European Colonization

Country / Facts / Area
England / 1607: 1st English settlement was Jamestown, Virginia
1664: through naval warfare England seizes Dutch Colony of “New Amsterdam”
Renamed “New York”
Throughout 1600s and 1700s England established 13 colonies in North America
i. New England Colonies
ii. Middle Colonies
iii. Southern Colonies
Colonies controlled by English Monarchs / North America
Spain / a.  Settled on the islands of Hispaniola (present-day Dominican Republic & Haiti), Cuba, and Puerto Rico
b.  Stole and forced Native Americans to mine for gold
c.  Disease: Europeans were carriers of smallpox, measles, and influenza
·  Native Americans had no “immunity” (resistance)
·  Population of Native Americans decreased 90% in the 1500s
d.  Hernan Cortes
i.  Landed in Mexico in 1519 with about 600 men
ii.  Malinche: young Native American woman- spoke Mayan & Aztec, learned Spanish
1.  served as a translator and advisor to Cortes
iii.  Welcomed into Tenochtitlan (capital of Aztecs) as Quetzalcoatl (the god-king)
iv.  Conquered Aztec empire in 1521
v. Inspired other Conquistadors
e.  Francisco Pizarro
i.  Took advantage of an Incan civil war to gain power
ii.  Spanish captured Peru, Ecuador, and Chile as part of their empire
Spanish exploited Native Americans resourcesàAll wealth flowed to Europe
g.  Control of Spanish Colonies in America
§  The Catholic Church helped control these territories because they served as royal officials (converting Native Americans to Christianity, sometimes forcibly)
§  Introduced European culture and education to Native Americans
§  Economy: strictly controlled to benefit Spain
·  forbade trading with other European nations
·  established plantations with forced labor to grow sugar cane
o  as labor supply of Native Americans was scare, Africans were brought in as slaves (beginning in the 1530s)
Blending of cultures
·  Spanish learned Native American styles of building and food cultivation
·  Spanish introduction of horse changed many North American cultures
·  Influence of African farming and cooking methods, and religions / North America
South America
Portugal / B.  Portugal’s Territories
a.  Eastern Empire
i.  Trading empire with military & merchant “outposts”: distant areas under their control
ii.  For most of the 1500s Portugal controlled the spice trade between Europe and Asia
iii.  Had permission to trade in China
iv.  Missionaries attacked Muslims and destroyed Hindu temples
b.  Brazil: Exported brazilwood and dyes
i.  Plantation agriculture, Cattle raising
ii.  5 million Africans sent to Brazil as forced labor
iii.  Enslaved Native American people / Controlled Spice trade between Europe and Asia
France / 1608: Samuel de Champlain built the first permanent settlement in Quebec
iv.  Missionaries tried to convert Native Americans to Christianity
v. Fur trade
c.  Territory eventually spread from QuebecàGreat LakesàDown Mississippi RiveràLouisianaà Gulf of Mexico
d.  Late 1600s: Louis XIV wanted to strengthen royal power and boost revenues
i.  Appointed officials to oversee justice and economic activities
ii.  Sent more settlers to New France / Canada
Dutch / C.  Dutch (present-day The Netherlands) / Set up colonies around the round