Essential Learning Goals for French 2. 2011-2012

1rst term: (August 26-November 3rd)

  1. Students will be able to show proficiency on concepts taught in French 1.
  2. Students will demonstrate knowledge of French geography and culture.
  3. Students will be able to conjugate at least 10 irregular verbs. Eg: dire, mettrevenirsentir, devoir, prendre…and understand the difference between venir et venir de
  4. Can express themselves by asking questions or giving information.
  5. Can express emotions and describe people’s physical appearance and personality.
  6. Can show an understanding of adjective agreement.
  7. Can talk about immediate future using aller + verb in infinitive.
  8. Students know how to conjugate and use properly the verbs vouloir and pouvoir.

Cultural Component:

Northern regions of France

Christmas in France

2nd term: (November 7th-January 13th)

  1. Students can replace nouns with Direct Object Pronouns.
  2. Students can replace nouns with Indirect Object Pronouns.
  3. Students know when to use en versus y when necessary in sentences.
  4. Students can place direct and indirect objects in the proper order in the same sentence.
  5. Students can use the reflexive verbs correctly to talk about activities pertaining to getting ready to go on a date/ appointment.
  6. Students show their understanding of Passé Composéwith Avoiret with etre by completing linguistic tasks that necessitate the correct choice between avoir and etre as auxiliaries.
  7. Students learn and memorize new vocabulary from readings of various texts that employ the passé compose with etreand with avoir.

Cultural Component:

Western Regions of France

Les Rois

3rd Term: (January 18th-March 22nd)

  1. Students learn the form and the use of the Imparfait and describe pictures and actions in the past.
  2. Students show their understanding of the difference between the Imparfait and the Passé Composé by using both tenses correctly in sentences.
  3. Students show their understanding of the Imperative tense by responding to command and by identifying the command/suggestion steps while following a recipe to make crepes.
  4. Students demonstrate their understanding of the difference of use between Le Future Proche (revision) and le Future simple by using one or the other correctly in oral and written expressions.
  5. Students are able to choose the correct prepositions while talking about the different places they go to and the various means of transportation they use to get there.
  6. Students reinforce their understanding of the various tenses; Present, Passé Composé, Imparfait, Future et verbs irreguliersou expressions: monter a, faire du, conduire, and new vocabulary (transports, lieux, sports, passe -temps) in thematic writing exercises.
  7. Students practice their skills orally by describing various pictures/scenes in magazine and summarizing stories.

Cultural Component:

Southern Regions of France

Mardi Gras/ La Louisiane

4rth Term: (March 26th-June 01)

  1. Students talk about specific activities in the Future that takes irregular verbs to be expressed. Eg: aller, avoir, devoir, etre, venir, voir
  2. Students write and talk about their wishes for the future by using the conditional tense.
  3. Students demonstrate their knowledge of the various prepositions by talking/writing about the various places they will go to or would like to go to if they could.
  4. Students can express necessity using the Subjonctif tense.
  5. Students use the Subjonctif to describe the various emotions they/or other people are feeling.

Cultural Component:

The Eastern Regions of France.

La Francophonie