Establish camshaft position sensor indexing

Lesson Plan for

AUT 182-183/AUT 290

Automotive Service Technology Section A/Automotive Special Problems

Course HS Title: / Automotive Service Technology Section A/Automotive Special Problems / Program:
KCTCS Courses included in HS Title: (Lesson is prepared for course highlighted.)
KCTCS Course No. / KCTCS Course Title
ADX 150 / Engine Repair
Introduction/Context / This lesson will instruct students on the proper procedures needed to establish camshaft position sensor indexing. Knowledge of these techniques and the skills required to correct problems associated with this task are necessary for a student to acquire if they wish to compete for high paying, high skilled jobs in an automotive repair facility. Entry level technicians need to be able to perform this task to 100% accuracy. Incorrectly performing this task can lead to drivability problems, safety problems, and create customer satisfaction issues.
Prepared By / School / Date:
Grade Level / No. Students / No.IEP's: / Lesson Length:
Establish camshaft position sensor indexing.
No. / Objective
1 / Given the proper tools and instructions from a vehicle manufacturers shop manual or automotive computer software program, students will be able to establish camshaft position sensor indexing and pass a written exam on the task with 100% by the end of the course.


Skills Standards:
OH 001
OH 002
OH 003
OD 002
OD 003
OD 005
Common Core Technical Standards:
New Common Core Standards:
RST 11-12.2
RST 11-12 3


Title / Version / Source
Mitchell on Demand / current / Mitchell


Quantity / Item / Source

Content/Presentation/Demonstration Outline

CAMSHAFT POSITION SENSOR (CMP). Inform students that many ignition systems also have a camshaft position sensor (CMP) that tells the computer when the #1 cylinder is on the compression stroke. Explain that this information is used for sequencing the fuel injection system and to sequence coil firing with coil-on-plug and coil-near-plug ignition systems.
Let students know that other distributor less systems fire the spark plug according to the CKP (Crankshaft Position) sensor, so camshaft position is not necessary. Many engines also have variable valve timing (VVT), which uses CMP sensor information to verify system operation. Some engine management systems use the CMP sensor to tell the sequential fuel injection system when to pulse.
On some vehicles the camshaft position sensor has to be indexed to get a proper reading.
The following is a typical procedure to index a camshaft sensor on a 2000 ford Taurus 3.8L
Removal: • Rotate crankshaft until no 1 cylinder is at TDC of compression stroke. Disconnect negative battery cable. Remove the EGR valve to exhaust manifold tube. • Note position of CMP sensor electrical connector. Remove CMP sensor • Remove the camshaft synchronizer bolt. Remove camshaft synchronizer from engine block.
Installation: • Install synchro positioning tool on the camshaft synchronizer by rotating the tool until it engages the notch in the camshaft synchronizer housing and the armature. • Install camshaft positioning Synchronizer housing assembly so the arrow on the install synchro positioning tool is 54 degrees from centerline of the engine. • Install and tighten synchronizer hold down bolt. • Remove synchro positioning tool. Install CMP sensor to camshaft synchronizer. Install the EGR valve to exhaust manifold tube. Connect the battery ground cable.
Refer to manufacturers specifications for specific vehicles.


1 / Refer to content

Evaluation and feedback Prior to Testing or Lab Work

1 / Objective 1/ Formative assessment / Instructor will observe students as they practice the procedure to assure correct methods and safety practices are being followed. A checklist should be utilized to chart student progress on the task. Questioning techniques will be utilized as necessary to demonstrate student comprehension / Adaptations and/or accommodations for special needs students will be added if required.

STUDENT ASSESSMENT:(Assess student progress with performance criteria.)

1 / Objective 1/ Summative assessment / written test questions on stated objective / adaptation and / or accommodations for special needs students will be added if required.
IMPACT--Reflection/Analysis of Teaching and Learning: (How did students’ progress in relation to the state objectives? Was the instruction successful? Analyze samples of student work particularly that which is unsatisfactory, for the purpose of planning further instruction.)
REFINEMENT--Lesson Extension and Follow-up: (To be filled in as the lesson is modified during initial planning and/or during the teaching learning process.)