Annotated Agenda
09h00 Opening and Welcome
Janez Kopac, Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning, Slovenia
Olav Nord-Varhaug, Standing Committee, Norway
Delmar Blasco, Secretary General, Ramsar Convention
John O’Sullivan, International Organisation Partner, BirdLife International
Boris Malej, Mayor of Bled
To be continued with a media conference in a separate room.
09h30 coffee
Plenary Session
Chair: Christiane Barret, Standing Committee, France
10h00 Adoption of the Agenda
10h05 Ramsar Work Plan, National Targets, National Wetland Policies, and Committee
To analyze the progress made and the obstacles encountered in the implementation of the Work Plan 2000-2002 (distributed in print as part of the Ramsar Toolkit) - in particular the establishment of national targets - and the Resolutions adopted by COP7.
Introduction to the Convention Work Plan 2000-2002
Nick Davidson, Ramsar Bureau (5 min)
Synopsis of feedback received from Contracting Parties
Inga Racinska, Ramsar Bureau (5 min)
Preparing the Slovenian National Wetlands Policy
Mladen Berginc, Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (20 min)
Discussion: national work plans, targets, wetland policies, and committees
Output: A synopsis of the regional targets for the implementation of the Work Plan 2000-2002 and the Resolutions adopted by COP7. This will include a common understanding of the utility of the Ramsar Handbooks and how to make best use of them, taking into account the inter-related aspects of the Ramsar guidelines. Rapporteur: Nick Davidson
11h15 National Planning Tool and Reporting for COP8
To discuss experience and to provide advise in the use of the electronic version for the National Report format to be used for preparing the reports for COP8.
Synopsis of feedback received by Contracting Parties
Tobias Salathé, Ramsar Bureau (5 min)
Using the national planning tool in France
Isabelle Vial, Ministry of Spatial Planning and the Environment (20 min)
Analysis of the National Reports for COP8 by the Ramsar Bureau
Carlos Villalba, Ramsar Bureau (5 min)
Discussion: National planning tool and reporting for COP8
Output: A common understanding of the usefulness and the operational structure of the current electronic version of the National Report Format, and how to use it as a national planning tool. Rapporteur: Nick Davidson
12h30 lunch at Bistro Restaurant
Technical Sessions introduce activities, guidelines and products requested through Resolutions and Recommendations by COP7. They are intended to respond to major broader areas of activity identified as significant in the 1997-2002 Strategic Plan and/or featuring strongly in the 2003-2008 Strategic Plan that will be considered by COP8. The themes of the Technical Sessions of COP8 will be introduced through six keynote presentations in plenary. The issues will then be addressed in more detail in smaller workshops (three times two concurrent workshops).
Technical Session I
Chair: Gerhard Sigmund, Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, Austria
14h30 Introduction to the Technical Sessions of COP8
(cf. document “COP8 Technical Sessions: background and expected products”)
Nick Davidson, Ramsar Bureau (5 min)
Two introductory keynotes on the themes of Technical Session 1 of COP8:
Wetlands and Management of Surface and Groundwater
Frank Alberts, Wetland Advisory and Training Centre, Netherlands (20 min)
Synergies with other Environmental Conventions
Peter Skoberne, Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Slovenia (20 min)
15h30 coffee
16h00-18h00 Workshop 1
Wetlands and Management of Surface and Groundwater: Ramsar and the Water Management Agencies Chair: Frank Alberts
The issue of water allocation and management in relation to human health, poverty alleviation and food security is gaining rapid momentum and global profile. It is important to ensure that Contracting Parties are aware of the issues and opportunities in the water debate, and that those involved in water management appropriately incorporate the maintenance of wetland ecosystem functions and recognize the function and value of wetlands in water management. Resolution VII.18 recognizes this and requests a report on current knowledge and possible guidance for consideration by COP8. STRP is preparing guidelines on water allocations and management for COP8 consideration.
Towards guidelines for allocation and management of water for maintaining wetland ecological functions (10 min)
Matthew McCartney & Mike Acreman, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, U.K.
Water and Wetland Index: assessment of 16 European countries
Philippe Weiler, World Wide Fund for Nature, Belgium (10 min)
Integrated coastal and river basin management: demonstration project for Cetina river in Croatia Ivica Trumbic, UNEP-MAP, Priority Actions Programme (10 min)
Wetlands and integrated water catchment basin planning in France
Nathalie Saur, Water Agency Rhone-Mediterranean-Corsica, France (10 min)
Wetlands and water management in Slovenia in the light of new EU legislation
Andrej Sovinc & Helena Matoz, Institute for Hydrology & Ministry for the Environment and Spatial Planning, Slovenia (10 min)
Discussion: Ramsar and the water management agencies
Output: Recommendations on the outputs that should be generated by the Technical Session at Ramsar COP8, notably regarding issues to be covered by Resolutions and guidelines. Rapporteur: Torsten Larsson
16h00-18h00 Workshop 2
Synergies with Conventions in the Areas of Biodiversity, Migratory Species, Desertification, Climate Change, and Protected Areas Chair: Peter Skoberne
To discuss the experience at the field level of joint implementation of the environment-related conventions with which Ramsar has Memoranda of Cooperation and/or a Joint Work Plan, in particular the Conventions on Biodiversity, Desertification, Migratory Species, and World Heritage.
