Centre for the Study of Education and Training (CSET), Lancaster University
LTSN Programme Evaluation
Impact Questionnaire: Heads of Department/School and Course/Programme Leaders
Please circle your responses where appropriate
Section 1: Background Information
1.1 Name: Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr/Prof ………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………
1.2 Institution: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………..……..(2)
1. 3 Subject ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(3)
1.4 Department …………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………….………..(4)
1.5 Faculty: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (5)
1.6 Current status: Lecturer 1, SL 2, PL 3, Reader 4, Professor 5, Dean 6
Other 7 If other, please state (6)
1.7 Current responsibilities: HOD 1, Course/Programme leader 2, Other 3(please state) ……………………..… (7)
1.8 Gender: Male 1 Female 2(8)
1.9 Age: <25 1, 25-29 2, 30-34 3, 35-39 4, 40-44 5, 45-49 6, 50-54 7, 55+ 8 (9)
1.10Approx no. of academic staff in department (research and teaching)
Full-time <25 1, 25-49 2, 50-74 3, 75-99 4, 100-124 5, 125-149 6, 150+ 7 (10)
Part-time <25 1, 25-49 2, 50-74 3, 75-99 4, 100-124 5, 125-149 6, 150+ 7 (11)
Section 2: Your knowledge of the LTSN (Learning and Teaching Support Network)
2.1 Have you heard of the LTSN? Yes 1No 2 (12)
2.2 If you have heard of the LTSN, do you know what it does?Yes 1No 2 (13)
If yes, please outline briefly what you think its function is and how it carries this out:
2.3 You may be aware that the LTSN operates through a network of 24 Subject Centres, a Generic Centre and an Executive. Have you previously heard of the existence of the LTSN Generic Centre? Yes 1 No 2 (14)
If yes, please outline briefly what you think its function is and how it carries this out:
2.4 Have you heard about the existence of a Subject Centre for your discipline? Yes 1 No 2(15)
2.5 Please indicate which Subject Centre is most relevant to your discipline: Please circle one only
Art Design & Communication (ADC) 11Languages & Area Studies13
Biosciences2Legal Education14
Built Environment (CEBE)3Materials15
Business and Management (BEST)4Maths and OR16
Economics5Medicine, Dentistry & Vet Sci17(16)
Education (ESCALATE)6Information and Computer Sciences (ICS)18
Engineering7Performing Arts (PALATINE)19
English8Philosophy & Religious Studies20
Geography, Earth and Env’l Sciences (GEESE)9Physical Sciences21
Health Sciences10Psychology22
History, Classics & Archaeology11Sociology, Anthrop and Politics (C-SAP)23
Hospitality. Leisure Sport & Tourism12Social Work and Policy (SWAP)24
2.6 If there are other Subject Centres which are also relevant to your subject area, please state them here:
2.7 What contact have you had with the main Subject Centre for your discipline? Please tick as many as apply
ContactSelfOthers in Dept
No contact(18)
Receive or see newsletter(19)
Receive e mail information(20)
Member of Steering Gp/Reference Gp etc(21)
Made telephone / e mail enquiry(22)
Received visit(23)
Attended workshop(24)
Used website(25)
Applied for / was granted project funding(26)
Went to seminar / conference(27)
Received materials (eg case studies, teaching packs)(28)
Met someone from Centre at other event
(eg prof assn meeting, conference, committee etc)(29)
Other (please specify)
2.8 Please rate the contacts which you’ve had, using the scale below:
Very useful Useful Neither Not very useful Not useful at all
Email information12345(32)
Project funding12345(37)
Other (please state)12345(41)
2.9 Overall, would you say that the Subject Centre(s) has/have made a contribution to your department’s work? Yes 1 No 2 (42)
Would you rate this contribution as:
Very important 1 Important 2 A little important 3 Not at all important 4(43)
Please comment if you wish:
2.10 Does your Department have a named contact person or other representative who relates to the Centre on behalf of the department? Yes 1 No 2 Don’t know 3 (44)
2.11 If yes, is this? You 1, Someone else and you know who it is 2, Don’t know who it is 3(45)
2.12 Does this person (or do you) pass information from the Centre to other members of staff?
Yes 1, Sometimes 2, No 3, Don’t know 4 (46)
Section 3: Impact of LTSN. Please circle the number that comes closest to your view
Strongly Agree Neither/ Disagree Strongly
agree don’t knowdisagree
3.1 Effect on teaching and learning
The Subject Centre has made a difference
to teaching and learning in my department 12345(47)
It is too early to assess the impact of the LTSN12345(48)
The LTSN does have the potential
to affect learning and teaching12345(49)
Staff in my department use the Centre’s
resources in their teaching12345(50)
I don’t know if staff in my department
make use of the Centre’s resources12345(51)
I encourage staff to make use of the
the Centre's resources12345(52)
I encourage staff to take part in
activities organised by the Centre12345(53)
The Centre helped us prepare for QAA12345(54)
The Centre (or its materials) helped us to
develop new curricula or courses12345(55)
The Centre (or its materials) helped us
to change / develop our assessment practices12345(56)
The Centre (or its materials) helped us to
develop our teaching strategies12345(57)
The Centre is well adapted to our discipline’s needs12345(58)
Strongly Agree Neither/ Disagree Strongly
agree don’t knowdisagree
The Centre understands the problems
facing our subject area12345(59)
The LTSN is different from previous initiatives12345(60)
The Centre and its activities are not
relevant to our difficulties12345(61)
Our staff have been able to use aspects of
the Centre’s work in the teaching situation12345(62)
3.2 Reasons for not making use, or not making more use, of the Subject Centre’s resources
We are a research-focused department
and teaching is a low priority12345(63)
We would like to get involved with the Centre but
there is no time because of research commitments12345(64)
Our students already do very well12345(65)
We already offer very high quality teaching12345(66)
We get all we need from our own
faculty / dept / institution12345(67)
Student/ staff ratios are very high
and we are just too busy12345(68)
It doesn’t offer me what I want12345(69)
I want readily available materials that
we can use in the classroom tomorrow12345(70)
I haven’t got time to go and search for things on the web 12345 (71)
We suffer from information overload12345(72)
I want something that will help me raise
student numbers12345(73)
The Centre is too removed from our problems12345(74)
We are able to devise solutions and
improve teaching without their help12345(75)
I don’t know enough about what
the Centre does to make use of it12345(76)
We get all we need from other sources (eg the internet)12345(77)
Strongly Agree Neither/ Disagree Strongly
agree don’t knowdisagree
3.3 About the Generic Centre and the Executive
I know about the work of the LTSN Generic Centre12345(78)
The work of the Generic Centre is useful12345(79)
We have had no contact with the Generic Centre12345(80)
What the Generic Centre does is not relevant
to learning and teaching in my department12345(81)
The Generic Centre does not work well with
the Subject Centres12345(82)
The LTSN Executive functions effectively12345(83)
The Executive does not work well with the Centres12345(84)
I don’t know much about what the Executive does12345(85)
Section 4: Please complete the following sentences:
4.1 What makes the LTSN different from other initiatives is …..
4.2 I would like the Subject Centre to offer me or my department …
4.3 The working of the LTSN and the Centres could be improved by ……..
4.4 Have you any other comments? Please continue on the back of this page if you wish.
Thank you for your help in completing this questionnaire. Please return it in the s.a.e. provided or send to: Sadie Williams, CSET, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YL. Email:
Copyright © Sadie Williams 2002