Section 1. The name of this organization shall be Eta Theta, a local chapter of Alpha Phi Sigma, which is the National Criminal Justice Honor Society.
Section 1. The Mission of Alpha Phi Sigma is to promote analytical thinking, rigorous scholarship and life long learning; to keep abreast of the advances in scientific research; to elevate the ethical standards of the criminal justice professions; and to sustain in the public mind the benefit and necessity of education and professional training.
Section 2.Goals. The Goals of Alpha Phi Sigma shall be to honor and promote academic excellence, service, leadership, and unity.
Section 3.Purpose. The purpose of Eta Theta Chapter shall be to promote critical thinking, rigorous scholarship, and life-long learning; to keep abreast of the advances in scientific research; to elevate the ethical standards of the criminal justice professions; and to sustain in the public mind the benefit and necessity of education and professional training in criminal justice.
Section 4.Oath of Membership. In the presence of the Alpha Phi Sigma members here assembled, I do hereby solemnly promise to uphold the ideals and traditions, maintain high moral character and commit myself to be governed by the Bylaws of the Alpha Phi Sigma, the National Criminal Justice Honor Society and the local and national Officers.
Section 5.Regular Meetings. Eta Theta shall meet by teleconference monthly. All members may attend, however, the Board of Directors shall be required to attend or give notice of their absence to the President.
Section 6:Special Meetings.Special meetings may be called by the President or upon request of four (4) board members of the chapter.
Section 1.Membership.Eta Theta shall have the following membership types:
Collegiate/Student Members and Faculty Members (otherwise known as “Active Members”),
Honorary Members (otherwise known as “Members”), Alumni Members (otherwise known as Alumni Members or Alumni Association Members), and Professional Members. Criteria for memberships are set forth below.
Section 2.Criteria for Membership. Members of the Eta Theta chapter shall meet the following minimum membership criteria:
A. Collegiate/Student Members (Active Members). Collegiate members shall be students enrolled in undergraduate or graduate programs at University of Phoenix. Membership shall be determined by the procedure below. Membership applications shall be signed by the Chapter Advisor and submitted/accepted by the Alpha Phi Sigma National Headquarters.
· Undergraduate students shall be enrolled in University of Phoenix, have declared a major, minor, or equivalent in the criminal justice or security field, have completed seven core/major courses, and have a minimum grade point average of 3.6 on a 4.0 scale.
· Graduate students shall be enrolled in a graduate program in criminal justice or security field; have completed four courses; and have a minimum GPA of 3.75 on a 4.0 scale.
· Transfer Members. Any Alpha Phi Sigma member in good academic standing who transfers to University of Phoenix from another Alpha Phi Sigma college or university chapter, shall be accepted into the Eta Theta Chapter and shall pay the local chapter fee. With the exception of the 3.6/3.75 GPA requirement, the member shall immediately be subject to all rules and regulations of Eta Theta. After completion of four (4) University of Phoenix criminal justice or security courses, the member shall be subject to the minimum 3.6/3.75 GPA requirement specified by the degree level. National Headquarters shall not issue a new certificate of membership unless specifically requested by the Chapter Advisor and paid for by the member.
B. Faculty Members (Active Members).Faculty and administration involvement shall be recognized and encouraged. Candidates for faculty membership shall be faculty or administrators in a criminal justice or security field. They shall have completed a minimum of three (3) years of teaching (21 courses) or 3 years of full-time administrative duties in the College of Criminal Justice and Security at the University of Phoenix and be faculty in good standing (no scheduling restrictions or Code of Conduct violations). Applicants shall receive a recommendation from their Campus College Chair (or designee) in order to be accepted. Membership applications shall be approved and signed by the Chapter Advisor and elected by majority vote at a regular meeting. Applications shall then be submitted to and accepted by National Headquarters.
C. Honorary Members (Members). Honorary membership recognizes individuals in the community who have made distinctive scholarship and research contributions to the criminal justice or security field or who have provided outstanding support for Eta Theta. The Eta Theta Board shall approve nominations. Eta Theta shall grant no more than three honorary memberships in any year. Honorary members shall be elected by a majority vote of the Board. Membership applications shall be approved by the Board and signed by the Chapter Advisor, submitted to and accepted by National Headquarters. Students shall not be eligible for honorary membership.
