
1) How is the chemical analysis determined? Describe:
2)Is the calibration verified once a day or once a shift?
3)For M31/A615 Steel – Are percentages of carbon, manganese, phosphorus, and sulfur determined? (If No, proceed to Question 4.)
- When during the production process are the percentages determined?
Describe Percentages Determined:
4)For M322/A706 Steel – Are percentages of carbon, manganese, phosphorus, sulfur, silicon, copper, nickel, chromium, molybdenum, and vanadium determined?
(If No, proceed to Part B.)
- When during the production process are the percentages determined?
Describe Percentages Determined:
Comments: / None
B) / Procedure
1)Is the specified in-house procedure followed?
Comments: / None
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Auditor Name ______Audit Report Number ______
REV 18 – 9/11
AASHTO’s National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP) / Section 8Evaluation of *Insert Mill Name and Insert Location* / Physical Analysis
Audit Report
Section 8: Physical Analysis
• Deformation Measurement
REBAR Deformation Measurement – AASHTO: M31, M322; sec. 7.0ASTM: A615, A706, A996; sec. 8.0 / Yes / No
A) / Apparatus
1)Caliper or other measuring device, readable and accurate to at least 0.001in. (0.02 mm)?
Comments: / Equipment Not Checked During Audit
B) / Procedure
• / Determination of Average Spacing
1)Spacing determined by averaging the space of a minimum of 10 spaces?
2)Measurement begins from a point at the beginning of the first space to the corresponding point on a deformation after the last included space?
3)Spacing measurements not made over a bar area containing bar markings?
• / Determination of Average Height
4)Height determined by averaging at least two typical deformations?
5)Height determinations based on three measurements per deformation, one at the center on the overall length and two at quarter points?
6)Rejection based on measurements of ten or more adjacent deformations on each side of the bar measured?
Comments: / Not Demonstrated During Audit
• Unit Weight
Unit Weight – AASHTO: M31, M322; sec. 11.0ASTM: A615, A996; sec. 11.0 A706 sec. 10.0 / Yes / No
A) / Apparatus
• / Deformed Bar
1)Balance or scale of sufficient capacity? (Annex Table A2.1)
2)Balance or scale with sufficient readability? (Annex Table A2.1)
• / Plain Bar
3)Caliper or other measuring device, readable and accurate to at least 0.001 in. (0.02 mm)?
Comments: / Equipment Not Checked During Audit
B) / Procedure
• / Deformed Bar
1)Specimen length at least20 times the largest cross-sectional dimension?
2)Mass determined to the nearest 0.5% or less?
3)Mass per unit length determined and reported to the nearest 0.001 lb/ft (0.001 kg/m)?
• / Plain Bar
4)Diameter determined to nearest 0.001 in. (0.02 mm)?
Comments: / Not Demonstrated During Audit
• Bend Test
Bend Test – AASHTO: M31, M322; sec. 10.0ASTM: A615, A996; sec. 10.0 A706 sec. 9.2 / Yes / No
A) / Apparatus
1)Is a bend test jig of a suitable design available?
2)Is the bend test jig in good condition?
3)How is the force applied to the bend test jig? Describe:
4)Is the force applied continuously and uniformly throughout the bending operation?
5)Are the bend test jig’s pin and supports free to rotate?
6)Will the bend test jig bend a bar through 180°?
7)Are pins of all required sizes available and in good condition? (See Annex A3.1)
8)Is the distance between the fixed points correct? (Annex Table A3.2) (Note 1)
Comments: / Equipment Not Checked During Audit
B) / Procedure
1)Is the test specimen a full section of the bar as rolled and of sufficient length to ensure free bending?
2)Is coiled material straightened before test?
3)For retesting – the specimen shall not exhibit the following imperfections: Laps, Seams, Scabs, Slivers, Cooling or Casting Cracks, or Mill / Guide Markings
4)For retesting – is the test specimen test at, at least, 60°F and placed in the bending jig with longitudinal ribs at a right angle to the plane of bending?
5)Is the proper pin being used for the size and grade of bar tested? (Note 2)
6)Is the force applied continuously and uniformly throughout the bending operation?
7)Is the specimen free to move at all points of contact?
8)Are the pin and supports free to rotate as the force is applied? (Note 3)
9)Is the specimen wrapped closely around the pin?
