279 Washington Avenue

Belleville, New Jersey 07109


Main Office: 973-532-5011

August 2017

Welcome 2017 – 2018 School Year

Dear Parent(s) / Guardian (s):

As the summer concludes, the Belleville Middle School faculty and staff eagerly await the arrival of your child(ren) on Thursday, September 7th, by 8:50 am for the first day of school and your arrival on Tuesday, September 12th from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm for Back-to-School Night.

We are committed to open lines of communication between the home and school. The following information should answer some of your questions regarding the Middle School:

Safety: In order to protect their well-being, students should

·  Cross streets only at intersections where there are crossing guards.

·  Use the sidewalks when on school grounds. Do NOT walk through school parking lots.

·  Not ride their bicycles nor skateboards to school nor on school property.

·  Know that they will NOT be admitted into the building until 8:40 am; therefore, students should not arrive earlier.

Enter the building: Bus students are as follows: 6th grade enters on High Street Door #3, 7th grade enters on High Street Door # 2, and 8th grade enters on High Street Door # 4. Walkers and Drop off students are: 6th grade enter on Holmes Street Door #5, 7th grade enters on Holmes Street Door # 7, and 8th grade enters on Washington Avenue Door #8.

Attendance: Students are expected to be present and on time every day that school is in session. To report your child’s absence, please call 973-532-5011 ext. 2003.

Lunch: Students may bring a bagged lunch or purchase lunch. At an extra cost, snacks can be purchased.

Uniforms: All students are required to wear the following: polo top / t-shirts with the BPS logo; khaki, navy, or black knee length skirts / walking shorts or pants (no leggings); and closed toe and closed heel shoes.

Photos: Throughout the year, photographs may be taken of your child, if you do not want these published on the website or in print, you must sign the enclosed Opt Out Form, return the form, and initial the Confirmation of Receipt Form.