Goal #1

Establish a system within the district that fully ensures consistent implementation of

standards-aligned curricula across all schools for all students.

Indicators of Effectiveness
PVAAS Data based upon 2016 Math & Reading Assessments / 85% of students will demonstrate at least one year of growth
Keystone Exam Data in Algebra, Biology and ELA for Spring 2016 / 85% of students will demonstrate proficiency on the first administration of the exam
2016 Terra Nova Data / 85% of students will demonstrate proficiency in reading and math
2016 Third Grade PSSA Data / 85% of students will demonstrate proficiency in reading and math
Web-based Curriculum Tool Data 2016 / 100% of all courses will have completed curriculum units (K-U-D) and student learning maps
Teachscape Walk-through Data 2014-15 / 95% of teachers whose curriculum is in Phase III of the curriculum review cycle will be implementing standards-aligned curriculum with fidelity (needs to created in Teachscape template)

Strategy 1: Standards Driven Curriculum

The Octorara Area School District will establish a standards driven curriculum with K-12 alignment.

This curriculum will be driven by PA State Common Core standards. It will ensure teachers focus instruction on the right content and expectations. It will provide consistency across the grade levels for what and when students are taught and assessed.

Action Step #1:Ensure an easily accessed curriculum via technology

Description: All district curriculum will be housed in the Learning-Focused Toolbox which can be accessed via the internet for all stakeholders.

Action Step #2: Provide a timeline for initial curriculum development

Description: The Octorara Area School District administrative team will develop a work schedule and timeline for all teachers to develop curriculum units and student learning maps for all courses/subjects. This work should be completed in the first two years of the Learning-Focused Schools model’s implementation.

Strategy 2: Curriculum Review Team & Cycle

The Curriculum Review Team oversees a standards-aligned curricula audit to ensure standards aligned curriculum implementation.

Action Step #1:Create a Curriculum Review Team

Description: The OASD administrative team will contact and confirm the commitment of various professional staff members to form a Curriculum Review Team for each academic content area. The teams will be comprised of at least two administrators, at least five teachers (preferably representing each building) and any professional contracted by the district to assist with the review of curricula if applicable (i.e. Consultants or Intermediate Unit Staff).

Action Step #2:Develop a process under which they are going to operate

Description: The Curriculum Review Cycle is a repeating three phase plan for continuous quality improvement of our curriculum. In Phase I curriculum is evaluated for currency, relevancy and alignment with state and national standards. In Phase II, grade level curricula and courses are rewritten or revised based on Phase I evaluation. In Phase III, new or revised curriculum is implemented district- and/or school-wide.

Action Step #3:Develop procedures in which to review curriculum

Description: The Curriculum Review Team is a standing committee for the length of the review cycle. The team will meet monthly during the school day. In Phase I data (student work, surveys, test scores, observations and anecdotal research) and state and national standards will be used to determine if a course needs further revision or rewriting. In Phase II curriculum is revised by members of the Curriculum Review Team using information from Phase I. During this time necessary materials will also be identified, piloted, and acquired in preparation for Phase III. In Phase III teachers implement new curriculum and administrators will monitor by observation to ensure implementation. Curriculum will be implemented for two years before it re-enters PhaseI.

Action Step #4:Develop procedures in which to observe implementation

Description: A Teachscapetemplate will be created and used by administrators when informally observing teachers for curriculum implementation. Administrators will conduct informal observations of each teacher who is teaching a content area in Phase III of the curriculum review cycle over the course of the year. The template will also be distributed to the teachers so that it may serve as a guide for administrator expectation.

Action Step#5: Explore outside resources to guide/support Curriculum Team Subjects

Description: The Octorara Area School district will employ the services of professional consultants and Intermediate Unit staff when necessary.

Goal #2

Establish a system within the district that fully ensures the consistent implementation of effective instructional practices across all classrooms in each school

PVAAS Data based upon 2016 Math & Reading Assessments / 85% of students will demonstrate at least one year of growth
Keystone Exam Data in Algebra, Biology and ELA for Spring 2016 / 85% of students will demonstrate proficiency on the first administration of the exam
2016 Terra Nova Data / 85% of students will demonstrate proficiency in reading and math
2016 Third Grade PSSA Data / 85% of students will demonstrate proficiency in reading and math
Teachscape Walk-Through Data July 1st 2014 / 95% of teachers are utilizing LFS research-based strategies and evidence-based practices in the classroom
Teachscape Walk-Through Data July 1st 2014 / 95% of teachers are utilizing the acquisition lesson template in lesson design
Teachscape Walk-Through Data July 1st 2015 / 95% of teachers are utilizing connecting and extending thinking strategies in the classroom
Learning Focused Toolbox July 1st 2015 / 95% of teachers are utilizing connecting and extending thinking strategies in lesson design

Strategy 1:Professional Development on theLearning Focused Schools Framework

The Octorara Area School District will utilizethe Learning Focused Schools framework that integrates consistent and pervasive best practices K-12.

