Essential Question, Concept Or Theme s2

Essential Question, Concept Or Theme s2

Grade 4

Essential Question, Concept or Theme: A. Students will read, understand, develop, and appreciate a variety of literary genre in an effort to establish lifetime reading habits. / Approx. Time Allotment:
Standards: 1.1.5, A-H; 1.2.5, A-C; 1.3.5, A-F




/ Aligned Materials/
Resources/Technology / Instructional Strategies
1. Students will acquire a reading vocabulary by identifying and correctly using words.
a)  Use knowledge of phonics and word analysis (root words, prefixes, suffixes, and syllabication)
b)  Use a thesaurus appropriately.
c)  Use a dictionary to find the meaning of words.
d)  Use glossary and dictionary skills, such as: guide words, alphabetizing, appropriate meaning choice, and parts of speech.
e)  Decode and understand new words during reading, and use new words in writing and/or speaking (e.g., daily work, conversations, book talks, and oral reports).
f)  Acquire a reading vocabulary by identifying and correctly using words (e.g., synonyms, homophones, and homographs), recognize words related through roots, suffixes, and prefixes (e.g., word families and word webs).
g)  Recognize, understand the meaning of, and correctly use key vocabulary from various subject areas (e.g., projects and essay questions).
h)  Identify words from other languages that are commonly used English words.
i)  Identify language variations in written and oral text and relate them to differences in occupation or geographical location. / Required: Benchmark Assessments
·  Harcourt Holistic Reading Assessments
·  RTM 4th Grade End Year Assessment
·  Running Records
·  Grammar Quizzes
·  Editing Quizzes
·  Word Ring
·  Harcourt Individual Reading Inventory (TM )
·  Harcourt Reading Checklist
·  CTBS / ·  Harcourt Anthology
( 2001 Edition: Collections)
·  Leveled Libraries (theme based)
·  Bright Voices Intervention Reader
·  Take Home Books
·  Audiotapes
·  Practice Workbook
·  School library
·  Classroom library
·  Interactive bulletin boards
·  Listening centers
·  Teacher created materials
·  Practice Books (grammar and spelling)
·  Harcourt Skill Transparencies
·  Activity Cards (TM “R” section: Harcourt)
·  Novels:
Charlotte’s Web
Mr. Popper’s Penguins
Phoebe the Spy
Mouse and the Motorcycle
·  Optional Novels for School Year 2001-2002 / ·  Dictionary scavenger hunt
·  Word Games
·  Word wall
·  Student-created word lists
·  Overheads
·  Text-based overheads and worksheets
Essential Question, Concept or Theme: A. Students will read, understand, develop, and appreciate a variety of literary genre in an effort to establish lifetime reading habits. / Approx. Time Allotment:
Standards: 1.1.5, A-H; 1.2.5, A-C; 1.3.5, A-F