D. Professional Members (Members). Professional membership recognizes individuals in the community who have made important differences by contributing to the safety and well-being of citizens and communities. Individuals shall not have been previously initiated into the Society. Professional members shall hold one or more degrees in criminal justice, security, or related fields. The Eta Theta Chapter Advisor shall approve nominations. Professional members shall be elected by a majority vote of the Board and shall be granted professional membership by the Eta Theta Chapter. Professional members shall contribute a one-time fee to Alpha Phi Sigma National Headquarters.
E. Alumni Members. Eta Theta members in good standing at the time of graduation from the University of Phoenix shall become alumni members of the Eta Theta Chapter.
F. National Alumni Association Members. Alumni Association Members are Alpha Phi Sigma alumni members who have applied for membership in the National Alumni Association. There are three categories in the National Alumni Association: Annual, Lifetime, and Professional Members. Interested members shall contact the National Chapter for more information.
Section 3.Nondiscrimination. Membership in Eta Theta shall be open to qualified candidates without regard to age, disability, color, gender, national origin, ethnicity, religion, and/or sexual orientation.
Section 4.Privileges of Membership. Active Members shall have the right to vote, hold office, and be elected or appointed to committees of the Eta Theta Chapter.
Section 5.Dues. The national dues, fees, and assessments for each category of membership shall be determined annually by the Alpha Phi Sigma National Advisory Board.Local Eta Theta Chapter dues shall be established by the Eta Theta Board through a simple majority vote.
A. For students who express interest in receiving financial support with the membership fees, Eta Theta will offer a grant which students are eligible to apply for. Up to 4 students each membership drive (twice a year) may be eligible for such a grant to cover the membership fees.
The requirements for this grant are as follows:
1. Submit an essay on “What it means to be a member of Eta Theta.”
· The essay must be at least 300-1000 words and submitted in a Word document.
2. The essay must be submitted by a deadline established by the advisors during each membership drive.
3. The essay will be reviewed by the board for eligibility and the board will elect up to 4 applicants for the scholarship fee of $125. The essay will be reviewed in the first board meeting following the essay submission deadline.
Students will be notified of the outcome of the board decision within two days of the board meeting. In the event you are not selected for this grant, your deadline for submission of application and membership fees will be extended to a date established by the advisors during each membership drive.
Section 6.Voting of Active Members. Each Active Member of Eta Theta shall be entitled to one vote upon each matter submitted to a vote. Chapter voting shall be in accordance with the bylaws of this chapter.
Section 7.Resignation/Reinstatement of Membership. A member desiring to resign from the Society shall submit such resignation in writing to the Chapter Advisor. The Chapter Advisor shall forward the acceptance of such resignation to the Executive Director of Alpha Phi Sigma, who shall remove the name from the National Registry. A member resigning shall not be entitled to return of dues, either local or national. Any individual having resigned from membership may be reinstated with good reason upon application to the Chapter Advisor and upon meeting such uniform terms and conditions as may be established by the Chapter and the National Advisory Board. After acceptance by the Chapter Advisor, the application shall be submitted with explanation to the Executive Director of Alpha Phi Sigma.
Section 8.Suspension or Termination of Membership. Membership in the Society may be suspended or terminated by the Alpha Phi Sigma National Advisory Board for just cause. Sufficient cause for such suspension or termination of membership may result from violation of the National Bylaws or any lawful rule or practice adopted by the Society or other conduct deemed by the National Advisory Board to be prejudicial to the best interests of the Society. A statement of the charges shall be sent by registered mail to the last recorded address of the member, accompanied by notice of the time and place of the meeting at which the charges are to be considered. At least thirty days notice shall be given, and the member shall have the opportunity to appear in person or to be represented by counsel and to present any defense to such charges before action is taken by the National Advisory Board. The Board may adopt such rules as may be necessary to assure due process to the member. The decision for suspension or termination shall be by a two-thirds vote of the National Advisory Board. A member suspended or terminated for just cause shall not be entitled to return of dues. Membership may be terminated or suspended according to the process outlined below.