Ramsar has now in place a number of Memoranda of Understanding and Cooperation with global and regional conventions and is developing further such agreements. Resolution VII.4 called upon Contracting Parties to strengthen their mechanisms and policy instruments to enhance the coordinated implementation of agreements with global and regional conventions through the development of joint work plans, identifying shared actions (e.g. the joint Ramsar-CBD River Basin Initiative). It is important for COP8 to review progress on synergy with other agreements and identify priorities for future implementation, and for Contracting Parties to identify ways of strengthening implementation of these synergies at national and regional levels.
The Pan-European Biodiversity and Landscape Diversity Strategy
Gianluca Silvestrini, Council of Europe, Natural Heritage Division (10 min)
Wetland conservation and the new EU Water Framework Directive
José Rizo, European Commission, DG Environment (10 min)
“BaltWet”, an initiative for wetlands in the Baltic Sea region
Henrik Dissing, World Wide Fund for Nature, Denmark (10 min)
International environmental conventions and wetland protection in Moldova
Ilya Trombitsky, Biotica Ecological Society (10 min)
Integrated implementation of the Ramsar and Biodiversity Conventions in the U.K. Marcus Yeo, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, U.K. (10 min)
Discussion: Expectations, opportunities and limitations for the joint implementation of environmental conventions in Europe, at regional and national levels.
Output: An analysis of the opportunities for joint implementation of the environment-related conventions at European and sub-regional level and recommendations on the outputs that should be generated by the Technical Session at Ramsar COP8, notably regarding issues to be covered by Resolutions and guidelines. Rapporteur: Spyros Kouvelis
18h15-18h30 Opening of the exhibitions in Hotel Krim
18h45-19h00 Opening of the exhibitions in Park Hotel
20h15-23h00 Reception hosted by the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning
Kasina Dancing Hall, with entertainment and buffet
Technical Session II
Chair: Bert Lenten, AEWA Agreement Secretariat
09h00 Two introductory keynotes on the themes of Technical Sessions 2 & 3 of COP8:
Wetland inventory, assessment and monitoring
Douglas Taylor, Wetlands International, International Coordination Unit (20 min)
Practical steps for applying the vision for the Ramsar List
Marcus Yeo, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, U.K. (20 min)
10h00 coffee
10h30-12h30 Workshop 3
Wetland Inventory, Assessment and Monitoring Chair: Douglas Taylor
Wetland inventory, assessment and monitoring provides a vital basis for much implementation of sustainable use. This Technical Session will build from COP7 reviews and decisions, notably Resolutions VII.10, 16, 18 and 20, and will present further developments requested by COP7, including guidelines on wetland inventory being prepared by STRP for COP8.
Status of national wetland inventories in Europe
Claire Nivet & Scott Frazier, Wetlands International, Africa-Europe-Middle East (10 min)
Towards a Ramsar framework for wetland inventory
Luís Costa & Max Finlayson, STRP (10 min)
Transboundary wetlands and rivers in Central Europe
Marcel Silvius & Scott Frazier, Wetlands International, Africa-Europe-Middle East (10 min)
The national wetland monitoring programme in France
Marie-Claude Ximenes, French Environment Institute (10 min)
The development of wetland inventories in the U.K.
Elizabeth Moore & Marcus Yeo, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, U.K. (10 min)
Discussion: Results and potential for collaboration on wetland inventory and assessment
Output: Recommendations on the outputs that should be generated during the Technical Session at Ramsar COP8 and the issues to be covered by Resolutions and guidelines. Rapporteur: Père Tomas Vives
10h30-12h30 Workshop 4
Practical Steps for Applying the Vision for the Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance Chair: Marcus Yeo
Ramsar Handbook 7 provides a coherent framework for identifying and designating Wetlands of International Importance. Several STRP working groups are currently preparing additional guidance on identifying and designating several wetland types recognized by COP7 as under-represented in the Ramsar List: peatlands, mangroves, coral reefs, mountain wetland ecosystems, and wet grasslands.
