(CNN Student News) -- October 13, 2009

Quick Guide

Nobel Prize for Economics - Hear how one professor made history by winning the Nobel Economics Prize.

European Trip - Learn why Secretary of State Clinton is talking up the U.S.-U.K. relationship.

South Africa 2010 - Find out how South Africa is preparing for its time in the soccer spotlight.


CARL AZUZ, CNN STUDENT NEWS ANCHOR: What's in a name? We're to find out the answer for one couple in today's edition of CNN Student News. From the CNNCenter in Atlanta, I'm Carl Azuz.

First Up: Pakistan

AZUZ: Pakistan. The country is a partner with the U.S. in the War on Terror. It's also dealing with terrorist attacks inside its own borders. That point made clear in yet another violent assault yesterday. Government officials say an explosion in the country's SwatValley, that's in the northern part of Pakistan, killed at least 40 people and wounded at least 45 more. The blast took place at a security checkpoint. Authorities say the target was a military vehicle. Taliban forces took control of the SwatValley earlier this year, leading to a number of intense clashes with the Pakistani military. Monday's attack was the latest in a string of violence in the country, including a 22-hour standoff over the weekend when militants took hostages at an army base.

Health Care Debate

AZUZ: Back here in the U.S., everyone watching the debate over health care reform has their attention focused on the Senate Finance Committee today. That is because the group is voting on a health care bill. This is the last committee vote before the issue moves to the full House and Senate. The bill that the Senate Finance Committee is considering is referred to as the Baucus Plan, named for Sen. Max Baucus, who heads up the committee. It's a 10-year plan that would cost the government $829 billion. But a new report says that American families would have to pay a hefty price as well. America's Health Insurance Plans says under the Baucus Bill, the amount that families pay for health care would go up 111 percent by 2019. The group says that under the current system, costs would go up 79 percent. A White House spokesman says the report is inaccurate and self-serving. He points out that it was created by the insurance industry, which he calls one of the biggest opponents of health insurance reform.

Is this Legit?

BRENDAN GAGE, CNN STUDENT NEWS: Is this legit? There is a Nobel Prize for economics. Legit! The award for economics was created in 1968, adding to the existing Nobel Prizes for physics, chemistry, medicine, literature and peace.

Nobel Prize for Economics

AZUZ: In the 40 years since the Nobel Prize for Economics was established, the winners had all been men. That changed yesterday, when Elinor Ostrom was named one of the recipients of this year's award. The other winner is Oliver Williamson. They're both experts in how the economy and businesses are regulated. Ostrom told reporters that when she first decided to pursue a post graduate degree, she was told that no major university would even think of hiring a woman. She's proof times have changed.

PROF. ELINOR OSTROM, NOBEL ECONOMICS PRIZE LAUREATE: I think we're entering a new, we've already entered, a new era, and we recognize that women have the capabilities of doing great scientific work. And yes, I appreciate that this is an honor to be the first woman, but I won't be the last.

Recession Over?

AZUZ: Sticking with financial news, more than 80 percent of the country's top economists believe the recession is over. That's based on a survey done by the National Association for Business Economics. However, most economists think it could take months before there's any kind of serious improvement in terms of the housing market or job losses. The unemployment rate is expected to hit 10 percent between now and the end of the year, and to stay at that level through the first three months of 2010.

European Trip

AZUZ: And looking overseas, that is where you'll find Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. She's on a six-day trip to parts of Europe and Russia, addressing issues like arms control, health care and some long-running conflicts. Jill Dougherty checks in from a stop in the UK, where Sec. Clinton was focused on the relationship between the U.S. and one of its closest allies.


JILL DOUGHERTY, CNN FOREIGN AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT, WASHINGTON, D.C. Were the handshakes with the foreign secretary a little firmer? The smiles broader? The hugs and kisses with the prime minister warmer than usual? It seemed that way, as Hillary Clinton put America and Great Britain's "special relationship" on display.

U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE HILLARY CLINTON: It is a special relationship. I have a special, personal relationship with the prime minister, and of course I think it can't be said often enough we have a special relationship between our countries.

DOUGHERTY: Her mission: calm concerns in London that the Obama administration's relationship with the government of Prime Minister Gordon Brown may be cooling. But on a range of international issues, there's no daylight between the two countries.

CLINTON: Decisions about the future of Iran are up to the Iranian people. But we will continue to speak out on behalf of human rights, on behalf of democracy, on behalf of freedom of expression,

DAVID MILIBAND, UK FOREIGN MINISTER: Our insistence that it is not for us to choose the government of Iran is clear. But also, our insistence that it is right to stand up for human rights around the world, for universal values, is also very clear.

