resource / download from /obtain from
Leadership of early language and literacy

CLLD: Practitioner Guidance: material to support the teacher and/or practitioner in implementing the CLLD programme in schools including the phonic phase tracker and the four part teaching sequence

CLLD materials for consultants Guidance and materials to aid CLLD consultants' action planning for targeted schools - a detailed timeline that describes and details the structure of consultant support and across the school year for settings and schools. It is organised in an accessible format of themes and relevant appendices and captures the best practice of practitioners, CLLD consultants and others in LAs across the country. /
Developing Literacy in Initial Teacher Training (DLITT) Subject and pedagogic knowledge development for trainees, mentors and non-specialist tutors in the teaching, assessing and supporting progress of children’s learning in key aspects of literacy. /
Narrowing the Gaps - Key prompts for literacy subject leaders/ headteachers/ SIPs (poster) /

A guide to accessing, understanding, interrogating and using Early Years' data References to analysis of CLLD data and implications for improving practice and provision / outcomes for children


Achievement of children in the EYFS Profile References to analysis of CLLD data and implications for improving practice and provision / outcomes for children


Evaluating school performance Early Years – E-Learning module

Systematic, Synthetic Phonics

Criteria that define an effective phonics programme The sequence, progression and pace of phonics teaching


Indicators of good practice: Phonic work

Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
This pack contains materials that concentrate on activities to promote phonics: speaking and listening skills, phonological awareness and oral blending. These phonics materials also provide advice and activities to help practitioners and teachers ensure that, by the end of Key Stage 1, children develop fluent word reading skills and have good foundations in spelling and letter writing
Letters and Sounds: - Phase One Teaching Programme: This pack contains materials for Phase 1 promoting phonological and phonemic awareness /
Writing samples: The purpose of these writing samples is to demonstrate how children's independent phonic knowledge and skills are applied into writing. The writing is being tracked and shows the progress that the children are making over time. /
Phonics: assessment and tracking guidance These guidance materials will support teachers and practitioners in making judgements about children's progress through phonic phases. Guidance and suggested possible links between Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP) scale points and Assessing Pupils' Progress (APP) guidelines are also given. /
CLLD Interactive whiteboard resources Explains the role of ICT (in particular interactive whiteboards) in teaching Communication, Language and Literacy Development. ICT should not be used as a replacement for practical, visual, aural and kinaesthetic teaching, but can help children to secure and internalise their learning. /
Early language and reading and writing development
Communication, Language and Literacy Essential Knowledge (CLLEK)
e-learning modules:
This e-learning course and downloadable resources will help practitioners to support children's learning and competence in communicating, speaking and listening and beginning to read and write. /
Early Reading Curriculum CPD Resource: DVD : This provides guidance for teachers and practitioners working with children in reception classes. It includes examples on film of a balanced reading curriculum that includes reading aloud, shared reading, guided reading for children at different stages of learning to read, children selecting their own texts for independent reading, and home/school links. / Not available to download
Early Reading – e- learning module
E-learning course for new reception teachers to plan and deliver a balanced reading curriculum to support children's word recognition and language comprehension /
Early Reading Day 1 CPD
Early reading CPD materials to support teachers and practitioners in implementing the recommendations of the Rose Report. Includes links to CPD outlines, handouts and resources. /

Early reading: Day 2 CPD Early reading CPD materials to support teachers and practitioners in implementing the recommendations of the Rose Report. Includes links to CPD outlines, handouts and resources.

Gateway to Writing:
This online resource bank brings together all existing writing guidance and includes new materials that will support practitioners in addressing the specific needs of boys. The materials include examples of effective practice and writing samples that show clear progression of children's developing skills. It highlights the importance of the four interdependent strands of language development, and the crucial role of practitioners in supporting children's development and learning /
Talk for Writing Pack (booklet and two DVDs):
an interactive resource drawing heavily on classroom video and case studies from schools that took part in the original TfW workshops and key extracts from the Talk for writing CPD sessions presented by Pie Corbett /
Talk for Writing in Reception module:
Talk for Writing in Reception focuses on storymaking and how it can be used to help children to internalise story patterns and language. It also shows you how narrative storymaking can be adapted to create recounts and other non-fiction forms. /
Using Talk for Writing:
This leaflet folds out into a poster that explains how to use the Talk for Writing process. /
Primary literacy
Primary Framework for Literacy:
clear structure for teaching literacy has been provided by simplifying the structure of the objectives, with the identification of 12 strands of learning, giving a broad overview of the literacy curriculum in the primary phase. Learning objectives are aligned to the 12 strands to demonstrate progression in each strand. /

