Essential Literary Terms_Summer 2017 (306 total)

  1. abstract language
  2. absurdist drama
  3. accentual meter
  4. accentual-syllabic meter
  5. adjectives
  6. allegories
  7. alliteration
  8. allusions
  9. anagnorisis
  10. analogy
  11. anapestic foot
  12. anapestic trimester
  13. anaphora
  14. ancient Greek drama
  15. antagonist
  16. anthology citations
  17. antihero
  18. antinovels
  19. antithesis
  20. aphorisms
  21. apostrophe
  22. appositive
  23. asides
  24. assonance
  25. atmosphere
  26. author information
  27. ballad meter
  28. bibliographic information
  29. Bildungsroman
  30. blank verse
  31. blocking of asides
  32. caesuras
  33. catalectic foot (catalexis)
  34. catharsis in tragedy
  35. characterization
  36. chiasmus
  37. classical tragedy
  38. closed couplets
  39. closed form of poetry
  40. closet drama
  41. colloquial language
  42. comedy
  43. common meter
  44. complete predicate
  45. complete subject
  46. complex sentences
  47. compound sentences
  48. conceit, metaphysical
  49. concrete language
  50. conjunctions, coordinating
  51. consonance
  52. coordinated clauses
  53. coordinating conjunctions
  54. coordination
  55. cosmic irony
  56. couplets
  57. cumulative sentence
  58. curtal sonnet
  59. dactylic feet
  60. dactylic tetrameter
  61. dependent clause
  62. detail selection and order
  63. dialogue
  64. diction
  65. dimeter
  66. direct discourse
  67. direct object
  68. direct satire
  69. doggerel tragedy
  70. domestic tragedy
  71. double rhyme
  72. drama
  73. dramatic irony
  74. dramatic monologue
  75. dramatic poetry
  76. eighteenth-century drama
  77. Elizabethan drama
  78. email, in order of works cited
  79. endnotes, MLA style
  80. end rhyme
  81. end-stopped lines
  82. English medieval drama
  83. English (Shakespearean) sonnets
  84. enjambments
  85. epic poetry (epics)
  86. epigrams
  87. epiphany
  88. epistolary novels
  89. equivoque
  90. essay, understatement
  91. exposition
  92. extended metaphors
  93. eye rhyme
  94. fallacy, pathetic
  95. falling meters
  96. farce
  97. feet, metrical
  98. feminine ending
  99. fiction
  100. fictional narrator
  101. figurative language
  102. figures of speech
  103. figures of thought
  104. first-person narrator
  105. flashbacks
  106. flat (two-dimensional) characters
  107. foil characters
  108. footnotes, MLA style
  109. formal language
  110. formal satire
  111. frame story
  112. free verse
  113. Greek drama, ancient
  114. half-rhyme
  115. hamartia
  116. heptameter
  117. heroic couplets
  118. hero or heroine
  119. hexameter
  120. high comedy
  121. historical novels
  122. Horatian satire
  123. hubris
  124. hyperbole
  125. iambic feet
  126. iambic hexameter
  127. iambic pentameter
  128. iambic tetrameter
  129. iambic trimester
  130. imagery
  131. imagery
  132. imperfect rhyme
  133. independent clause
  134. indirect discourse
  135. indirect object
  136. indirect satire
  137. informal language
  138. in medias res
  139. internal alliteration
  140. internal rhyme
  141. in-text documentation
  142. intrusive third-person narrator
  143. inversion
  144. invocation
  145. irony
  146. Italian sonnets (Petrarchan)
  147. Jacobean drama
  148. journal articles cited
  149. Juvenalian satire
  150. Latinate diction
  151. Latinate periphrasis
  152. letters as work cited
  153. limited POV of third-person narrator
  154. lines
  155. list of works cited
  156. literal language
  157. literary forms
  158. litotes
  159. loose sentence
  160. low comedy
  161. lyric poetry (lyrics)
  162. magazine articles cited
  163. masculine ending
  164. metafiction
  165. metaphors
  166. metaphysical conceit
  167. meter
  168. metonymy
  169. metrical feet
  170. mixed metaphors
  171. MLA (Modern Language Association)
  172. modern drama
  173. monologue, dramatic
  174. monometer
  175. morality plays
  176. multivolume works cited
  177. mystery plays
  178. naïve narrator
  179. narration
  180. narrative fiction
  181. narrative pace
  182. narrative poetry
  183. narrators
  184. newspaper articles cited
  185. nonfiction
  186. notes, MLA style
  187. nouns
  188. novella
  189. novels
  190. objective narrator
  191. observations, parenthetical
  192. octave
  193. off-rhyme
  194. omniscient narrator
  195. online resources cited
  196. onomatopoeia
  197. open couplets
  198. open form verse
  199. order of details
  200. oxymoron
  201. pace, narrative
  202. paradox
  203. parallelism
  204. parenthetical observations
  205. parody
  206. pathetic fallacy
  207. pathos
  208. pauses in verse
  209. pentameter
  210. perfect rhyme
  211. periodic sentences
  212. peripeteia
  213. periphrasis
  214. personification
  215. Petrarchan sonnets
  216. phrase
  217. plays
  218. playwrights
  219. plot
  220. poetic diction
  221. poetry
  222. satire
  223. scansion
  224. schemes
  225. second-person point of view
  226. selection and order of details
  227. Senecan tragedy
  228. sentence fragments
  229. sentences
  230. sequence, sonnet
  231. sestet
  232. setting
  233. Shakespearean (English) sonnets
  234. shifts in style
  235. short stories
  236. showing
  237. similes
  238. simple predicate
  239. simple sentences
  240. simple subject
  241. slant rhyme
  242. social media post, in lists of works cited
  243. soliloquy
  244. sonnets
  245. sonnet sequence
  246. sound and sound patterns
  247. speech headings
  248. spondaic foot (spondee)
  249. stage directions
  250. stanzas
  251. stock characters
  252. story
  253. stream of conscience
  254. stressed syllables
  255. structural irony
  256. structure
  257. style shifts
  258. subject of sentence
  259. subordinate clause
  260. subordination
  261. subplots
  262. substitutions
  263. subtext
  264. syllabic meter
  265. symbolism
  266. synecdoche
  267. syntactical order
  268. syntax
  269. telling
  270. tenor in metaphors and similes
  271. tercets (triplets)
  272. terzarima
  273. tetrameter
  274. theater of the absurd
  275. theme
  276. third-person narrator
  277. third rhyme (terzarima)
  278. tone
  279. tragedy
  280. tragic irony
  281. tragicomedy
  282. trimester
  283. triple rhyme
  284. triplets (tercets)
  285. trochaic feet (trochee)
  286. trochaic tetrameter
  287. trochaic trimester
  288. turn (volta) in sonnets
  289. two-dimensional (flat) characters
  290. understatement
  291. unreliable narrators
  292. unrhymed iambic pentameter
  293. unscenes
  294. unstressed syllables
  295. vehicles of metaphors and similes
  296. verbal irony
  297. verbs
  298. verisimilitude
  299. verse
  300. villain
  301. voice
  302. voiceovers
  303. volta (turn) in sonnets
  304. vowel rhyme
  305. website resources cited
  306. works cited, MLA style