A. Grounds for Removal: Any member not fulfilling the requirements as outlined in the bylaws of this organization to the satisfaction of the Board or violating the University of Phoenix policies or the Student Code of Conduct may be removed from membership. A simple majority vote of the Board shall be required for removal of any member.
B. Notice of Charges: The motion to remove a member from Eta Theta shall be presented in writing to the Board at least 2 weeks before the meeting at which the removal is scheduled for a vote.
C. Right to Fair Hearing: The member subject to removal shall have the right to present his/her case to at the meeting in which the vote for removal is to take place.
D. Right to Appeal: Appeals relating to the removal of members shall be submitted through the National Chapter of Alpha Phi Sigma.
Section 1. Membership. The Eta Theta Board of Directors shall be composed of the current Chapter Officers or Executive Board (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Chapter Faculty Advisor and Immediate Past President), the Regional Advisors, and any other current members appointed by the Society Board.. The Chapter Executive Board consists only of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Chapter Faculty Advisor, and immediate Past President. The description of membership roles and responsibilities are provided in Article V of these by-laws.
Section 2. Responsibilities. The Chapter Board shall be responsible for the general supervision of the Chapter and shall have full power to conduct all business of the Chapter between meetings. The Board shall be subject to the orders of the Chapter and none of its actions shall conflict with action taken by the Chapter. The duties of the Chapter Board shall include: appoint a Chapter Council; financial reports of the Chapter to be examined annually and at the time shall determine what level of examination is needed; submit a budget to the Chapter Board for final approval and adoption; approve such amendments to the budget as may be necessary or appropriate; review reports of Officers and committees of the Chapter and any recommendations and resolutions to come before the Society meeting and make recommendations; adopt rules and regulations for the conduct of the affairs of the Chapter.
Section 3. Regular meetings. Regular meetings of the Chapter shall be held by teleconference monthly. All members may attend, however, the Board of Directors shall be required to attend or give notice of their absence to the President.
Section 4. Special meetings. Special meetings of the Chapter Board shall be called by the President or upon request of four (4) board members of the Chapter.
Section 5. Quorum. A majority of the voting members of the Board shall constitute a quorum.
Section 1.Membership. The Chapter Executive Board consists only of the elected Officers of the Eta Theta Chapter, as follows: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Chapter Faculty Advisor, and immediate Past President.
Section 2. Qualifications. During the term of office, an Officer shall be a member in good standing as defined under Article III. Any student member or alumni member shall be eligible for an elected office position.
Section 3.Officers and Duties. The elected Officers shall be the members of the Chapter Executive Board. Management of the organization shall be vested in the Executive Board, responsible to the entire membership to uphold these bylaws. The Officers shall perform the duties described by these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the society.
A. President. (Elected - Executive Board Member). The President shall have general supervision of all Officers of the Chapter (with the exception of the Chapter Faculty Advisor), shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter, shall approve the chairs of committees, and may be a member of committees as needed.The President shall preside at all monthly and special Board meetings of the Chapter.
B. Vice President. (Elected - Executive Board Member). The Vice President shall promote the purposes of the Chapter and support the President. The Vice President shall be responsible for upholding the Chapter’s mission and all philanthropic activities. Vice President shall assume the duties of the President during his/her absence and shall succeed to the Office of the President in the event that the position becomes vacant until the next election; shall be responsible for writing or amending the Bylaws of Eta Theta and submitting them for approval to the total voting membership at the annual meeting.
C. Secretary. (Elected - Executive Board Member). The Secretary shall keep record of the meetings of the Chapter. The Secretary shall also be responsible for the Call for Nominations process and the election of new Officers. The Secretary shall be responsible for all official Eta Theta and Alpha Phi Sigma correspondence.
D. Treasurer. (Elected - Executive Board Member). The Treasurer shall prepare a chapter budget and shall report at the monthly Board meetings. Treasurer shall be the financial Officer of the Eta Theta Chapter; shall report on accounting of revenues and expenses upon request at any organizational meeting, and shall prepare an annual report of all financial records for submission to Alpha Phi Sigma.
Section 4.Reports.Each Officer shall present or submit a report at each Board meeting. All Officers shall prepare transition reports to include work performed, procedures established and recommendations for future Chapter endeavors.