ESM Table 1 Description of the landmark configuration used in this study
Name / Type / DescriptionL1 / II / Maximum curvature point of the superior aspect of the embryo outline
L2 / II / Distal end of the left half of the embryo outline
L3 / II / Distal end of the right half of the embryo outline
SL1 / III / Middle point between L1 and SL2
SL2 / III / Middle point between L1 and L2
SL3 / III / Middle point between L2 and SL2
SL4 / III / Middle point between L1 and SL5
SL5 / III / Middle point between L1 and L3
SL6 / III / Middle point between L3 and SL5
ESM Table 2 Eigenvalues, percentage of variance and cumulative variance of the three Principal Components Analyses (PCAs) carried out in this study
PC / Uncharred / Charred / Charred + archaeologicalEigenvalues / % var. / Cum. % / Eigenvalues / % var. / Cum. % / Eigenvalues / % var. / Cum. %
1 / 0.00370470 / 63.766 / 63.766 / 0.00261405 / 47.038 / 47.038 / 0.00498793 / 60.662 / 60.662
2 / 0.00105075 / 18.086 / 81.852 / 0.00149298 / 26.865 / 73.903 / 0.00157559 / 19.162 / 79.824
3 / 0.00033114 / 5.700 / 87.552 / 0.00044198 / 7.953 / 81.856 / 0.00049454 / 6.014 / 85.839
4 / 0.00024287 / 4.180 / 91.732 / 0.00035642 / 6.414 / 88.269 / 0.00036641 / 4.456 / 90.295
5 / 0.00017502 / 3.013 / 94.745 / 0.00019803 / 3.563 / 91.832 / 0.00024044 / 2.924 / 93.219
6 / 0.00012142 / 2.090 / 96.835 / 0.00015238 / 2.742 / 94.574 / 0.00021889 / 2.662 / 95.881
7 / 0.00006587 / 1.134 / 97.968 / 0.00013457 / 2.421 / 96.996 / 0.00015176 / 1.846 / 97.727
8 / 0.00006116 / 1.053 / 99.021 / 0.00008657 / 1.558 / 98.553 / 0.00009854 / 1.198 / 98.925
9 / 0.00003521 / 0.606 / 99.627 / 0.00004953 / 0.891 / 99.445 / 0.00004803 / 0.584 / 99.509
10 / 0.00001187 / 0.204 / 99.831 / 0.00001816 / 0.327 / 99.771 / 0.00002641 / 0.321 / 99.831
11 / 0.00000661 / 0.114 / 99.945 / 0.00000724 / 0.130 / 99.902 / 0.00000732 / 0.089 / 99.920
12 / 0.00000159 / 0.027 / 99.973 / 0.00000285 / 0.051 / 99.953 / 0.00000313 / 0.038 / 99.958
13 / 0.00000120 / 0.021 / 99.993 / 0.00000178 / 0.032 / 99.985 / 0.00000229 / 0.028 / 99.986
14 / 0.00000040 / 0.007 / 100.000 / 0.00000084 / 0.015 / 100.000 / 0.00000117 / 0.014 / 100.000
ESM Table 3 Results of the permutation test of 1,000 replicates with Procrustes and Mahalanobis distances between groups for modern S. italica and B. ramosa caryopses before and after charring
Uncharred / CharredProcrustes distance / 0.09914316 / 0.06670446
Significance / <0.001 / <0.001
Mahalanobis distance / 4.0854 / 2.6807
Significance / <0.001 / <0.001
ESM Table 4 Results of the Discriminant Analysis on the Procrustes coordinates of charred modern S. italica and B. ramosa caryopses and archaeological specimens
Specimen / 1st group / Probability / 2nd group / ProbabilityArchaeological #1 / S. italica / 0.993 / B. ramosa / 0.007
Archaeological #2 / B. ramosa / 0.998 / S. italica / 0.002
Archaeological #3 / B. ramosa / 0.999 / S. italica / 0.001
Archaeological #4 / B. ramosa / 0.516 / S. italica / 0.484
Archaeological #5 / B. ramosa / 0.875 / S. italica / 0.125
Archaeological #6 / B. ramosa / 1.000 / S. italica / 0.000
Archaeological #7 / B. ramosa / 0.895 / S. italica / 0.105
Archaeological #8 / B. ramosa / 0.920 / S. italica / 0.080
Archaeological #9 / B. ramosa / 1.000 / S. italica / 0.000
Archaeological #10 / B. ramosa / 1.000 / S. italica / 0.000
Archaeological #11 / B. ramosa / 0.987 / S. italica / 0.013
Archaeological #12 / B. ramosa / 0.994 / S. italica / 0.006
Archaeological #13 / B. ramosa / 0.906 / S. italica / 0.094
Archaeological #14 / B. ramosa / 1.000 / S. italica / 0.000
Archaeological #15 / B. ramosa / 0.662 / S. italica / 0.338