/ Aligned Materials/
Resources/Technology / Instructional Strategies
2. Students will read and understand text using self-monitoring comprehension strategies.
a)  Utilize context clues.
b)  Set a purpose for reading and identify the type of text prior to reading.
c)  Read and understand text using self-monitoring comprehension strategies such as predicting, rereading, questioning, activating personal knowledge, and adjusting reading rate.
d)  Understand and interpret fiction and nonfiction text.
e)  Clarify and summarize major ideas and themes.
f)  Access prior knowledge and make connections while reading.
g)  Read and understand essential content of informational texts and documents in all academic areas.
h)  Differentiate fact from opinion.
i)  Make inferences.
j)  Identify the author's purpose.
k)  Use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of the material produced.
l)  Demonstrate fluency in reading by reading familiar materials aloud with accuracy, self-correct mistakes, use appropriate rhythm, and pronunciation. / Required: Benchmark Assessments
·  Harcourt Holistic Reading Assessments
·  RTM 4th Grade End Year Assessment
·  Journaling
·  Written Comprehension Response
·  Reading/ Writing Prompt
·  Book Reports
·  Discussion Groups
·  Informal Observations
·  Student Self-evaluation (Harcourt TM A25)
·  KWL Charts
·  Running Records
·  Harcourt Individual Reading Inventory (TM )
·  Reading Conferences
·  Harcourt Teacher Reading Checklist (Harcourt A22)
·  Harcourt Selection Comprehension Tests / ·  Harcourt Anthology
( 2001 Edition: Collections)
·  Leveled Libraries (theme based)
·  Intervention Reader (Bright Voices)
·  Take Home Books
·  Audiotapes
·  Harcourt Practice Workbook
·  Harcourt Practice Books (grammar and spelling)
·  School library
·  Classroom library
·  Interactive bulletin boards
·  Listening centers
·  Teacher created materials
·  Skill Transparencies
·  Electronic References
·  Activity Cards (TM “R” section: Harcourt)
·  Novels:
Charlotte’s Web
Mr. Popper’s Penguins
Phoebe the Spy
Mouse and the Motorcycle
·  Optional Novels for School Year 2001-2202 / ·  Think/Pair/Share
·  KWL Charts
·  Jigsaw
·  Activate prior knowledge
·  Listen, read, discuss
·  Cloze activity
·  Concept mapping
·  Literature Circle
·  Response Journals
·  Reader’s Theater
·  Drawing Illustrations
·  Summarize
·  Paraphrase
·  Comprehension Questions
·  Reading Workshop
·  Paired Reading
·  Story mapping
·  Story frames
·  Book talks
·  Reader’s Chair
·  Peer/Teacher Conferences
·  Guided Reading
·  Audio tapes
·  Reading Logs
·  Book buddies
·  Read aloud
·  Flexible grouping
·  Differentiated instruction
·  Sequencing
·  Cause-Effect organizer
·  Predictions
·  Choral reading
·  Cooperative learning groups
Essential Question, Concept or Theme: A. Students will read, understand, develop, and appreciate a variety of literary genre in an effort to establish lifetime reading habits. / Approx. Time Allotment:
Standards: 1.1.5, A-H; 1.2.5, A-C; 1.3.5, A-F




/ Aligned Materials/
Resources/Technology / Instructional Strategies
3. Students will develop a lifelong reading habit.
a)  Utilize sustained silent reading time in an effort to establish good reading habits.
b)  Read a variety of genres and types of text (e.g., informational text, poetry, biography, autobiography, plays, historical fiction, fiction).
c)  Utilize informal reading conferences to promote appreciation of reading.
d)  Read and understand a variety of literature. / ·  SSR Logs (Harcourt A26)
·  Book Talks
·  Reading Conferences
·  Literature Discussions
·  Sharing Various Genres / ·  Harcourt Anthology
( 2001 Edition: Collections)
·  Leveled Libraries (theme based)
·  Intervention Reader (Bright Voices)
·  Take Home Books
·  Audiotapes
·  School library
·  Classroom library
·  Interactive bulletin boards
·  Listening centers
·  Teacher created materials
·  Activity Cards (TM “R” section: Harcourt)
·  Novels:
Charlotte’s Web
Mr. Popper’s Penguins
Phoebe the Spy
Mouse and the Motorcycle
·  Optional Novels for School Year 2001-2002 / ·  Role Play
·  Literature Circles
·  Read Aloud
·  Guide Students to peruse books
·  Teacher Model reading
·  Pair/share reading with peers
·  Book Talks
·  SSR
·  Literature Circles
·  Reading Logs
·  Reading Conferences
Essential Question, Concept or Theme: A. Students will read, understand, develop, and appreciate a variety of literary genre in an effort to establish lifetime reading habits. / Approx. Time Allotment:
Standards: 1.1.5, A-H; 1.2.5, A-C; 1.3.5, A-F