Improving writing with a focus on guided writing: Leading improvement using the Primary Framework: Teaching resource focusing on improving writing standards. Based on the Primary Framework, this document provides clear expectations for each year group in writing and delivering systematic support to teachers for assessment, planning and teaching


Support for Writing continuing professional development (CPD) : package to improve rates of pupil progress in your primary class. As a teacher, this Support for Writing material will help you to identify gaps in children's learning and provide guidance on identifying the 'next steps' to take.


Early Literacy Support (ELS): materials for teachers working in partnership with teaching assistants: The ELS programme has been extended from 12 to 16 weeks, there are two additional weeks at the beginning for revision and consolidation of Letters and Sounds: Phase 2, and two additional weeks at the end to introduce Letters and Sounds: Phase 5. The programme is divided into modules to make the focus of each section clear.


Early Literacy Support (ELS): Teachers’ Handbook: Resource containing information on Early Literacy Support Programmes for teachers. An essential guide for running sessions each day and includes details of resources and preparations for each session.


Support for Spelling: support for teachers wanting their pupils to become fluent and effective writers; accurate spelling is a means to that end. Competent spellers need to spend less time and energy in thinking about spelling to enable them to channel their time and energy into the skills of composition, sentence structure and precise word choice

CLLD Phonics at Key Stage 2 Some children at Key Stage 2 may be experiencing difficulty in reading and/or writing because they have missed or misunderstood a crucial phase of systematic phonics teaching. These materials are designed to guide teachers, and suitably trained teaching assistants (TAs), in supporting children who may have poorly developed phonic knowledge, skills and understanding /

Improving writing, with a particular focus on supporting boys’ writing development


ICT applications in Literacy

EYFS materials

Statutory Framework for EYFS: learning and development requirements


Confident, capable and creative: Supporting boys' achievements – guidance for practitioners in the Early Years Foundation Stage


Supporting children learning English as an additional language: Guidance for practitioners in the Early Years Foundation Stage


Learning, Playing and Interacting: Good practice in the Early Years Foundation Stage: This guidance considers the best approaches to play and learning for young children and clarifies the role of adults who support and enhance young children’s learning


Progress Matters: Reviewing and enhancing young children's development: support for quality improvement on the theme of early assessment. The aim of the PDMs is to enable Early Years consultants (EYCs) to help practitioners identify children’s starting points and their next steps in learning.

EYFS Inclusion Development Programme (IDP): Speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) e-learning course: This booklet and interactive DVD aims to help improve provision for all children and support in developing more inclusive practice, especially for children with speech, language and communication needs. /

Mark Making Matters: Young children making meaning in all areas of learning and development


Seamless transitions: Supporting continuity in young children's learning: This publication aims to disseminate examples of effective practice that will stimulate professional dialogue, encourage reflection and support further training to develop seamless transitions throughout and beyond the Foundation Stage

Every Child a Talker (first instalment) These materials are designed to support in developing the role as a lead practitioner and in developing high quality language provision and are closely linked to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). /

Every Child a Talker (Second instalment) Guidance for Early Language Lead Practitioners


Every Child a Talker: (Third instalment) Guidance for Consultants and Early Language Lead Practitioners

Other relevant resources and materials
Independent review of the teaching of early reading /
Bercow Review of Services for Children and Young People (0-19) with Speech, Language and Communication Needs /
I CAN: The Cost to the Nation of Children’s Poor Communication :This
outlines three of the contemporary issues in children’s communication; the growing recognition of the scale of children’s poor communication, the increased awareness of the need for early intervention and the importance of skills development for the entire children’s workforce. /
I CAN : Learning to talk Talking to Learn DVD /
I CAN :Chatter Matters DVD /
I CAN: Talk 1-8 Research Papers /
Everybody Writes: Materials including School guide and online case study materials /
National Literacy Trust :Talk to your baby Resources /
National Literacy Trust: Early Reading Connects Family Involvement Tool kit /