Action Step #1:Professional Development for Teachers and School Leaders: Connecting Exemplary Practices in Acquisition Lessons

Description: District-wide training will be provided to all teachers in Module 2 of Learning Focused Schools: Connecting Exemplary Practices in Acquisition Lessons. The training will take place summer of 2013. Training will be provided for all teachers K-12, and differentiated for elementary and secondary teachers. The trainer to teacher ratio will be 1:75. Teachers and school leaders will learn how to use a lesson framework that integrates and connects top research based strategies and evidence based practices.

Action Step #2: Professional Development for Teachers and School Leaders: Connecting Extending Thinking

Description: District-wide training will be provided to all teachers in Module 3 of Learning Focused Schools: Connecting Extending Thinking. The training will take place summer of 2014. Training will be provided for all teachers K-12, and differentiated for elementary and secondary teachers. The trainer to teacher ratio will be 1:75. Teachers and school leaders will learn how to build students use of higher level thinking strategies and how to apply them strategically to grade level concepts.

Strategy 2:On-going, job-embedded, professional learningon research and evidence-based instructional strategies.

The Octorara Area School District will establish and develop a system for providing on-going, job-embedded, professional learning to ensure consistent and pervasive use of research and evidence-based instructional strategies.

Action Step #1: Create a system that provides on-going professional development and support at the district level.

Description: Small K-12 teacher cohorts will collaborate with district instructional leaders on a rotating basis. Cohorts will meet a minimum of 3-4 times per school year to reflect on implementation of instructional strategies within their classrooms. Administrators will share “walk-through” data on the implementation of these strategies as well as assess additional professional development needs. Teachers may be required to bring evidence of successful instructional strategies that they have used along with data that supports their impact.

Action Step #2: Create a system that provides on-going professional development and support at the building level.

Description:Teachers will collaborate by grade level or content area to reflect on implementation of instructional strategies within their classrooms. These meetings will occur during their regularly scheduled extended time (grade group, collaboration time, department meetings). Teachers will examine evidence of success by providing student work samples and assessment data.

Action Step #3: Revise OASD Differentiated Supervision Plan

Description: District leaders will negotiate and approve a new Differentiated Supervision Plan. All forms of supervision will target instruction and the implementation of research based strategies and evidence based practices.

Action Step #4: Establish Learning Focused Schools Coaches

Description:The administrative team will work with the Chester County Intermediate Unit to explore the possibility of the IU becoming a LFS training and support facility. We would then use IU resources to provide job-embedded professional development (coaching) in the consistent and pervasive LFS research and evidence based instructional strategies and practices.

In the event that the IU is unable to provide coaching services for LFS, then district leaders will explore the possibility ofutilizing teachers as LFS coaches. This will entail training in LFS Modules 1-4 ahead of the district schedule, summer train the trainer professional development, and a minimum of 1 additional release period (to be defined by grade level) during the school day during which time the designated instructional coach would provide job-embedded professional development for any teacher needing additional support and feedback in the use of LFS instructional strategies and practices. The districtsuperintendent and School Board will work to negotiate agreeable terms with OAEA regarding the use of teachers as LFS coaches in a manner that is agreeable to all stakeholders.

Goal #3

Develop a system within the district that fully ensures staff members in every school use standards-aligned assessments to monitor student achievement and adjust instructional practices.

PVAAS Data based upon 2016 Math & Reading Assessments / 85% of students will demonstrate at least one year of growth
Keystone Exam Data in Algebra, Biology and ELA for Spring 2016 / 85% of students will demonstrate proficiency on the first administration of the exam
2016 Terra Nova Data / 85% of students will demonstrate proficiency in reading and math
2016 Third Grade PSSA Data / 85% of students will demonstrate proficiency in reading and math
District developed common assessments for the 2015-2016 school term / 85% of students will score a “C” or better on common assessments
Classroom Diagnostic Test Data 2015-2016 / 100% of all teachers in tested subject areas will utilize CDT data to inform their instruction
Teachscape Walk-Through Data 2015-2016 / 100% of all teachers will utilize rubric based assessments in their instruction

Strategy 1:Creation and Implementation of Standards-Aligned Assessments

The district leadership team will oversee the development and implementation of common assessments, benchmark assessments, diagnostic assessments and rubric assessments. All assessments shall be aligned with state standards. These assessments will be utilized to monitor student achievement and adjust instructional practices.

Action Step #1: Create and Implement Common Assessments (K-12)

Description: Building principals will oversee the development and implementation of common assessments in each content area. Although these assessments are largely summative, teachers will use this data to inform the need for curriculum revision. Teachers will be responsible for this work but the district may also provide outside consultants to guidethis process.

Action Step #2: Implement Benchmark and Diagnostic Assessments (K-12)

Description: Formative, benchmark and diagnostic curriculum-based assessments will be used district-wide in all core content areas to monitor student learning and to assist teachers in planning instruction. They will be given at least quarterly, analyzed by teachers, and used to plan instruction for all students.

