#Essex Virtual School for Children in Care: Contact Note

Please note that contact notes will be shared with thesetting and, for Essex settings the EYFS Quadrant Leader.

Thank you for agreeing to meet to discuss the provision for children in care at your setting. Please find below the questions which will form the basis of the review. It would be extremely helpful if you were able to bring any supporting documentation to the meeting that demonstrates effectiveness and impact on learning for Children in Care, e.g child’s learning journey.

Name of setting
Preferred Email address
EY Number:
Last Ofsted inspection date and judgement: / Does the setting offer FEEE2?
If so, number of FEEE2 children on role?
[insert number]
How many children do you claim EYPP for?
[insert number] / Date of visit:
Duration of visit :
Completed by:
Who seen/working with:
Standard questions to be asked / checked at each visit:
Who is your Designated Person?
Who is your SENCO?
Have you got your Local Offer in place?
Attainment and Progress
  • How do you view the provision that your setting currently offers children In care?
Outstanding ☐ Good ☐Requires improvement ☐ Inadequate ☐
What has led you to this view?
  • Manager and Key Person review child’s assessment and progress made
Below appropriate stage of development ☐
Appropriate stage of development ☐
Above appropriate stage of development ☐
  • Is the child assessed Termly ☐ Half Termly ☐
How does this inform provision?
  • The setting has a clear distinction between the expected progress and targeted progress (aspirational) ☐
  • Does the setting compare outcomes for children in care with other children in their setting? What does this look like in the setting?
  • Is progress good across all areas of learning?
  • Is progress good since becoming looked after?
  • How is home learning promoted effectively with children in care?

PEP 1 Compliance and Evaluation
  • PEP 1 documents have been completed within the set timescales ☐
  • PEP 1 documents clearly illustrate intervention strategies and outcomes ☐
  • Targets are SMART as defined by the DfE ☐
(specific, significant, stretching, measurable, meaningful, motivational, agreed, achievable, action-orientated, realistic, relevant, results-orientated, timebound, tangible, trackable)
Effective use of PPG
  • PEP 1 documents provide clear and costed plans demonstrating appropriate use linked to their individual needs ☐
  • The use of the Pupil Premium Grant is directly linked to improving educational outcomes ☐
  • Who decides on the use of the funding? Manager ☐ Social Worker ☐
  • Who ratifies the use of the funding? Manager☐ Committee ☐ Other ☐
  • What resources, intervention strategies are used? (including staffing) What is the evidence of impact on children in care outcomes?

  • Does the setting work well with parents to promote good attendance?☐
If so what is the impact?
  • Are there any safeguarding concerns?
  • Have there been any reported incidents of bullying involving children in care ☐
If so what was the outcome?
Other Provision
Pupil Perception/ Brief Observation of child within the setting
Actions for Setting / Actions for Essex Virtual School for children in care:
Date for review and method of review to be considered in light of visit. (Term after/ visit/ telephone call)

Please note that contact notes will be shared with the Setting and the EYFS Quadrant Leader

Evaluation and impact of contact

Follow up action / Date of follow up / Evaluation and impact
Telephone Call ☐
Further Visit☐