This handbook provides information which the school is legally obliged to update, where necessary, and publish each year to parents.
Yeovil Primary Campus
164 Preston Road
BA20 2EQ
Tel:01935 433166
Fax:01935 478412
This handbook should be used in conjunction with the OneSchool Parents & Students Handbook
© Wessex Schools Trust c/o Wilton Park School, The Hollows, Wilton, SALISBURY, SP2 0JE.
Registered Charity No. 1075770
Introduction...... 3
Ethos and Guiding Principles...... 4
Trustees……………………………………...... 5
Management Team ………………………………………………………………………………………….6
Teaching Staff and Contact Information…..…...... 7
The Curriculum...... 8
Admissions and Enrolment Policy...... 11
School Hours...... 12
Attendance and Behaviour Policy...... 12
Medical Matters...... 13
Emergency School Closure...... 13
Safeguarding Children Policy...... 14
Educational Visits...... 14
Lunchtimes and Break times...... 14
Policies...... 15
Bullying...... 15
Health and Safety...... 15
Complaints Procedure...... 16
School Inspections...... 16
Equal Opportunities Policy...... 16
Disability and Discrimination Policy...... 17
Standards of Conduct...... 17
Code of Conduct...... 17
Discipline Policy...... 18
Managing Behaviour...... 18
Homework...... 19
Special Educational Needs...... 19
Education and Welfare Provision...... 20
Parent/School Co-operation...... 20
Parental Involvement...... 21
Parents and Friends...... 21
Home/School Agreement...... 21
Reports, Open Evenings and Parent Consultations...... 22
Assessment and Examinations...... 22
Dress Code...... 24
Home/School Communication...... 28
Organisation Chart...... 29
School Terms and Holidays...... 30
We would like to extend a warm welcome to all the new pupils and parents to an exciting year at Yeovil Primary Campus.
We also welcome back pupils and parents in year groups 4,5 and 6.
The management of the school continues to strive to make Yeovil Primary Campus an enjoyable and pleasant environment in which to learn. We endeavour to ensure that each pupil reaches their full potential by effective and differentiated methods of teaching and support.
The aims of the school are clearly set out in the mission statement which is included in the handbook.
Yeovil Primary Campus is a registered independent charity school and is registered as having ‘Religious Character’, that is Plymouth Brethren Christian Church. The School is also affiliated to Focus Learning Trust who provide direction, management, programmes and support in education.
We look forward to receiving the cooperation and support of the pupils, parents and all those involved in the running of the school to make the forthcoming year a rewarding and successful one.
Mr Roger BarterMr Nigel Harris
Mr Tony HooperSenior Teacher
Primary Managers
Ethos & Guiding Principles of the Focus learning Trust Schools
Please delete the contents of this section and replace with the contents below:
At this School, students are encouraged to develop their full potential and acquire the discipline of learning how to learn, while upholding Christian teachings and beliefs.
The truth and authority of the Holy Bible and strong family values underpin the commitment of the School to provide quality in every facet of education – curriculum, teachers, facilities, management and discipline - in a safe and caring environment.
In coming to this School each student, parent and staff member shall uphold the values of the School which include:
- Integrity – uprightness, honesty and decorous conduct, governed by the Holy Bible;
- Care & Compassion – kindness, consideration and generosity to all;
- Respect – for all people, property, opinions and authority;
- Responsibility – for our actions, progress and the environment; and
- Commitment – to self-discipline and the pursuit of excellence.
The Guiding Principles of this School are based on the teachings of the Holy Bible as accepted, believed, interpreted, taught and practised by the Brethren.
The principles of Brethren beliefs are outlined in the booklet “Living our Beliefs” and include the following:
- God is revealed in the Holy Bible as the Creator, and is to be worshipped as such.
- Chastity outside marriage, the sanctity of marriage only between a man and a woman, strong family relationships and a strong family unit are essential teachings of the Holy Bible.
- Strong family relationships lead to a distinctive and separate way of life in which social activities include only participants of the Brethren Communion.
The principles of belief, teachings and practice of the Brethren set out above give rise to the following Guiding Principles for the operation of the School:
- The Trustees of the School, as practising members of the Brethren, are committed to a way of life that is governed at all times by the Holy Bible. The conduct of the parents, students and staff must consistently reflect Biblical values. The Trustees can in their absolute discretion determine what conduct or activity is in accord with the Holy Bible and the beliefs, teachings and practices of the Brethren. They may also determine the outcome of any conduct, behaviour or activities which they consider is in conflict with the Holy Bible and exercise their authority to remove such conflict from the School.
- The Trustees uphold chastity and the sanctity of marriage as first principles, essential for the moral protection of the children. Careful attention is paid to protect all students from morally dangerous material.
- All staff must conduct themselves modestly and decorously, especially with respect to setting a proper example to the students.
- A dress code applies and is to be upheld by all staff at all times. A strict differentiation between male and female dress must be maintained. The wearing of short trousers by male staff is not considered appropriate, and female staff must wear dresses or skirts (at least knee-length), and clothing must be modest and not revealing or low cut in design. Unorthodox or casual dress, and unshaven appearance or long hair for men is inconsistent with the attitude and image promoted by the school.
