Essential Literary Terms_Summer 2017 (306 total)
- abstract language
- absurdist drama
- accentual meter
- accentual-syllabic meter
- adjectives
- allegories
- alliteration
- allusions
- anagnorisis
- analogy
- anapestic foot
- anapestic trimester
- anaphora
- ancient Greek drama
- antagonist
- anthology citations
- antihero
- antinovels
- antithesis
- aphorisms
- apostrophe
- appositive
- asides
- assonance
- atmosphere
- author information
- ballad meter
- bibliographic information
- Bildungsroman
- blank verse
- blocking of asides
- caesuras
- catalectic foot (catalexis)
- catharsis in tragedy
- characterization
- chiasmus
- classical tragedy
- closed couplets
- closed form of poetry
- closet drama
- colloquial language
- comedy
- common meter
- complete predicate
- complete subject
- complex sentences
- compound sentences
- conceit, metaphysical
- concrete language
- conjunctions, coordinating
- consonance
- coordinated clauses
- coordinating conjunctions
- coordination
- cosmic irony
- couplets
- cumulative sentence
- curtal sonnet
- dactylic feet
- dactylic tetrameter
- dependent clause
- detail selection and order
- dialogue
- diction
- dimeter
- direct discourse
- direct object
- direct satire
- doggerel tragedy
- domestic tragedy
- double rhyme
- drama
- dramatic irony
- dramatic monologue
- dramatic poetry
- eighteenth-century drama
- Elizabethan drama
- email, in order of works cited
- endnotes, MLA style
- end rhyme
- end-stopped lines
- English medieval drama
- English (Shakespearean) sonnets
- enjambments
- epic poetry (epics)
- epigrams
- epiphany
- epistolary novels
- equivoque
- essay, understatement
- exposition
- extended metaphors
- eye rhyme
- fallacy, pathetic
- falling meters
- farce
- feet, metrical
- feminine ending
- fiction
- fictional narrator
- figurative language
- figures of speech
- figures of thought
- first-person narrator
- flashbacks
- flat (two-dimensional) characters
- foil characters
- footnotes, MLA style
- formal language
- formal satire
- frame story
- free verse
- Greek drama, ancient
- half-rhyme
- hamartia
- heptameter
- heroic couplets
- hero or heroine
- hexameter
- high comedy
- historical novels
- Horatian satire
- hubris
- hyperbole
- iambic feet
- iambic hexameter
- iambic pentameter
- iambic tetrameter
- iambic trimester
- imagery
- imagery
- imperfect rhyme
- independent clause
- indirect discourse
- indirect object
- indirect satire
- informal language
- in medias res
- internal alliteration
- internal rhyme
- in-text documentation
- intrusive third-person narrator
- inversion
- invocation
- irony
- Italian sonnets (Petrarchan)
- Jacobean drama
- journal articles cited
- Juvenalian satire
- Latinate diction
- Latinate periphrasis
- letters as work cited
- limited POV of third-person narrator
- lines
- list of works cited
- literal language
- literary forms
- litotes
- loose sentence
- low comedy
- lyric poetry (lyrics)
- magazine articles cited
- masculine ending
- metafiction
- metaphors
- metaphysical conceit
- meter
- metonymy
- metrical feet
- mixed metaphors
- MLA (Modern Language Association)
- modern drama
- monologue, dramatic
- monometer
- morality plays
- multivolume works cited
- mystery plays
- naïve narrator
- narration
- narrative fiction
- narrative pace
- narrative poetry
- narrators
- newspaper articles cited
- nonfiction
- notes, MLA style
- nouns
- novella
- novels
- objective narrator
- observations, parenthetical
- octave
- off-rhyme
- omniscient narrator
- online resources cited
- onomatopoeia
- open couplets
- open form verse
- order of details
- oxymoron
- pace, narrative
- paradox
- parallelism
- parenthetical observations
- parody
- pathetic fallacy
- pathos
- pauses in verse
- pentameter
- perfect rhyme
- periodic sentences
- peripeteia
- periphrasis
- personification
- Petrarchan sonnets
- phrase
- plays
- playwrights
- plot
- poetic diction
- poetry
- satire
- scansion
- schemes
- second-person point of view
- selection and order of details
- Senecan tragedy
- sentence fragments
- sentences
- sequence, sonnet
- sestet
- setting
- Shakespearean (English) sonnets
- shifts in style
- short stories
- showing
- similes
- simple predicate
- simple sentences
- simple subject
- slant rhyme
- social media post, in lists of works cited
- soliloquy
- sonnets
- sonnet sequence
- sound and sound patterns
- speech headings
- spondaic foot (spondee)
- stage directions
- stanzas
- stock characters
- story
- stream of conscience
- stressed syllables
- structural irony
- structure
- style shifts
- subject of sentence
- subordinate clause
- subordination
- subplots
- substitutions
- subtext
- syllabic meter
- symbolism
- synecdoche
- syntactical order
- syntax
- telling
- tenor in metaphors and similes
- tercets (triplets)
- terzarima
- tetrameter
- theater of the absurd
- theme
- third-person narrator
- third rhyme (terzarima)
- tone
- tragedy
- tragic irony
- tragicomedy
- trimester
- triple rhyme
- triplets (tercets)
- trochaic feet (trochee)
- trochaic tetrameter
- trochaic trimester
- turn (volta) in sonnets
- two-dimensional (flat) characters
- understatement
- unreliable narrators
- unrhymed iambic pentameter
- unscenes
- unstressed syllables
- vehicles of metaphors and similes
- verbal irony
- verbs
- verisimilitude
- verse
- villain
- voice
- voiceovers
- volta (turn) in sonnets
- vowel rhyme
- website resources cited
- works cited, MLA style