Ethics Teachers’ Training Course (ETTC)

Beirut, Lebanon
8-11 June 2015

UNESCO Beirut Office


Day I (Monday, 8June)
09:00 – 9:45 / Opening (public session with media)
  • Address of Dr. Roland Tomb, Member of UNESCO’s Inter-Governmental Committee of Bioethics (IGBC)
  • Address of Dr. Hamed Alhamami, Director, Unesco Regional Bureau- Beirut
  • Address of HE Dr. Adnan Mroueh, President of the CCNLE, Representing HE Tammam Salam, Prime Minister

9:45 – 10:15
10:15 - 11:00 / Coffee break
Session I- General Introduction: UNESCO, Bioethics and Ethics Education Programme
Ms Dafna Feinholz, UNESCO
  • Introduction of the trainers and the participants of the course
  • Overview of UNESCO’s mandate in bioethics
  • Structure of Bioethics Programme, its ongoing projects and activities
  • Programme and Aim of the ETTC
  • Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights

11:00 – 13:00 / Session II- Global and National Perspective on Ethics Teaching: trends, challenges and opportunities
Dr Bahaa Darwish, Ms Pascale Rangoni & Dr Michel Daher
  • overview of various bioethics programmes at university level, explain their importance for providing a well-rounded education, and discuss challenges that exist in this area
  • Experts participating in the training from the host institution are invited to provide a local perspective on challenges and opportunities in teaching ethics at the university

13:00 – 14:00 / Lunch Break
14:00 – 14:30 / Session III- The UNESCO Core Curriculum in Bioethics
Seiko Sugita, UNESCO Beirut
Introduction to the Core Curriculum in Bioethics: objectives, syllabus, teaching methods, additional materials, assessment
14:30-17:30 / Session IV- Ethics Teaching in Action – Pedagogical approaches, skills and methods
Dr. Bahaa Darwish. “The teaching skills and methods to be used in teaching ethics”
Ms Pascale Rangoni, “Pedagogical methods to teach ethics”
  • How to choose the topics, prepare and deliver ethics teaching
  • The workshops may have specific focus on the teaching of ethics of relevant themes depending on the students
  • Ethics teaching demonstrations by the instructors that closely engage all participants into structured and open interactions
  • Each trainer will identify the specific principles that will allow students to retain the main messages
  • Each trainer will address the following issues:
1. How to teach the topic?
2. How to evaluate and discuss so that students can give feedback
Day II (Tuesday, 9June )
09:00 – 11:00 / Session IV (cont’d) - Ethics Teaching in Action – Pedagogical approaches, skills and methods
Dr. Manal Bouhaimed, “Clinical setting”
11:00- 11:15 / Coffee break
11:15 – 13:00 / Session V- Classroom communication: pedagogy and psychology of ethics teaching
Dr.Manal Bouhaimed
  • Iinterpersonal communication between lecturer and students, based on correct transmission of messages, adequate perception of student’s needs, including of emotional nature, and the usage of didactic means and tools in teaching ethics

13:00 –14:00 / Lunch Break
14:00-16:00 / Session VI- Sharing experiences in ethics teaching from the local perspective
Dr. Michel Daher
  • The experts from the host country discuss with the participants the bioethical issues confronted by the society and the way these issues can be incorporated into the classroom.
  • This is an opportunity to discuss good cases in ethics education, and to point out real hurdles in promoting ethics teaching at the university and nationally.
  • Cultural challenges faced when discussing bioethics issues in the context of a classroom (teacher-students relationship…)

16:00-17:30 / Session VII- Simulated teaching presentations
Group A- Dr Manal Bouhaimed &Dr Bahaa Darwish
Group B- Ms Pascale Rangoni and Dr Michel Daher
  • The topic of each teaching demonstration may concern any bioethical theme among those of the student’sprofessional activities.
  • Each participant of the training is presented with a chance to demonstrate the knowledge acquired during the training by putting together 10’ presentation
  • The instructors observe the presentation and provide immediate constructive feedback, based on the substance of the teaching model and the method of its delivery (10’ Both presentation and feedback will last 20’ max for each case).
  • All participants of the training observe the teaching demonstrations, and participate in the discussions when time allows.

Day III (Wednesday, 10 June)
09:00 – 11:00 / Simulated teaching presentations (cont’d)
Group A- Dr Manal Bouhaimed & Dr Bahaa Darwish
Group B- Ms Pascale Rangoni and Dr Michel Daher
11:00 – 11:15 / Coffee break
11:15 – 13:00 / Simulated teaching presentations (cont’d)
Dr Manal Bouhaimed, Dr Bahaa Darwish, & Ms Pascale Rangoni
13:00 – 14:00 / Lunch break
14:00 – 16:00
20:00-22:00 / Simulated teaching presentations (cont’d)
Dr Manal Bouhaimed, Dr Bahaa Darwish & Dr Michel Daher
Meeting with the National Bioethics Committee members
Grand Serail(visits the NBC, which is hosted at a very nice/historic building of Prime Minister’s office. 10mn from our office; followed by a sightseeing in the city center by walk).
Cultural visit/ Downtown
Group dinner, hosted by the National Bioethics Committee
(Restaurant/ Downtown)
Day IV (Thursday, 11June)
9:00-11:00 / Session VIII- Learning outcome – to better teach ethics.
11:15-13:00 / Facilitator- Seiko Sugita, UNESCO Beirut
General feedback by Dr Manal Bouhaimed, Dr Bahaa Darwish, Dr Michel Daher
Coffee Break
Closing Session
Ms Dafna Feinholz, UNESCO Dr Michel Daher, CCNLE
Feedback and recommendations for the network
Online collaborative platform of alumni of the Ethics Teachers Training Courses (ETTC)
13:00-14:00 / Lunch