c/o Euclid Board of Education 651 E 222 SreetEuclid, Ohio 44123


March 25, 2015

Dear ETA Member,

We will honor our outstanding teachers on at the ETA’s Outstanding Educator and Retirement Reception on May 29, 2015.Each Outstanding Educator will be introduced in a brief speech by the person nominating the individual, or if the nominator prefers, by Sue Amato, E.T.A. Vice President, with information gathered from the nomination forms. Now is the time for you to nominate candidates for Outstanding Educator Awards in 2014-2015. Any present member of the United Teaching Profession in the Euclid Schools is eligible for nomination. A single nomination makes a person eligible for consideration by the selection committee. Multiple nominations are not a factor in the selection process.

Your candidate’s qualifications should be supported by concise but specific statements in your nomination. The candidate’s effectiveness as an educator through classroom program and professional services to students and staff will be significant criteria. Consideration will also be given to involvement in the profession, his or her outstanding accomplishments in the field of education that received local, state, or national recognition, and school district involvement. Please be concise, yet as complete as possible.

Your participation in this public recognition of Outstanding Euclid Educators will be gratifying to the nominee and appreciated by all who believe in promoting our profession’s image in the community. If you wish to participate in this activity, please complete the form located below and return it to Sue Amato at Euclid High School by Monday, April 27, 2015.


Please complete and return this form to Sue Amato at Euclid High School by April 27, 2015. Your concise, but complete and tangible, evidence will be valuable in the final selection and will be greatly appreciated by the committee! Please try to keep the nomination length to one page.

I nominate:


______, ______

School Grade/Subject/Position

Please attach a narrative explaining why you feel that your nominee deserves to be recognized as an outstanding educator. Consider including in your description specific evidence of qualities such as: the person’s dedication to teaching, specific programs or class lessons that are especially creative or meaningful to students, examples of collegiality, examples of professionalism, examples of leadership, awards or recognition achieved as an educator,and involvement in the Euclid City School District etc.

This nomination is made by:______, ______