Action Step #3: Create and Implement Rubric Assessments (K-12)

Description: All teachers will create and integrate rubric assessment into their daily instruction and project activities.

Strategy 2:Data-Driven Instruction

The district leadership team will develop a system for analysis of standards-aligned assessment data at both the district and school levels. Administrators will use the data to assess educational programming and monitor teacher effectiveness. Teachers will use the data to monitor student achievement and adjust instructional practice.

Action Step #1:Establish Professional Development for Data-Driven Instruction

Description:District-wide training will be provided to all teachers in standards-aligned assessment data analysis. The training will be imbedded in the initial school level data meetings. Additional training will provided as needed. Teachers and school leaders will learn how to use datato inform decisions regarding individual student progress, classroom instruction, curriculum and RtII.

Action Step #2: Create Data-Meeting Protocol

Description: The district administration will create a protocol for data meetings that will be consistent from building to building. Although assessments will vary from elementary to secondary levels, the protocol will be standardized with a template.

Action Step #3:Hold District Level Data Meetings

Description: The district level leadership team will hold quarterly meetings for the purpose of assessment data analysis. Assessment data that will be reviewed includes PSSA, Keystone, PVAAS and Classroom Diagnostic Tests. Assessment data will be used to measure the effectiveness of educational programming at the district and building levels.

Action Step #4: Hold School Level Data Meetings

Description: Each school building will hold (at minimum) quarterly meetings for the purpose of assessment data analysis. These meetings could be held by grade level, content area or whole school. Assessment data will be used to inform decisions regarding individual student progress, classroom instruction, curriculum and RtII. Assessment data to be reviewed includes but may not be limited to: PSSA, PVASS, Keystone, CDT, Common Assessments, Rubric Assessments, Dibels, DRA, Progress monitoring data.

Action Step #5: Implement New State Teacher Evaluation Tool

Description: School administrators will begin utilizing the new state teacher evaluation tool. This tool will require some measure of assessment data to be directly tied to teacher evaluation. This process will take the next 2-3 years for full implementation.

Strategy 3: Data Warehouse

The school leadership team will oversee the development and implementation of a Data Warehouse. This will allow teachers and other professionals to collect and access standards-aligned, student assessment information. As a result, teachers will be able to monitor student achievement and inform instructional practice.

Action Step #1: Form Data Warehouse Team (DWT)

Description: The Superintendent will be responsible to develop a representative group of teachers and administrators from each building to include at least one administrator, one IST teacher, one reading specialist, one special educator, one regular educator, one school counselor. This group will be facilitated by an outside consultant.

Action Step #2: Complete Data Warehouse Investigation

Description: DWT will review potential data warehouse systems and make recommendation for system to use in the OASD. This will include meeting with representatives from other school districts that presently have a data warehouse in place.

Action Step #3: Find Data Warehouse Funding

Description:The superintendent will work with the Board of Directors to develop funding strategies for the system as needed.

Action Step #4:Implement Data Warehouse

Description: The district administration team will appoint an employee to manage the data warehouse system and oversee the data entry. The timeline for how often data will be entered will depend on when assessments are given.

Action Step #5: Professional Development for Teachers and Administrators

Description:Training will be provided to all teachers and administrators who need to access the data warehouse system.

Goal #4

Establish a system within the district that fully ensures students who are academically at risk are identified early and are supported by a process thatprovides interventions based upon student needs and includesprocedures for monitoring effectiveness.

PVAAS Data based upon 2016 math and reading assessments / 85% of students involved in a least one intervention show at least one year of predicted growth
Keystone Exam Data in Algebra, Biology and ELA for Spring 2016 / 85% of students will demonstrate proficiency on the first administration of the exam

Strategy 1: Intervention infrastructure (RtII Plan)

The Octorara Area School District will create and adopt a formalized Response to Instruction and Intervention Plan for all schools.

Action Step #1:Establish the role of the Intervention Specialist in each building

Description: The current roles and responsibilities of the Instructional Support Teacher will transition to the roles and responsibilities of an Intervention Specialist. Their main function will serve to assist in developing and implementing their school building’s RtII plan.

Action Step #2:Establish RtII Team in each building

Description:Each school principal and Intervention specialist will establish an RtII team, consisting minimally of a reading specialist, math specialist, learning support teacher, and school counselor. Additional members could include an ESL teacher, regular education teacher, school psychologist, speech/language therapist. Their main function will be to analyze student data and decide how they will receive interventions.

Action Step #3: Perform audit of current interventions

Description:The RtII teams will list/update all interventions currently in use at their building level in all subject areas. After each building completes their intervention list, the building interventionists will meet to determine building transition interventions. Then a formalized intervention menu will be created for the district by evaluating gaps and redundancies of interventions.

Action Step #4:Formalize tier movement for each building

Description: The RtII team will develop a process that outlines movement for students in need of additional academic and/or behavioral supports beyond the grade level general education curriculum (Tier I).