Important Bird Areas: key areas for potential Ramsar Sites
Des Callaghan, BirdLife International, European Division (10 min)
Inventory and designation of Ramsar Sites in Central and Eastern Europe
Frédéeric Chevallier & Saulius Svazas, Migratory Birds of the Palearctic (OMPO) (10 min)
Evaluation of wetlands and floodplain areas in the Danube river basin
Detlef Günther-Diringer, WWF Floodplain Institute & Arno Mohl, WWF Austria (10 min)
Hydrological and other functions of mountain wetlands
Karén Jenderedjian & Isabelle Vial, Standing Committee, Armenia & France (10 min)
The vision for the Ramsar List in the Czech Republic
Jan Pokorný & Josef Chytil, STRP & Czech Ramsar Committee (10 min)
Discussion: National objectives and lessons learnt in the process towards the full implementation of the Strategic Framework for the Ramsar List (Resolution VII.11).
Output: Recommendations on the outputs that should be generated during the Technical Session at Ramsar COP8 and issues to be covered by Resolutions and guidelines. Rapporteur: Jasmine Bachmann
12h30 lunch at Bistro Restaurant
Technical Session III
Chair: Ilona Jepsen, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Planning, Latvia
14h30 Two introductory keynotes on the themes of Technical Sessions 4 & 5 of COP8:
Managing wetlands for sustainable use
Gunn Paulsen, Directorate for Nature Management, Norway (20 min)
Cultural aspects of wetlands: the historic element – a matter of time
Adrian Olivier, European Archeological Council (20 min)
15h30 coffee
16h00-18h00 Workshop 5
Managing Wetlands for Sustainable Use: Lessons Learnt and New Perspectives
Chair: Gunn Paulsen
COP7 identified several issues in relation to the management of wetlands for sustainable use that it requested be brought forward for consideration at COP8. Working groups of the STRP are preparing guidelines for integrating wetlands into ICZM and developing further management planning guidance focusing on topics including impact assessment and cost-benefit analysis, zonation, multiple use, buffer zones and applying the precautionary principle (Resolution VII.12).
New Guidelines for management planning on Ramsar Sites and other wetlands
Mike Alexander, STRP expert (10 min)
European peatlands: from inventory to action
Marcel Silvius & Doug Taylor, Wetlands International (10 min)
Identification of potential wetland restoration projects
George Zalidis, STRP (10 min)
Biodiversity of wetlands in focus on sustainable tourism
Per-Magnus Ahrén, Halland County Administration Board, Sweden (10 min)
Conserving the Brenne wetlands with the participation of local actors
Bruno Dumeige, Regional Nature Park La Brenne, France (10 min)
Discussion: Incentives for wetland conservation and wise use
Output: Recommendations on the outputs that should be generated during the Technical Session at Ramsar COP8 and issues to be covered by Resolutions and guidelines. Rapporteur: Libuse Vlasakova
16h00-18h00 Workshop 6
Cultural Aspects of Wetlands as a Tool for their Conservation and Sustainable Use Chair: Adrian Olivier
The importance of taking into account cultural aspects of wetlands in their sustainable management was recognized by COP7 both in relation to local community and indigenous peoples participation (Resolution VII.8) and in implementing the Convention’s Outreach Programme (Ramsar Handbook 6). These recognize the need to develop more specific guidance on several issues of cultural aspects of wetlands to Contracting Parties. This also relates to STRP work developed from Resolution VII.16 on incorporating socio-economic valuation in impact assessments.
In addition, the Mediterranean Wetlands Committee considered cultural aspects of wetlands at its 2000 meeting and developed guiding principles for their inclusion in wetland sustainable use. Closer links between the Convention and the European Archaeological Council are being developed, particularly concerning incorporating cultural and archeological heritage in wetland management and wise use.
Wetlands as historical and ethnological archives
María José Viñals, Sehumed, Spain (10 min)
Technical culture, scientific culture, and wetland management
Bernard Picon, National Scientific Research Council, France (10 min)
Agriculture, water and wetlands
Rachel Wiseman & Tim Jones, IUCN, European Regional Office (10 min)
Reedbed harvesting: is the renaissance of a traditional activity compatible with nature conservation?
Raphaël Mathevet & Jean Jalbert, Tour du Valat Biological Station, France (10 min)
Guidance on cultural aspects as a tool for wetland conservation
Thymio Papayannis, Ramsar Bureau (10 min)
Discussion: Incorporating the cultural dimensions in economic valuations and wetland assessment and management.
Output: Recommendations on the outputs that should be generated during the Technical Session at Ramsar COP8 and issues to be covered by Resolutions and guidelines. Rapporteur: András Böhm
20h00-22h00 Poster Session: White Lounge, Grand Hotel Toplice
Presentation of the MedWet Database and Wetland Inventory
Plenary Session
Chair: Gordana Beltram, Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning
09h00 The new Ramsar Strategic Plan 2003-2008
To discuss and provide inputs for the preparation of the final draft of the Ramsar Strategic Plan 2003-2008 (cf.