Main Stories 1 December 2009


  • EULEX arrests Bllaca for murder and organized crime (dailies)
  • Reactions to Bllaca’s allegations (dailies)
  • National Security Council convenes to discuss situation in Kosovo (dailies)
  • Opinion of the court with high political value (Koha Ditore)
  • LDK Office in Gjakova burned (Koha Ditore)
  • Protocol of cooperation with Lithuania (Express)
  • Brezovica, a technical issue (Express)

Kosovo Media Highlights

EULEX arrests Bllaca for murder and organized crime (dailies)

Koha Ditore reports that the policemen of the European Union Mission for the Rule of Law, in the evening hours have arrested Nazim Bllaca, who admitted publicly to have committed one killing and participated in 16 similar other cases, while according to senior Kosovo officials were also involved in these crimes. The 37 years old Bllaca, who claims that he is former agent of Kosovo Information Service (SHIK), was called to the office of Chief Prosecutor on Monday and after a few hours’ statement he was detained by international policemen under suspicion for murder and involvement in organized crime.

“Nazim Bllaca has been arrested and he is accused for murder and organized crime. The Prosecutor from the Special Prosecution Office will ask tomorrow the judge to determine the detention period”, said the Spokeswoman of Justice component of the EULEX mission, Christina Herodes. She did not give any further detail about the case under the justification that the investigation is ongoing.

Reactions to Bllaca’s allegations (dailies)

After a meeting with head of EULEX Yves de Kermabon, Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi said that the persons named in the DVD footage will be investigated as will the persons making the allegations. “No one will be above the law,” said Thaçi. “We will be very decisive and every raised issue will be clarified to the end,” said PM Thaçi further.

De Kermabon said that the nonintervention of politics is crucial in the investigations process and that EULEX is determined that rule of law is respected in Kosovo. He also said he would not comment on the latest developments in Kosovo as it is up to the justice to address them.

President Fatmir Sejdiu called on judicial authorities to undertake all necessary measures to enlighten all crimes committed in Kosovo. “The President has followed the latest developments carefully and with concern,” says a statement issued by Sejdiu’s office. It further calls on the citizens of Kosovo to preserve peace and trust local and international justice institutions.

At the same time, AAK leader Ramush Haradinaj said Bllaca’s statements given from downtown Pristina show that there is no justice in Kosovo. According to Haradinaj, in every normal democracy members of the law enforcement agencies would act immediately after those statements. Commenting on the content of the DVD, Haradinaj said it is a very delicate issue and he will be careful in his statements.

LDK whose officials are mentioned as being victims to the killings that Bllaca confessed to also issued a press release saying that the party calls on the judiciary, local and international, to act swiftly in resolving all cases mentioned in the recordings. “No one can be above the law and no one can have illegitimate immunity,” the statement read.

Adem Salihaj from LDD who was the one that presented the DVDs in the first place said that he will make public the contents of another CD which will further support the claims over the killings of LDK officials. At the same time, he called on the LDK to review the coalition with PDK. He said that the structures that Bllaca worked for also had on the list of liquidation the late President Ibrahim Rugova. He expressed shock at how it is possible for someone to state he killed people and not get detained. Salihaj also said he has reservations on the justice of EULEX as well as for the work done so far by UNMIK and Kosovo Police.

PDK member Xhavit Haliti for whom Bllaca said is one of the SHIK leaders, told Koha Ditore that he does not know Bllaca and that he never served under SHIK. “I don’t know the motive of why he would say such a thing,” said Haliti.

National Security Council convenes to discuss situation in Kosovo (dailies)

Papers report that under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi, the Kosovo National Security Council met yesterday and discussed the security situation. PM Thaçi in the opening of the meeting said that signals from certain circles were noted in the last days that aim at destabilizing Kosovo and bringing anarchy. Thaçi said these attempts are well-orchestrated and are happening ahead of the proceedings before the International Court of Justice and in-between the electoral campaign.

Thaçi also called on the judiciary to be efficient and unbiased in its work. “Law should prevail in this country,” said Thaçi.