- Interaction between staff and students should be positive and professional at all times and staff are not to encourage familiarity with the students. Discussions with students regarding lifestyles, politics, religion, relationships, club competitive sports, Brethren community events and personal lives are to be avoided.
- Inappropriate relationships or liaisons between students are prohibited and gender segregation is to be maintained.
- Parents, students, and staff are expected to conduct themselves in a moral and responsible manner at all times. Smoking, bad language, drinking of alcohol and the use of drugs of addiction are not permitted at school, at any school venue or at any school related function at any time or for any reason.
- All teaching programmes and resources used at the School are to be approved by the School Trust to ensure their compliance with the Ethos, Values Statement, beliefs, teachings and practices of the Brethren, Guiding Principles and all statutory, curriculum and registration requirements. Teaching staff are responsible for ensuring that all subject material and resources (including texts, media, magazines, film, digital media and electronic downloads) comply with these standards.
- The School provides every student with the opportunity to be educated to a tertiary education entrance level. Tertiary education and career choices are the preserve of the student and their family, and are not to be influenced by the School or staff.
Trustees of Wessex Schools Trust
Mr Mark Barter – Treasurer 01935 415798
Mr Tim Browning - SEN 01935 423157
Mr Nat Diffey – Compliance & Administration 01722 718083
Mr James Farrant – Curriculum 01202876800
Mr Andrew Fentiman - Chairperson 01962 880447
Mr Marcus Gill – Primaries 01962 453867
Mr Terry Mitchell – Operations 02380 275526
Mr Robert Tuffin – Infrastructure02380 612909
Mr Roger Barter – Primary Manager 01935 473501
Mr Noel Morren – Health and Safety07848 452115
Mr Tony Hooper – Primary Manager01935 477555
Mr Charles Howes – Legal and Admin01935 428814
Mr Rob Pavey – Finance
Mr Jonathan Rubie –Personnel01935 422391
Mr Roger Barter - Curriculum01935 473501
Mr Rufus Barter – Facilities01935 475746
Correspondence address: Yeovil Primary Campus
164 Preston Road
BA20 2EQ
Tel: 01935 433166
Fax: 01935 478412
Out of hours contact:
Mr Roger Barter
52 Combe Street Lane
Phone – 01935 473501
Mr Nigel Harris(Senior Teacher)B.A. (Hons) PGCE
Year 5/6 Class Teacher
Miss Emma HetterleyYear 3/4 Class TeacherB.A. (Hons) QTS
Mrs Karen LoveringSenior Teacher’s PA
Mrs Sally LayzellYear 5/6 ClassHLTA
Mrs Susan WheelerYear 3/4 ClassHLTA
Mrs Joy EdwardsTeacher of PianoCert. Ed.
It is the aim of Yeovil Primary Campus that children will develop the ability to communicate well with others through written and oral language. To become literate is to learn the tools to communicate effectively. Children are taught literacy as a timetabled daily lesson including Basic Skills and Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG). The scheme of work is set out in accordance with ‘Focus on Primary’ - the new Primary Curriculum.
SpeakingYeovil Primary CampusTeachers work to develop children’s ability to narrate,explain, describe, discuss, express feelings and reflect on their own experiences and achievements.
ListeningOpportunities are created in many situations to encourage the capacity to listen attentively to other children and adults.
ReadingChildren learn that reading is to be enjoyed as well as a means of gaining information. A reading scheme is in place to provide progression in acquisition of skills. Children are encouraged and
rewarded for both reading independently and out loud to a grown-up.
WritingChildren learn to write for particular purposes and audiences. They are taught spelling and punctuation, grammar, handwriting and presentation.
Mathematics is an essential key skill that requires confidence and competency in the use of numbers, a range of computational skills and an ability to solve number problems in a variety of contexts. We aim to teach children to understand and use the relationships between number, algebra, measures, shape and space and handling data. The daily mathematics lesson follows ‘Focus on Primary’ with lessons lasting between 45 minutes and 1 hour depending on the children’s age.
At Yeovil Primary Campus the aim is to teach children to have a natural curiosity in the world around them and promote scientific ways of thinking.
We will help children to make and test hypotheses, design fair tests and controlled experiments and draw meaningful conclusions through critical reasoning and evaluation of evidence. They will learn through practical investigations, observation and measurement to make predictions and pose questions and to generate and extend ideas to look for alternative outcomes. The scientific phenomenon can be grouped into different areas – living things, materials and structures, earth, light and space, forces and energy.
Geography is about developing knowledge, skills and understanding relating to people, places and environment: both at home and in the wider world. It is an appreciation of how places relate to each other and to their environment and how it determines lifestyle.
At Yeovil Primary Campus the children will be encouraged to investigate and ask questions about the world around them to increase awareness of their surroundings. They will be taught to develop and use geographical language and skills. They will undertake some fieldwork studies and learn map work skills.