10)Is the specimen bent a full 180°? (Note 4)
Comments: / Not Demonstrated During Audit
Note 1 – The distance between the fixed points shall conform to the following equation:C = 2r + 3d ± d/2
Where:C = Distance between the points , r = radius of the pin , d = diameter of the bar
Note 2 – Smaller pins than the spec calls for are permitted. However, the results are final. There is no retest mandated because the original test is not considered “invalid”.
Note 3 – M31/A615 and M322/A996 allow for other, more severe, methods of bending. These include, small pins being used, using a setup of having fixed pin and fixed supports. If a fixed pin and rotating supports setup is used, then retests must be conducted using the same setup.
Note 4 – M31/A615 bars 14 [43] and 18 [57] shall only be bent to 90°.
• Tension Test Apparatus
Tension Test Apparatus / Yes / NoA) / Loading System – ASTM A 370 sec. 7.0; E 4
1) Hydraulic or Mechanical?
2)Maintained in good operating condition?
3)Specimen loaded axially?
4)Of sufficient capacity to test all bar (sizes) produced by mill?
5)Provides measurements within 1% accuracy?
Comments: / Equipment Not Checked During Audit
B) / Gripping Devices (Wedge Type) – ASTM A 370 sec. 5.2; E8 sec. 5.2
1)Liners available in pairs and in various thicknesses?
2)Liners have flat, parallel faces?
3)Are the faces of the grips serrated and in good physical condition?
4)Grips aligned to hold specimen at approximately the centerline of head of testing machine?
Comments: / Equipment Not Checked During Audit
C) / Elongation Measuring Equipment ASTM E 8 sec. 5.4)
1)Direct Method:
- Calipers or other measuring device (dividers, etc.), readable and accurate to 0.01 in (0.2 mm)?
- Center punch (single or two point), scribe, or marking pen?
2)Direct Readout Device- Automatically calculates the change in length for 8 inch gauge length, accurate to 1% elongation?
Comments: / Equipment Not Checked During Audit
D) / Yield Point / Strength Determination Equipment (ASTM A370 sec. 13.0)
1)Drop of Beam or Halt of Gauge - Note 1 – The equipment required is a loading machine with measurements accurate to 1% of the applied load?
2)Auto-Graphic - Able to accurately display “bend of knee”?
3)Total Extension Under Load Method:
- Extensometer Class C or better?
- Class C Extensometer verified from at least 0.05% strain onward?
- Resolution of 0.0005 in. /in. (mm/mm) (E83 Table 1)?
- Fixed error of ±0.001 in. /in. (mm/mm) (E83 Table 1)?
Comments: / Equipment Not Checked During Audit
• Tension Test Procedure
Tension Test Procedure – AASHTO T68 sec. 7.0, ASTM E8 sec. 7.0 / Yes / NoE) / Tensile Test Procedure
1)Is the test specimen full size (not reduced diameter)?
2)Is coiled material carefully straightened prior to testing?
3)Total test specimen length at least: the gage length, + two bar diameters between each gage mark and the grips, + the length of material required to fill the grips completely with some protruding beyond the grips?
4)Is an 8 inch gage length used to determine elongation?
5)Are gage marks clearly indicated on the specimen with light punch marks and not located on transverse deformations?
6)Is the gage length measured to the nearest 0.01 in (0.2 mm)?
Comments: / Not Demonstrated During Audit
7)Is the cross sectional area used in calculations the nominal bar area?
8)Does the test specimen protrude from the upper and lower grips?
9)Is most of the serrated face of the grip in contact with the specimen?
10)Are grips fully supported within the head of the testing machine and shimmed so that no more than ½ in. of the grip protrudes from the head of the machine?
11)Is the specimen placed approximately at the centerline of the head of the testing machine?
12)Is a convenient rate of loading used up to ½ the specified yield strength or ¼ the specified tensile strength, whichever is smaller?
13)Rate of loading between 10,000 psi/min. and 100,000 psi/min. to the yield point?
14)Yield point determined using an autographic diagram or extensometer?
15)Yield point determined by halt in the gage of the testing machine?
16)After yield behavior is observed, is the strain rate set between 0.05 and 0.5 in./in./min until the specimen breaks? (0.4 and 4 in./min)?
Comments: / Not Demonstrated During Audit
17)Is the criteria for a valid test a break that occurs within the middle half of the gage length?
18)Tensile strength - maximum load divided by the original cross-sectional area - reported to the nearest psi (MPa)?
19)Yield Strength reported to the nearest psi (MPa)?
20)Elongation - change in gage length divided by original length – reported to the nearest percent?
Comments: / Not Demonstrated During Audit
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