The organisation □ University □ Research Institute □ Regulatory Body
□ Private Company □ Government Institute □ Learned Society
known by the name of
with the following address
Street ……………….………………………………………………………Nr………..
ZIP code………………City…………………………………………………………….
Internet Website……………………………………………………………………….
and represented by
□ Mr. □ Mrs. □ Ms. □ Dr. □ Prof.
Given name…………………………………………………………………………….
Office address………………………………………………………………………….
Tel………………………….. …………………Mobile………………………………
submits its application for □ effective or □ associated Membership of the European Nuclear Education Network Association to the President of the ENEN Board of Governors with the request to recommend this Membership to the ENEN General Assembly.
In accordance with the ENEN statutes, this application is supported by annexed documentation (curricula, training programmes, procedures, criteria, certificates) showing that the following criteria are met:
For Effective Members:
1) Provide high-level scientific education in the nuclear field -as full time teaching and providing the bases for doctorate studies- based on internationally recognized research in nuclear engineering and/or nuclear sciences carried out jointly by the teaching staff, the students, doctoral and post-doctoral researchers in the same geographic location or in association with a nuclear research centre;
2) Use selective admission criteria conforming with legal provisions and/or national practices.
For Associated Members:
1) Have a firmly established tradition of relations with some of the effective members in the fields of education, research and training
2) Commit themselves to support the ENEN Association
Done at………………………………on……………………… Signed
The documentation to be provided together with the application form has to enable the ENEN Quality Assurance Committee to judge the candidate ENEN member with respect to the criteria applying to the ENEN membership. Those criteria ensure that the diplomas and certificates delivered by ENEN members and the exchange courses organised by ENEN itself or by its members will conform to the qualifications demanded for professionals in nuclear engineering, nuclear sciences and other related disciplines by the academia, the nuclear industry, the nuclear regulatory bodies and the nuclear research centres. Those criteria also warrant that studies made in the framework of student mobility programmes within ENEN will be mutually recognised at the home and the host university.
Documentation Content
The documentation should include the general structure of the organisation/university and the location and extent of the nuclear disciplines where the high-level education is provided. The nuclear education programme and content of the curricula, if possible with a brief description of the courses should be given. Information is to be provided on the selection process and admission criteria for the students to participate to the nuclear education programmes. The schedule of the courses, their duration and planning, and their number of ECTS should be given. The organisational structure of the academic staff, preferentially with a short curriculum for teachers and research scientists associated to the school or faculty, should be provided. The research fields covered by the staff in nuclear disciplines and the framework for doctoral theses should be described and references to the most important recent publications in the nuclear fields will facilitate to appreciate the scope of research work carried out at the candidate member's laboratories.
Some quantitative data should also be included in the documentation, although quality is more important than quantity. The numbers of students attending, the number and level of degrees delivered over the past few years, the number of full-time academics and research scientists, the awards received, the exchange programmes with other education organisations, the cooperation with research centres, the involvement in international projects, all this information would be extremely relevant for acquiring a good and objective perception of the education profile of the candidate member.
The availability on the campus or the access to specific infrastructure and equipment related to nuclear disciplines might be indicated, as it is of great interest for student practice and professional training programmes.
Currently, a large part of this information is probably available on the candidate member web site. This way of providing the requested documentation is of course acceptable, on the condition that a list of the specific web pages is added to the application. In most cases, university web pages are organised to inform students and it is not always straightforward to find the relevant information for the ENEN Quality assurance committee, when starting from the main university web page.
Finally a statement on the motivation to apply for ENEN membership would be welcome, including your expectations from ENEN and your potential contributions to ENEN.
European Nuclear Education Network p/a Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires
Phone +33 1 69 08 97 57 Fax +33 1 69 08 99 50 Bldg 395, Centre CEA de Saclay, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France