Use of this checklist is required as an initial checklist to identify whether a proposed research activity involves ‘ethical risks’. For detailed information related to each statement refer to Considerations when reviewing research activitiesin theEthical Review of Research -Practice Guide. For recurrent research (audits/surveys) this checklist must be completed prior to initial commencement and each time the assessment tool and/or methodology is changed. This form must be submitted to the Research Ethics Office.
Section 1: Issues that may require consent YesNo
- The project involves direct contact with patients, staff, consumers or members of the public
- The project poses additional risks or burdens to the patient beyond their routine care
- The data to be collected is of a sensitive nature or application
- The data will be used, or made available, in such a way that may identify individuals
If the response to any of statements 1-4 is YES informed consent is required. You should submit the Research Checklist to the Research Ethics
Office together with the study protocol, Participant Information & Consent, data collection form/s and Lead HREC letter of approval, if available.
Section 2: Privacy and Confidentiality
- Re-identifiable data will be available to other than the researcher/s
- Identifiable information will be available to people who:
- Are not part of the clinical care team OR
- Do not normally have access to the patient’s record or other data unless
organisational responsibility requires access for the purpose of quality or safety
as described in the privacy policy
- The project involves rare conditions or a small community
- Data will be selected or identified by Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander status or ethnic,
religious or minority group
- Data will be collected beyond that which is normally collected in routine care
If the response to any of statements 5-7 is YES informed consent is required. You should submit the Research Checklist to the Research Ethics
Officetogether with the study protocol, Participant Information & Consent, data collection form/s and Lead HREC letter of approval, if available.
Section 3: Other Implications
- The project uses ‘new’ interventions, protocols or equipment not already approved by the
Medical Procedures, Prosthetics and Disposables Committee
- The project will involves randomisation of patients to treatment groups
- The project will involve a genetic test / testing
- The project may potentially infringe the rights, privacy or professional reputation
of carers, health professionals or the Hospital
- The project involves use of placebo
If the response to any of statements 10-14 is YES you will need to submit a NEAFApplicationfor full ethical reviewto the Research Ethics Office.Contact the office by phone 02 9487 9604orand refer to the Guide to Submitting Research for Review.
- The project is likely to generate data that may lead to publication
If the response to statement 15 is YES and the response to all other statements is NO thenno ethical risks have been identified with this activity. Please forward this form to the Research Ethics Office and a letter authorising publication will be issued.
If the response to statements 1-15 is NO then no ethical risks have been identified with this activity.
The next page must be completed and the form forwarded to the Research Ethics Office
Name of Researcher:
Contact Details:
Postal Address:
Name of Research Activity:
Research Activity Supported by:
Position: Director / Executive Officer / ARI CEO / HREC delegate Circle One
To be completed by the Research Ethics Officer through Internal Review
The Research Checklist indicates:
No ethical risks identified. Publication supported.
Ethical risks identified. Must be submitted to the Human Research Ethics Committee for further ethical review
A copy of the completed form must be forwarded to the Research Ethics Office
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