DOUGHERTY: At Sec. Clinton's next stops here in Dublin and then in Belfast, she highlighted another aspect of the special relationship: the Northern Ireland peace process.

CLINTON: Many people who are despairing over the prospects of peace look to Northern Ireland. They think to themselves that if it could be done there, then perhaps we too have a chance to try to cross that border between conflict and peace and chart a different future for ourselves and our children.



TOMEKA JONES, CNN STUDENT NEWS: Time for the Shoutout! What is the world's most popular sport? If you think you know it, shout it out! Is it: A) Baseball, B) Soccer, C) Basketball or D) Cricket? You've got three seconds -- GO! The most popular sport in the world is soccer. Ain't that a kick! That's your answer and that's your Shoutout!

South Africa 2010

AZUZ: And next June, the soccer world will be focused on South Africa when that country hosts the World Cup. Imagine if the Super Bowl included teams from around the world and only happened once every four years. That gives you an idea of how huge the World Cup is. Robyn Curnow shows us how South Africa is preparing for the soccer spotlight.


ROBYN CURNOW, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Watered and protected from the hot South African sun, these are the first green shoots growing on the pitch where the opening game of the World Cup will kick off in June next year. Stadiums across the country will be ready by early next year, say FIFA officials, who with clipboards in hand, have just inspected of all the match venues. So, while all of these stadiums are on track to be completed ahead of time, despite workers downing tools and going on strike a few months ago, there still is a lot more work to be done to ensure FIFA is satisfied.

JOSEPH BLATTER, FIFA PRESIDENT: For the time being, let us be with 7.5.

CURNOW: That's the score FIFA President Joseph Blatter gave South Africa for the Confederations Cup played here in July, and which was seen as a test case for the South Africans. FIFA and South Africa are all too aware of where the problems were and where they remain.

DANNY JORDAAN, LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: The areas we have been focusing on are accommodation, transportation and security. Those were the three key areas.

CURNOW: The organizing committee here concedes if there are big matches at small town stadiums, like this one in Rustenberg, there simply will not be enough places for fans to sleep.

JORDAAN: Some of the host cities won't have sufficient beds, and therefore it means that we'll have to go outside those host cities.

CURNOW: Also, transport remains a headache. The system is haphazard, irregular and often unsafe. A new bus transit system in Johannesburg has started running, but its routes are limited. Other towns have little or no organized transport systems. Getting from host city to host city, most fans will have to rely on South Africa's well-developed air network. The Johannesburg airport will be open 24 hours, and much has been spent on upgrading its facilities, including managing and protecting the estimated 40,000 pieces of luggage expected through here a day.

SBU NDEBELE, TRANSPORT MINISTER: If we had World Cup in December, we would be already on top of the situation. We are ready.

CURNOW: Police say they will also be ready to protect 500,000 fans traveling here next year. Robyn Curnow, CNN, Johannesburg, South Africa.


Before We Go

AZUZ: Before we go, if you love your name so much, why don't you marry it? Ok! We'd like to introduce you to Kelly Hildrebrandt and her fiance, Kelly Hildebrandt. The couple met online when Kelly -- the female Kelly -- searched for her own name, and Kelly -- the male Kelly -- was the only person who came up. Coincidence led to courtship, and now the two are getting married. Call it fate, call it karma...


AZUZ: ...or if you want to confuse them, just call the house and ask for Kelly. That's the best we've got. Commercial-free news is the name of the game, and we'll be back with more tomorrow. See you then.

CNN Student News: Daily Discussion

-- October 13, 2009

Media Literacy Question of the Day

If you wanted to educate yourself on the potential pros and cons of the Baucus health care plan, what kind of information would you seek and from where would you obtain it?


Nobel Economics Prize

Who is Elinor Ostrom? What challenges has she faced in her professional career? How did Ostrom recently make Nobel Prize history?


Can you think of any other fields in which women have made history with their achievements? If so, what are they?


Recession Over?

What does a new survey of leading economists reveal about the economic recession? According to the program, how long do economists think that it will take for the effects of an economic recovery to be felt?


Have you noticed any signs of economic recovery in your area?


Why do you think that the effects of a recession may be felt long after the recession ends?


European Trip

According to the report, what was the goal of U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's visit to the United Kingdom and Ireland?


How did Sec. Clinton define the relationship between the United States and United Kingdom?


What do you think might be the potential benefits and drawbacks of a close relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom for both countries? Explain your rationale.


South Africa 2010

According to the report, what challenges does South Africa face in preparing to host the World Cup next year?


In your opinion, why might a country want to host a global sporting event like the World Cup?