/ Aligned Materials/
Resources/Technology / Instructional Strategies
4. Students will explain the use of literary elements within text including character, setting, plot, theme, and point of view.
·  Explain the use of literary elements within text including character, setting, plot, theme, and point of view.
·  Investigate the use of literary devices in stories, such as rhyme, rhythm, and figurative language.
·  Identify and interpret the effects of sound and structure in poetry (e.g., rhyme, alliteration, and verses) / Required: Benchmark Assessments
·  Harcourt Holistic Reading Assessments
·  RTM 4th Grade End Year Assessment
·  Journaling
·  Literature Discussions
·  Unit Skills tests (Harcourt)
·  Selection Comprehension Tests / ·  Harcourt Anthology
( 2001 Edition: Collections)
·  Leveled Libraries (theme based)
·  Intervention Reader (Bright Voices)
·  Take Home Books
·  Audiotapes
·  School library
·  Classroom library
·  Harcourt Skills Practice Books
·  Harcourt Skill Transparencies
·  Activity Cards (TM “R” section: Harcourt)
·  Novels:
Charlotte’s Web
Mr. Popper’s Penguins
Phoebe the Spy
Mouse and the Motorcycle
·  Optional Novels for School Year 2001-2002 / ·  Role Play
·  Journaling
·  Story Webs
·  Character Sketches
·  Venn Diagram
Essential Question, Concept or Theme: A. Students will read, understand, develop, and appreciate a variety of literary genre in an effort to establish lifetime reading habits. / Approx. Time Allotment:
Standards: 1.1.5, A-H; 1.2.5, A-C; 1.3.5, A-F






/ Remediation
Strategies / Multicultural/ Interdisciplinary Connection
·  Intervention Reader (Harcourt: Bright Voices)
·  Take Home books
·  Choral reading
·  Audiotapes
·  Additional practice
·  Peer tutors
·  Have peers deliver directions/explanations
·  Read ahead
·  Read aloud
·  Rereading
·  Leveled library
·  Modeling
·  Modify number of assigned pages in reading
·  Assist student in constructing outline for main ideas
·  Read test/quizzes aloud
·  Use of window/border for reading
·  Tape record directions
·  Tape record test and quizzes
·  Rewrite direction in student friendly language
·  Provide students with the things as stated in the student’s IEP
·  Extended time
·  Large print books
·  Preferential seating
·  Advanced graphic organizers
·  Alternate Assignments
·  Individual Aid
·  Study Guide / ·  Acceleration
·  Tiered Assignments
·  Expansions
·  Learning Centers
·  Independent Study
·  Contracts
·  Mentorships
·  Extension activities
·  Harcourt “Managing the Classroom” options
·  Junior Great Books programs
·  Cross-grade pair/share reading
·  Read aloud opportunities
·  Plays/storytelling
·  Mentor ships
·  School newscasts
·  Speaking at assemblies
·  Literature Circles
·  Background Research
·  Self-selected titles from variety of literature
·  Poetry notebooks
·  Independent home reading
·  Book reviews
·  Author studies / ·  Intervention Reader (Harcourt: Bright Voices)
·  Take Home books
·  Summarization
·  Choral reading
·  Graphic Organizers
·  Hands-on activities
·  Audiotapes
·  Prereading
·  Additional practice
·  Extended time for activities
·  Verbal cues
·  Peer tutors
·  Flash cards
·  Preferential seating
·  Modified assignments
·  Word rings
·  Visual aids
·  Leveled library
·  Word webs
·  KWL charts
·  Organizational chart
·  Rereading
·  Drawing mental pictures
·  SQ3R Chart
·  Modified questioning
·  Role play
·  Study Guide / ·  Reading about the Amish people of Pennsylvania
·  Reading and writing about Pennsylvania settlers from other countries and cultures
·  Instructional/interactive magazines: Time for Kids
·  Reading folk tales from various countries
·  Reading books with multicultural themes
·  Teacher Read-Aloud books with multicultural themes
·  Reading about holiday recognition
·  Global Connections projects
·  Vocabulary from other cultures/languages
·  Vocabulary related to science and social studies concepts
·  Harcourt “Cultural Connections” sections in stories
·  Guest speakers from other cultures
·  Videotapes
·  Storytelling
Essential Question, Concept or Theme: B. Students will write in a variety of format using appropriate language mechanics. / Approx. Time Allotment:
Standards: 1.4.5, A-C; 1.5.5, A-G




