Accreditation of
European Training Centre in Gynaecological Oncology
1.General Information
Hospital name:
General e-mails: Telephone: Fax:
Type of hospital : RegionalCountyCommunity
Is it part of a General Hospital ? YesNo
Unit / Department:
University Department:
Stand Alone Centre: YesNo
Head of the department:
E-mail :
Trainees’ Supervisor (if different then above):
E-mail :
2. Information about the Training Center
For each question below, please answer by a number on the right : Number
Population of area served by hospitalNumber of beds in the department (gyne-oncoology)
Number of surgical procedures on preinvasive lesions/per year
Total number of gyne-onc surgical procedures/
per year (e.g. diagnostic laparoscopies, curettages procedures, hysteroscopies, laser conizations, endometrial procedures)
Number of primary surgical procedures in new invasive genital cancer cases per year
Remarks(please comment):
If Breast cancer is done: Number of new invasive cases per year
3. Information about received accreditations
In principle, a subspecialty accreditation should follow a recognition of the basic training in Obstetrics and Gynecology by EBCOG and/or a national body (not applicable if the centre is not an integral part of a general dpt of Obstetrics and Gynaecology).
The centre is certified for basic training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology byEBCOG YES NO
Date of the accreditation:
Accreditation is valid until (date):
National body YES NO
Name of the accreditation body:Date of the accreditation:
Accreditation is valid until (date):
4. The national training programme in Gynaecologic Oncology:
Is there a national training programme?YES NOIf yes, please send us a copy on the address stated below.
If the national training program does not exist, the centre shouldfollow the ESGO/EBGOG Training Program and Logbook. A formal Training Program and Tutorship should be established and be presented to the visiting committee.
Remarks (please comment) :
5. Medical Staff (doctors)
For each question below, please answer by a number on the right : Number
Specialists (Gyneacological-Oncologists)Fellows (in Gynaecological Oncology)
6. General Characteristics of the Training Centre
Availability within the same Hospital of:- Hematologic laboratory YES NO
- RadiodiagnosticsYES NO
- Outpatients clinicYES NO
- Anaesthesiology YES NO
- Intensive/Subintensive care YES NO
- Endoscopy YES NO
- Pathology – Frozen section YES NO
- Cytology YES NO
- RadiotherapyYES NO
- Medical Oncology YES NO
- Data collection YES NO
- Psycho-Oncology YES NO
- Nuclear Medicine YES NO
- Plastic and Reconstructive SurgeryYES NO
- Vascular Surgery YES NO
- Palliative CareYES NO
- Stoma Care YES NO
- Lymphoedema Treatment YES NO
Regular Collaboration of:
- 2 gynecological oncologists (subspecialist gynecologists, who specialise in surgery for gynaecological cancer) YES NO
- Radiotherapy specialist (clinical oncologist) YES NO
- Chemotherapy specialist (gynaecological oncologist or medical oncologist)
YES NO - RadiologistYES NO
- HistopathologistYES NO
- Clinical nurse specialistYES NO
- Datamanager YES NO
Following organizational services are provided
- Regular mutidisciplinary consultations and tumour boards YES NO
- Regular educational staff meeting YES NO
- Participation in clinical trials YES NO
- Regular psychological patient care YES NO
- Yearly report of activity YES NO
- Agreed, evidence based, documented clinical policy
- Regular revision of treatment protocol YES NO
Kindly fill in the Application form and send to ESGO Administrativeoffice
at (exclusively by e-mail).
ESGO Administrative Office
c/o LOCUS Workspace, Krakovska 1307/22, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Email: ,