Opinion of the court with high political value (Koha Ditore)

Koha Ditore reports that while the judges at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) would have to decide on the basis of professional arguments,the body of judges that will come out with a decision has in its composition eight judges from the countries that have recognized independence of Kosovo (USA, UK, France, Germany, Japan, Jordan, Sierra Leone and New Zealand) and seven from those that did not (Russia, China, Slovakia, Mexico, Morocco, Brazil and Somalia). This advantage has been achieved after the recognition of Kosovo byNew Zealand.

Public hearing of the verbal arguments about the legality of declaration of Kosovo independence will be done at the headquarters of this court, in the Palace of Peace in The Hague, starting from today until 11 December. According to the announcements, 30 states have expressed their interest to take part in the public debate and to present their arguments while many other countries, some time ago have also presented their arguments in the written form.

In another article in Koha Ditore under headline Mesic: Croatia does not hesitate to testify in ICJ for Kosovo, Croatian President Stjepan Mesic said that Croatia does not have any reason to hesitate that before of the International Court of Justice to present the reasons why did it took the decision to recognize Kosovo. “I think that it will be hypocritical to first recognize and afterwards hesitate to talk about this,” said Mesic in an interview for Belgrade newspaper Blic adding that this move is not aimed against the Serb people.

LDK Office in Gjakova burned (Koha Ditore)

Koha Ditorereportsthat offices of Kosovo Democratic League (LDK) were in flames on the early hours of Monday morning but that except for material damages, there were no casualties. The incident happened at 01:30 of Monday morning and neither LDK officials nor Police could give any more details about the incident. “We consider that what happened today at LDK offices is a shameful and cowardly act,” said president of the Democratic League in Gjakova, Astrit Haraqija adding that damages are easily reparable but not the act itself.

Protocol of cooperation signed with Lithuania(Express)

Express reports that Kosovo Security Force Minister Fehmi Mujota signed Monday an official protocol of cooperation with the Lithuanian Ministry of Defence. This act of cooperation was hailed by Lithuanian Minister of Defence Rasa Jukneviciene, who considered that signing of the memorandum will be a concrete step towards advancing of cooperation in the field of security. “I feel pleased that the Ministry of Defence and KSF Ministry are signing this agreement on cooperation at the state level. Our Ministries are making the second important step (after recognition of Kosovo) for our countries,” said Jukneviciene.

Brezovica, a technical issue (Express)

Express reports that the Board of Privatization Agency of Kosovo included Brezovica tourist resort twice among the 40 companies for privatization and removed it afterwards. Deputy managing director at the Agency, Shkumbin Bicaj, denied that this was done for political reasons, explaining that they decided to include all the premises in one single tender. “There is absolutely no impact from what the Republic of Serbia is pretending. The role and mandate of the PAK is very clear and we have complete authority that derives from the Constitution and legislation in power, over all publicly-owned enterprises in Kosovo,” said Bicaj.

Kosovo Press Headlines

Koha Ditore

Front page

  • EULEX arrests Bllaca for murder, organised crime
  • Thaçi: No one is above the law
  • De Kermabon: Justice, without political pressure
  • Haliti: I don’t know Bllaca, I was never in SHIK
  • Transcript: Conversation between Bllaca and Shpresim Uka
  • Fahredin Gashi: Bllaca’s accusations, aimed at profiteering
  • LDK offices in Gjakova burned over night

Other headlines

  • Court’s opinion with high political weight (2)
  • Hyseni fully believes in the ICJ’s objectivity (2)
  • Mesic: Croatia does not hesitate to testify in favour of Kosovo at ICJ (2)
  • Thaçi: Certain circles aim at destabilising Kosovo (3)
  • Syla: All allegations are untrue and lies (4)
  • 34 years and 7 months prison for the killing of Kastriot Zogiani (6)
  • LDK in Prizren reaches coalition with PDD and PSHDK (7)
  • A 47 year-old arrested while walking with an AK-47 in his arm (7)
  • Shala: Centralisation of government in Kosovo (11)
  • Zogiani: Democracy in “Zanzibar” (11)


Front page

  • Bllaca in EULEX hands
  • Sejdiu asks for resolution of crimes
  • The duel in The Hague
  • KEK millions for one-source tenders