/ Aligned Materials/
Resources/Technology / Instructional Strategies
1.  Students will consistently use the steps in the
writing process.
a)  Utilize prewriting strategies such as brainstorming, mapping, listing, and discussing.
b)  Regularly write using well-developed content appropriate for the topic.
c)  Revise writing to improve organization and word choice, check the logic and order of ideas
d)  Edit writing using the conventions of language
e)  Present written work for publication when appropriate / ·  RTM 4th Grade Rubrics***See attachment
·  Writing Portfolio Requirements
1 student self selected piece
3 teacher selected pieces: 1 narrative; 1 informational; 1 persuasive (rubric scored)
1 optional teacher selected piece: can be poetry or literature response
·  Prewriting Activities
·  Informal Assessment
·  Conferencing: Peer and Teacher/Student
·  Editing Checklists / ·  Daily Edit
·  Harcourt Transparencies
·  Graphic Organizers
·  Student Models
·  RTM 4th Grade Rubrics for Reference***See attachment
·  Self Assessment--Thinking About My Writing
·  The Write Source Text
·  Word Pro
·  Type to Learn Computer Program
·  Freelance Graphics
·  RTM Spelling Lists***See attachment / ·  Brainstorm ideas
·  Webbing
·  Checklists
·  Peer conferencing
·  Draw Illustration
·  Word Pro
·  Other resources (dictionary, thesaurus)
·  Writing Workshop
·  Mini-Lessons
·  Rubrics
Essential Question, Concept or Theme: B. Students will write in a variety of format using appropriate language mechanics. / Approx. Time Allotment:
Standards: 1.4.5, A-C; 1.5.5, A-G




/ Aligned Materials/
Resources/Technology / Instructional Strategies
2.  Students will produce one piece of work for the following genres:
Narrative, Informational, and
Persuasive (3 paragraph format)
a)  Write 3 narrative pieces including detailed descriptions of people, places, and things.
summary piece
comparison/contrasting piece
personal narrative (One of
these required)
b)  Write a multi-paragraph informational piece (Required)
c)  Write a persuasive piece with a clearly stated position or opinion, supporting details,and a clear conclusion. (Required)
d)  Will be introduced to outline writing (second half of the year)
e)  Write Poetry
f)  Write Friendly letter / ·  RTM 4th Grade Rubrics***See attachment
·  Writing Portfolio Requirements
1 student self selected piece
3 teacher selected pieces: 1 narrative; 1 informational; 1 persuasive (rubric scored)
1 optional teacher selected piece: can be poetry or literature response
·  Letter writing
·  Descriptive Paragraph
·  Outlining (2nd half of the year)
·  Summarization
·  Peer and self-evaluation
·  Journals / ·  Harcourt teachers manuals
·  Harcourt student books
·  The Write Source Text
·  Daily Edit
·  Harcourt Transparencies
·  Graphic Organizers
·  Student Models
·  RTM 4th Grade Rubrics***See attachment
·  Self Assessment--Thinking About My Writing
·  student checklists for organization and accountability
·  multiple examples of finished products
·  word lists for writing enhancement
·  Word Pro
·  Type to Learn Computer Program
·  Freelance Graphics
·  Student Models
·  Teacher Models / ·  Writing Workshop
·  Student Model Transparencies (Harcourt TM)
·  Graphic Organizers
·  Anchor Papers
·  Rubrics
·  Teacher Modeling
·  Author’s Chair
Essential Question, Concept or Theme: B. Students will write in a variety of format using appropriate language mechanics. / Approx. Time Allotment:
Standards: 1.4.5, A-C; 1.5.5, A-G
