Estimating and Cad – CARP1230
Course Outcome Summary

Course Information
Organization / South Central College
Development Date / 1/19/2011
Revised Date / 10/7/2011
Course Number / CARP1230
Potential Hours of Instruction / 64
Total Credits / 2

This course covers the design, drafting, and estimating of the house that will be built starting in the fall of second year.

Types of Instruction
Instruction Type / Contact Hours / Credits
On-Campus Lab / 64 / 2
Keith Kluis. Estimating. Edition: Guidebook 5. .LTI Lumber Tech 1.
Learner Supplies
Estimating book.
Declared Carpentry as Major

Exit Learning Outcomes

Core Abilities
A. / Communication
B. / Critical Thinking
C. / Global Citizenship
D. / Math/Logic Reasoning
E. / Professionalism
F. / Technological Literacy
1. / Draw with Chief Architect
Learning Objectives
a.Demonstrate knowledge in the use of CAD program
b.Demonstrate drawing abilities with design, flow and other requirements of the course
c.Print and package a completed project
2. / Review house design guide lines
Learning Objectives
a.Review of code restrictions relating to design principles
b.Review the need to listen and design based upon home owner wishes
c.Demonstrate room layout, square footage, traffic flow and building trends
3. / Review lot restrictions
Learning Objectives
a.Review in lot vs. out lots and the pros and cons
b.Review setbacks and site conveniences
c.Review limitations of the lot due to elevation changes
4. / Design a house from guide lines
Learning Objectives
a.Demonstrate designing a house with given guidelines
b.Demonstrate thinking outside the box
c.Design a house that meets the needs of the owner in an efficient manner, Building and operating. (Green build aspect along with LEAD building)
5. / Draw main floor plan
Learning Objectives
a.Draw a main level dwelling with all criteria being met
b.Draw a dwelling and dimension to satisfy the best use of materials
c.Package a drawing to be compatible with basement and additional levels
6. / Draw basement plan
Learning Objectives
a.Establish elevation for basement showing drainage away from dwelling
b.Draw, Label and align basement plan to meet the needs of upper levels
c.Draw detailed cross section of foundation wall from footing through cap.
7. / Draw elevations
Learning Objectives
a.Draw detailed North, South, East and West exterior Elevation.
b.Determine location and draw two detailed cross sections of the dwelling
c.Determine Accurate elevations and record on drawing
d.Demonstrate packaging the elevations and spending them to print
8. / Estimate house material
Learning Objectives
a.Determine important information to estimate and gather data
b.From Gathered Data estimate materials from given print
c.Package the estimate of materials into a bid format
9. / Write specifications
Learning Objectives
a.Establish the area of need requiring bid specification
b.Explain what bid specification are and why we use them
c.Write the set of building specification for each required sub area
10. / Write MN Check
Learning Objectives
a.Explain why the need for MN-Check system and where to get it
b.Demonstrate the use of the MN-Check program
c.Gathering the data needed for the MN-Check system and where to find that information
d.Enter data into program and printing out report of energy compliance on the dwelling