The past influences all aspects of our lives. Learning about the past helps children to make sense of the world. It enables pupils to develop an understanding of key ideas. The study of history and historical facts helps pupils to develop a sense of identity with the past. It helps to put things into context and shows how the past has influenced the present.
At Yeovil Primary Campus the children are taught through a range of topics to enable them to develop an understanding of key historical ideas and extend their knowledge of selected periods in the past. They will develop skills to interpret evidence, to consider relating cause and consequence and how to carry out research.
This gives the children the opportunity to experience communicating in a tongue other than their own mother tongue (langue maternelle). Children will become familiar with vocabulary through stories and simple songs.
Music promotes enjoyment and gives children a sense of achievement through involvement in performing, composing, listening and appraising. Children will be taught the rudiments of composition and learn how to compose simple tunes. They will develop their listening skills and their understanding of music from different times and places. Children will be taught how to use instruments correctly and safely.
All children are part of the Yeovil Primary Campus School Choir, which rehearses weekly as part of the school timetable. The choir performs regularly within the school to parents and friends.
Art is linked with the creative and expressive side of the child’s development. During art sessions the children will learn about a range of styles and forms of art present in the work of artists and taught about colour, pattern, texture, shape, form and space.
Design and Technology
The children will be taught to investigate and evaluate products. They will be taught core skills such as the safe handling of tools and equipment. They will be taught to develop an understanding of designing and making as part of a process which takes into account the needs and preferences and recognising the need for choice and adaptation.
Personal Social Health Education and Citizenship
PSHE is at the heart of our school’s ethos and underpins everything that happens in it. Children learn naturally through everyday contacts and the examples of others. Planned teaching ensures that the children are taught to make the most of their abilities and develop confidence and responsibility. Healthy lifestyles form part of our Science curriculum and the understanding of safety issues. It is the aim of Yeovil Primary Campus for children to become informed responsible young people. The teaching in school supports the development of analytical skills when considering issues and being able to make decisions. The school encourages respect for authority as well as self discipline.
We are happy to discuss any issues or concerns with parents. At Yeovil Primary Campus, as with other Focus Schools, the ‘Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning’ course (SEAL) is followed in both classes.
PE and Games
Pupils receive swimming lessons weekly throughout the autumn and summer terms, currently held at Goldenstones Swimming Pool, Yeovil. They are taught by specialist, qualified swimming teachers. Indoor lessons in the spring term include gymnastics and movement to music. A weekly games afternoon is held in which all the children participate together.
Academic performance
The academic performanceof the school,including the results of any public examinations, will be made available once the data is obtainable. This information will be publicised within future issues of this handbook, communicated via other publications and will also be available on request. We are delighted to inform you that in 2014 Yeovil Primary Campus achieved 100% of the national requirement of at least level 4 in reading, writing (SPAG) and mathematics. We also achieved level 5 in the following percentages: 25% in reading, 75% in writing (SPAG) and 75% in mathematics.
Yeovil Primary Campus aims to provide primary education for boys and girls of the ages 7-11 years whose parents have respect for Christian faith and our Christian ethos.
The school maintains an admissions register with details of each pupil enrolled at the school.
All parents whose children are attending Yeovil Primary Campus for the first time will be required to complete a Focus Enrolment Form. In signing this form parents are committing themselves to abide by the regulations and ethos as set out in this handbook and the Focus Ethos and Discipline Policy.
Parents of pupils with any type of disability and/or special education need are encouraged to contact the Senior Teacher or CEO well in advance.
New Year 3 pupils will undertake a Suffolk Reading Test, a Progress in English and a Progress in Maths test. These, together with Year 2 reports and SAT’s results will form the beginning of a Pupil Profile which will be kept for each pupil.
Children may start at Yeovil Primary Campus in the September following their seventh birthday i.e. Year 3.
Parents wishing their child to come to this school are encouraged to ensure that their child’s name is registered with us at least one year before the September they are due to start. Formal application forms will be sent out to you in the January preceding entry to be returned by the end of March. Parents will receive an acknowledgement of receipt for the application together with a starting date for the children
We aim to ensure that each child’s introduction to school is a positive and happy experience and we will spend a great deal of time helping children to build good relationships with their class teacher and other children, at the same time as encouraging them to adjust smoothly to their new surroundings and routines. Pupils with specific educational needs will be visited in their current school and meetings with their present teachers will be arranged in order that the transfer process in achieved smoothly and lessons can be gauged to meet their needs.
Transfer to Tisbury Secondary School normally takes place in the September following the child’s eleventh birthday. On occasions the secondary school will be different but this is dependent on the catchment area.
8.15am Children arrive at school
8.25am Prompt Start Time
12 mid-day – 12.40pm Lunch
2.40 pm School Finishes
All pupils are expected to attend Yeovil Primary Campus on every day that the School is open. Attendance will be recorded twice daily in an Attendance Register, at the beginning of the morning and afternoon sessions.
The School is required by law to record any pupil absence, and to distinguish between ‘authorised’ absence and ‘unauthorised’ absence in an Attendance Register. The definition of ‘authorised’ absence is that the School authorises the absence, not the parents.