/ Office of Institutional Effectiveness, Academic Planning and Review
Proposal to Initiate a University
Institute or Center

Establishing an Institute or Center

Florida Board of Governors (BOG) regulation 10.015 Institutes and Centersgoverns the establishment of Institutes and Centers within the SUS system. The regulation requires that “To establish a State of Florida Institute or Center, the Provost of the host university shall prepare and submit a proposal to the board of trustees of the host university for approval. Approved proposals shall be submitted to the Office of Academic and Student Affairs in the Office of the Board of Governors.”

To comply with further requirements of regulation 10.015, the completed Proposal to Initiate a University Institute or Center (including original signatures) must be provided to the Office of Institutional Effectiveness, Academic Planning and Review (OIE). Please submit the completed proposal to Kelly Bergquist, BEH 339. (For questions: ; 4-2450.)

Proposal to Initiate a University Institute or Center

Institute or Center Name:
Is this Institute or Center funded by the Legislature?
USF Institution:
College/ Division:
Proposed Implementation Date:
Type of Institute or Center / ( ) University-level organized research unit (Approval of Sr. VP for Research and Innovation required)
( ) College-level organized research unit
( ) Department-level organized research unit
( ) Sponsored-Program based organized research unit

In a succinct, thorough response, please provide the following information:

  1. Describe how the mission, goals, and purpose of the prosed institute or center support the mission and priorities of the University of South Florida and the Florida Board of Governors (see USF System Strategic Plan at See the FL BOG strategic plan at:
  1. Describe a) the research value and capabilities to be added by the new institute or center; b) how the proposed unit will allow faculty, staff, or students to accomplish what could not be accomplished within the existing department or college structure; c) and how the proposed unit will contribute to the research and instructional programs of the University of South Florida.
  1. Describe the administrative and organizational structure of the proposed institute or center; include an organizational chart showing the functions and FTE in person years of all faculty, A&P (Administration) and USPS (staff) and their reporting relationships.
  1. List the names of faculty members who will participate in the proposed institute or center, either formally or informally.
  1. Describe how space, equipment and other resources needs will be met.
  1. Describe how resources and expenditures will be tracked at the chartfield level.

  1. List any other institutions affiliated with the institute or center (if applicable) and give the key code if it is a SUS Institute/Center.
  1. Identify the individual responsible for the required BOG regulation 10.015 annual evaluation of the institute or center.
  1. Each institute or center must submit an annual administrative assessment plan report in accordance with SACS 3.3.1. Please go to instructions on how to develop the plan.Please attach the template provided as an appendix to this proposal. Identify the individual responsible for this administrative assessment plan in the space below.
  1. A statement outlining a 5 year plan for seeking funding and sustaining support (if applicable).

Approvals for Proposed Center/Institute

Proposed Center/Institute: ______
The University of South Florida System encourages the formation of organized research units to conduct and facilitate coordinated research programs and service activities, to promote collaborations among and across disciplines, to enhance the University’s research strengths, to increase extramural funding, and to foster the application of research to meet societal needs. These units are, by design, entrepreneurial. Thus, any proposal to initiate a new institute or center must make a compelling case for its establishment and its ability to attract external funding in a manner that the host unit could not otherwise achieve. The submission of a proposal to initiate a University institute or center constitutes a commitment by the undersigned to ensure that the institute or center’s activities support the stated mission and goals of the University of South Florida that the financial commitments reflected in the proposal will be met and that assessment plans and evaluations will comply to USF guidelines.
APPROVALS / Print Name / Signature / Date
President / Dr. Judy Genshaft
Provost and Executive Vice President / Dr. Ralph Wilcox
VP for Research & Innovation
(For University-level organized research unit only) / Dr. Paul Sanberg
Institutional Effectiveness
College Dean
Division Chair
(If applicable)
Institute/Center Director

Institutes and Centers Initiation Form (6.5.13)Page 1