Ethics Survey Results Shared with Conference Attendees

On Wednesday afternoon conference attendees saw the results of a survey recently completed by 222 HECA members. Among the findings:

92.9 members engage in some pro bono work.

Responding members belong to many organizations concerned with college admissions: 81% belong to their state or regional ACAC. 66% belong to NACAC. Others also belong to IECA or their long standing community or regional HECA groups.

While nearly half felt they sometimes faced ethical dilemmas in their work, 95% said they had a mentor, colleague or friend that could provide advice.

Only 20% said they had contacted the HECA Standards and Ethics Statement forhelp with solving ethical issues, but some said their yearly rereading of the statement upon renewing membership helped to internalize our values. One member said, “If it doesn’t feel right, I don’t do it.”

45% said they either provided a copy of our ethics statement to clients or explained that we work under one. Several said,while they hadn’t done this, it seemed like a good idea and they would in the future.

When asked about specific consultant misbehaviors members said they were sometimes aware of them, but rarely among fellow HECA members. Concerns were stated regarding consultants or financial planners who made inflated claims on their websites, made or inferred guarantees of placement or financial aid, provided excessive help with essays, or accepted clients outside of their area of expertise,

HECA members stated that they saw themselves and their colleagues as highly ethical, but were concerned that the field was not always perceived that well especially in the media. Unfortunately, one member remarked, “We are sometimes judged by the worst actor in the arena.”

Members agreed on the importance of educating others as to their affiliation with a highly ethical professional association which has a strong Statement of Standard and Ethics.

May we be reminded to adhere to our code and if we ever witness a violation involving a member we report it to the Standards and Ethics chair knowing that it will be treated in confidence and with respect. As your current Chair I thank you for making this year free of any grievous incident requiring involvement of the Ethics Committee which did not need to convene this year. Please continue the good work.

Respectfully submitted, Jon Tarrant, Chair of HECA Standards and Ethics