Other headlines

  • CEC: Results for Assemblies on Tuesday (2)
  • Haradinaj: Justice not functioning (2)
  • LDK: No one is above the law (2)
  • Prosecution not informed about the case (3)
  • Salihaj calls for reviewing of the coalition (3)
  • The state before the court (4)
  • Netherlands supports Kosovo (4)
  • Jeremic: Fierce legal battle for Kosovo (4)
  • Kosovo-Lithuania cooperation deepened (4)
  • Seminar on Kosovo’s recognitions (5)
  • Kosovo ready for runoffs (8)
  • Kastriot Zogiani’s killer sentenced (9)

Kosova Sot

Front page

  • Nazim Bllaca arrested
  • Independence at ICJ, the proceedings begin at 15.00hrs
  • Haliti: I don’t know Bllaca
  • Salihaj: I have another CD
  • Healthcare staff, three days deadline to vaccinate
  • Editorial: Albanians, one step behind the others

Other headlines

  • Netherlands internationally supports Kosovo (2)
  • Politics, “crimes to be solved” (3)
  • CEC today to announce final results for municipal assemblies (4)
  • Lithuania signs cooperation protocol with Kosovo (4)
  • Scandalous testimony delays Assembly session (4)
  • Kosovo arguments, unbeatable (5)
  • Prizren’s Bosniacs and Turks appeal to the Constitution Court (5)
  • CEFTA, Kosovo remains behind (7)

Epoka e Re

Front page

  • Political monster
  • ICJ decides for the independence of Kosovo
  • Adem Salihaj finally spoke: His intention appears to have been breaking of coalition
  • Bllaca in prison
  • Police report shows Bllaca to be a blackmailer
  • Geci: Jail can save Bllaca from debts

Other headlines

  • Thaçi: We will not allow destabilization of state (3)
  • Haliti: I do not know Bllaca. He admitted that he has never taken any order from me (7)
  • Azem Syla: Monstrous lies (2)
  • Jashari: Accusations toward me do not stand (7)
  • Kusari: AKR Deputy President (8)
  • Netherlands confirms support for Kosovo (9)
  • Mesic: Croatia does not hesitate to witness in favour of Kosovo (9)


Front page

  • Thaçi: Investigations until the end
  • Bllaca’s dossier
  • The meeting
  • Reconfirmation of independence at ICJ

Other headlines

  • Mirena: Bloody Sunday (2)
  • Meidani: We should deal with ruining of walls every day (3)
  • Support for liberalization of visas requested (4)
  • Holland in support of Kosovo (4)
  • Protocol of cooperation with Lithuania (5)
  • LDK to reconsider coalition (5)
  • Bllaca in Serb media (8)


Front page

  • Scary CD

Other headlines

  • Independence cannot be undone (3)
  • Netherlands confirms support for Kosovo (3)
  • Coalition campaign (4)
  • Finally they have ended (4)
  • Municipalities does not pay for electricity (6)
  • Awaiting for 33 million euros (7)
  • Two dead bodies found in Zvecan (8)
  • Haraqia blames secret services (9)

Bota Sot

Front page

  • We were tasked to kill the heads of LDK

Other headlines

  • President Sejdiu requests to be solved all crime in Kosovo (2)
  • Assembly does not want to investigate testimonials of killings (3)
  • Sejdiu: It will be confirmed the right of independence (4)
  • It is requested the resigning of the government and the break of coalition (5)
  • Salihaj: We have another CD for the confirmation of killings(7)
  • Thaçi: Neither the accusers nor the accused can escape the responsibilities (10)
  • EULEX police arrested Nazim Bllaca (11)


Front page

  • Spy is arrested

Other headlines

  • No one can escape the law (2)
  • Kosovo in ICJ and Bllaca case (3)
  • EULEX arrested Bllaca (3)
  • The process starts in The Hague (4)
  • EUSR and EC merge in one (5)


This media summary consists of selected local media articles for the information of UN personnel. The public distribution of this media summary is a courtesy service extended by UNMIK on the understanding that the choice of articles translated is exclusive, and the contents do not represent anything other than a selection of articles likely to be of interest to a United Nations readership. The inclusion of articles in this summary does not imply endorsement by UNMIK.